The anime eqaution
I was sitting in my chair thinking pondering the mysterys of the universe when i came upon this startling fact. In almost all occasions (this site being a very rare exception keep in mind) that when anime and woman are put together that they produce ugly.

So who else has seen the equation (anime+woman=ugly) in action. I know i have, on more than one occasion (although i have met a really hot chick in real life who likes anime but again one of the few exceptions.)
Um, dude you do know that it's not just girls that that equation could become a generalization of. Many guys will fit right in as well. And that?s all I?m going to say, because I think plenty of people will be pissed about this topic, mainly girls. (Gets the hell out of Dodge)
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
Blight Wrote:Um, dude you do know that it's not just girls that that equation could become a generalization of. Many guys will fit right in as well. And that?s all I?m going to say, because I think plenty of people will be pissed about this topic, mainly girls. (Gets the hell out of Dodge)

Well i did mention the fact that the girls in this forum are pretty hot which is an exception to the equation. So why would they get pissed?
babyeater0 Wrote:Well i did mention the fact that the girls in this forum are pretty hot which is an exception to the equation. So why would they get pissed?

Let me teach you something. Girls don't like it when you say their ugly, but you will get a reaction just as negative by calling other girls ugly, even in this general sense. Think about the way you act around your girlfriend?s friends. You can't be cold to them and expect your girl to not get pissed; even if her friends face looks like the shaved ass of a pit bull. It's the same principle here.
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
hum... Rolleyes

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


I don't think there's a lot of hot people in real life anyway. When you walk down the street, how many people actually take your breath away because of how they look? Compare that number to the population and they are definately in the minority. Plus there aren't that many girls who are into anime. Going back to your point, yes, I have only met 4 people (3 guys and 1 girl) who I would describe as hot and into anime.

Blight, with my girlfriends, it's obvious which ones of them fall into the hot/pretty/not so good looking/ugly category. My general approach to this (if they can't help the way they look) is not mentioning the negatives, unless they ask for my opinion.
Blight Wrote:Let me teach you something. Girls don't like it when you say their ugly, but you will get a reaction just as negative by calling other girls ugly, even in this general sense. Think about the way you act around your girlfriend?s friends. You can't be cold to them and expect your girl to not get pissed; even if her friends face looks like the shaved ass of a pit bull. It's the same principle here.

LOL....That sounds about right..I have been in SIMILIAR situations recently too lol...I was at my friends house and his gf came with her friends and damn her friend looked look a pitbulls ass mixed with a baboon...Sometimes its next to impossible to resist the urge to say that because I usually do speak my mind lol...
[Image: IA.jpg]

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its hard to know ones "not so good looking" but atleast one knows ones not Ugly
but then grow ones hair and cover ones face Big Grin

OMG i aint got no aliby!!! Wink

*goes of to Toms Rhinoplasty*
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

Nina182B Wrote:I don't think there's a lot of hot people in real life anyway. When you walk down the street, how many people actually take your breath away because of how they look? Compare that number to the population and they are definately in the minority. Plus there aren't that many girls who are into anime. Going back to your point, yes, I have only met 4 people (3 guys and 1 girl) who I would describe as hot and into anime.

Blight, with my girlfriends, it's obvious which ones of them fall into the hot/pretty/not so good looking/ugly category. My general approach to this (if they can't help the way they look) is not mentioning the negatives, unless they ask for my opinion.

Man I really sounded like an ass. I?m really not as shallow as that comment made me sound, really. I don?t make comments about how someone looks unless they ask me, and then I have to tell the truth because people can just read my facial expressions and body language like a large print text. I can?t hide anything. But I just can?t be mean to someone just based on their looks either. I was more pointing out to BE the consequences of saying that kind of stuff, and didn?t do that great of a job.
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
Um, the only girl i've ever met that really knew what she was talking about when it came to anime was really hot. She also wanted to date me. I love my girlfriend and would never cheat on her... but damn I wish she liked anime more lol. Oh well, at least she tries to watch it with me. =P Kenshin is STILL the only series i've found that she likes.
I haven't met any ugly gals who liked anime but I bet there is bound to be some. Then again we all look the same with the lights out. Wink
tsunami Wrote:I haven't met any ugly gals who liked anime

Lucky bastard... my state is populated with them!
I havn't met any good looking guys or gals who like least those that I know of in USA.
Back home, :-0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
My bad Blight.. you didn't have to explain yourself. I re-read my post and I sounded mad at you for your comment but I really wasn't. I was actually agreeing with you that there are some people out there who look really scarey. Yeah, people would think you're shallow if you actually did say it out loud. But we all have eyes.. can't help but see that someone is hot/ugly.
Nina182B Wrote:My bad Blight.. you didn't have to explain yourself. I re-read my post and I sounded mad at you for your comment but I really wasn't. I was actually agreeing with you that there are some people out there who look really scarey. Yeah, people would think you're shallow if you actually did say it out loud. But we all have eyes.. can't help but see that someone is hot/ugly.

Hundreds in my school Sad are very scary looking *Shivers* LMAO
[Image: IA.jpg]

'The depths of my soul are rooted in dark thoughts. But than we all have darkness and light in us. If we are all light on the outside we are nothing but darkness underneath. There comes a time when the darkness must come to light.'
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