The reason to own a gamecube
Puppet Master Wrote:Ive got a PS2 and an X-Box and my X-Box is the one that usually collects dust only games I play is Fable...Damn X-Box didnt have enough bad invest me in my case blah...Gamecube would be a worse investment though...

No way what about X-men Legends the new Legend of Zelda game and the sequel to

Metroid Prime? There is also Starcraft Ghost (if that ever comes out). Seriously though

Gamecube will rise from the ashes just like the Legendary Phoenix and it will be the dawn

of a new age and peace shall be restored to the land. Though they better hurry up cause

they are making some bad decisions right now. When that day comes the X-box will be no


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[Image: ryo5il.jpg]
Ryo of Inferno...Taooo Jiiiinnn
judging that original RE4 was supposed to be released Q4 2004 on the gamecube and was delayed slightly, as with most capcom games of recent, id say the ps2 version will be out Q1 2006, plus the ps2 version is a different bulid of the gamecube version and is likely to be hugely inferior to that of the gamecube, theres no way that game, well what i see in demos, could run on a ps2.

also the poor sales that forced viewtiful joe and RE4 to be released on the ps2 were not the original gamecube releases but devil may cry 2, resident evil 0, chaos legion, breath of fire 5 and clock tower 3.

seriously, i hear some real shite points in the video games section of these forums!
see you space cowboy...
see i am the other way around. i play my gamecube all the time.. Xbox i more watch movies on since its modded so don't play games.. and Ps2 i still haven't unpacked yet since i have moved..
Ryo of Inferno Wrote:No way what about X-men Legends the new Legend of Zelda game and the sequel to

Metroid Prime? There is also Starcraft Ghost (if that ever comes out). Seriously though

Gamecube will rise from the ashes just like the Legendary Phoenix and it will be the dawn

of a new age and peace shall be restored to the land. Though they better hurry up cause

they are making some bad decisions right now. When that day comes the X-box will be no


This message has been bought to you by Nintendo and Sony Fanatics all over the world.

LOL...I have X-Men legends for PS2. Not really high on Metroid Prime or Zelda or any of those other games...That's just me though.
[Image: IA.jpg]

'The depths of my soul are rooted in dark thoughts. But than we all have darkness and light in us. If we are all light on the outside we are nothing but darkness underneath. There comes a time when the darkness must come to light.'
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Puppet Master Wrote:LOL...I have X-Men legends for PS2. Not really high on Metroid Prime or Zelda or any of those other games...That's just me though.

AHHHHHHHH X-Men Legends on PS2!!! BLAAASPHEMY!!!! Well guess its alright as long as

its not on X-box. If I find out its on X-box I just might go insane. Or become more insane

than I already am. You decide. Now if only they would make a Mr. T or an A-team game.

now that would rock.
[Image: ryo5il.jpg]
Ryo of Inferno...Taooo Jiiiinnn
Ryo of Inferno Wrote:AHHHHHHHH X-Men Legends on PS2!!! BLAAASPHEMY!!!! Well guess its alright as long as

its not on X-box. If I find out its on X-box I just might go insane. Or become more insane

than I already am. You decide. Now if only they would make a Mr. T or an A-team game.

now that would rock.

LOL They may make it for all 3 but PS2 is always #1 in my book no matter what game it is
[Image: IA.jpg]

'The depths of my soul are rooted in dark thoughts. But than we all have darkness and light in us. If we are all light on the outside we are nothing but darkness underneath. There comes a time when the darkness must come to light.'
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Puppet Master Wrote:LOL They may make it for all 3 but PS2 is always #1 in my book no matter what game it is


away... turning into hideous fusion of Sephiroth and Freakazoid. Sanity slowly slipping

away into nothingness....I must Succeed, to destroy the Earth with METEOR!!!
[Image: ryo5il.jpg]
Ryo of Inferno...Taooo Jiiiinnn
Ryo of Inferno Wrote:AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGHHHH!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Feel sanity sliipping

away... turning into hideous fusion of Sephiroth and Freakazoid. Sanity slowly slipping

away into nothingness....I must Succeed, to destroy the Earth with METEOR!!!

LMAO...I do know their making a second one too that will end up being on X-Box as well as usual...I really do hate Microsoft even though I use Windows XP and Own an X-Box DAMN THEM! :mad:
[Image: IA.jpg]

'The depths of my soul are rooted in dark thoughts. But than we all have darkness and light in us. If we are all light on the outside we are nothing but darkness underneath. There comes a time when the darkness must come to light.'
- Shinobu Sensui -

It is only when you refuse to give in with all your heart that you begin to transcend your humanity. - Alucard

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It's Baten Kaitos for me. I've got a PS2 and a GC and my GC has gotten less love as of late. The last good game I have played is Burnout 3 on PS2. My cousin rented it and we played the racing mode and hoo-boy that game has a sense of speed! The crashes are awesome and pulling a take down is really satisfying.
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
Puppet Master Wrote:LOL They may make it for all 3 but PS2 is always #1 in my book no matter what game it is

When games are out on all 3 systems I almost always get it on xbox. I have a ps2 and gamecube for the games that come out only on them. However i'm thinking about selling my gamecube. I'd sell my ps2 as well but then I couldn't play DDR. =/ If I could get a DDR on xbox i'd probably sell my ps2 as well.
Well I own all 3 and I like them all, I would never sell them. Ryo, you seem to be a bit biased there, grow up and get over yourself.

Oh I've also heard that RE4 is comming out on X-box too, not sure if its true but I'll give you a link if you want.
"The best way to a girls bed is trough her parents, have sex with them and your in for sure!" -- Zap Branigan
Ryujin Wrote:Well I own all 3 and I like them all, I would never sell them. Ryo, you seem to be a bit biased there, grow up and get over yourself.

Oh I've also heard that RE4 is comming out on X-box too, not sure if its true but I'll give you a link if you want.

Biased??? Who isn't biased about something? As for me I grew up with Nintendo. Sony is

ok as well. Still I feel Microsoft is butting into other peoples business. I'm sorry if I'm

passionate about my games. That is just how I am. Microsoft doing software is fine but

trying to put Nintendo out of the console business is just wrong in my book. It is true

Nintendo has been making bad decisions lately. I own botha cube and a PS2 but I will

never NEVER, I say own an X-Box. I'm sorry if you think I need to grow up but I've been

an electronic gamer my entire life. Now all I can do is pity Nintendo and stay loyal to that

great gaming empire. Though I do agree the competition is good for Nintendo still,

Microsoft??? I'm starting to ramble now so I'll just stop. Let me just say one more thing,

grow up and get over myself? Right, there is such a thing called passion and loyalty and

mine is mostly to Nintendo. Please understand that I was just expressing my views and

am a little passionate on this subject. Anyway that is all I have to say.
[Image: ryo5il.jpg]
Ryo of Inferno...Taooo Jiiiinnn
I felt the same way about the Dreamcast, I was loyal to Sega since the Master system, but man in the end, its whoever makes the better games or who has the better quality of games (not most) is who I'm going to stick with. I as well have all three systems, the one I play the least is PS2, just not that interested in their library. Best comic book podcast!!! Come and join in!
Hmm...true most people are biased in some form or another, but that is not the point here. Firstly nobody "owns" an industry just because they did things early or started something, I mean Nintendo tried to put Atari out of bussiness and they succeeded and Atari tried the same to those that came before it. But I don't hear you (or anyone for that matter) crying about Atari.

That is simple business practice, if a company has made bad decisions and a different compnay comes along offering a better product (techinally anyway), then why should the older company somehow get special treatment or preferentiality? Simply because its older? If Nintendo have made alot of bad decisions and can't sell games to gamers then they deserve to go out of business, its nobody's fault but Nintendo's. Sure it would be a loss to the games industry, but big deal, companies go bankrupt all the time. Now I'm not saying that is going to happen, or is happening right now, I'm just saying in general.

Also your views on M$ prove to me that you are not that well informed and jump on the popular opinion band wagon. You see, its not Microsoft but Sony who are currently monopolising the hardware market, and have been doing so for a number of years now, which is obvious to anyone who bothers to simply look around, the evidence is in plain sight. Yet, I don't see you cursing Sony, or the Playstation brand for "killing" your "beloved" Nintendo.

You see Microsoft may monopolise the operating system market, but that is totally different from console hardware. So from their PC image, you see Microsoft as some kind of evil faceless corporation tyrant who is out to take over the gaming market for themselves and wants to kill all competiton and take over your soul. But if thats how you view it, then seeing as Sony has the most popular machine, wouldn't they be the ones doing it?

As for monopolising the market, every company in the world wants to be the sole provider for their market, its common sense, more market = more money. So just as you have taken someone elses image of Microsoft from a different market and twisted it around into an evil tyrant bent on market domination, then you must also view Nintendo as the plucky underdog, fighting the good fight against the evil corporations, delivering the last bastion of "real" gaming for the remaining few "true" gamers who are smart enough to buy their console. And as we know, everyone loves an underdog.

But in reality, Nintendo is a fallen tyrant of old, by your logic anyway. In the 8-bit era they monopolised the gaming market, brought in countless illegal and under the table business practices, bringing in rules that any company that makes a game for their console can never EVER make ANY game for any other console, these practices were later found to be illegal by the High-Court as they breached fair trade and competition laws. Yet, I didn't see you, defender of justice, starting any anti-Nintendo campaigns. Hell, I bet you didn't even know about any of this.

And yet you claim to be "loyal" to a company that you don't even know anything about really. I mean why have this misplaced loyalty to a company that just wants your money? like all companies. Nintendo doesn't care about you, your family, your likes and dislikes, all they care about is your money, like any other company. What do you think your loyalty will be somehow rewarded? will they suddenly give you a job for it? will they pey your rent when you really need it? will they pay your hospital bills and find you a girlfriend? No, nothing like that. so why be loyal to an organisiation that just wants your money?

I mean are you "loyal" to the company you buy lightbulbs from? and say "I love these lightbulbs, but I hate Lightbulb company B, they are evil and want to take over the market". Do you see people argueing over what lightbulb is best in a playground-esque days of the console wars style? no. Nor do you care who supplies your electricity, water, gas etc.. I don't see anyone with any particularly strong feelings one way or the other towards their electric company.

So having "loyalty" to a console/company and disliking another for the sole reason that it is not the one your loyal to is just stupid, and which is why I said "grow up and get over yourself" because it shows a very childish, immature and narrow-minded mentality on your part. Having loyalty to anyone or anything that just wants your money is stupid. Would you be loyal to your local con-man and not get conned by anyone else just because he knocked on your door first?.

So in conclusion, to have preferences is one thing, everyone does, there is nothing wrong with that, its just having an opinion. But to have a pre-decided like or dislike of something without knowing much about it at all, and without leaving any room that you could be wrong or simply judging things as they come, for no seriously valid reason. This is to be biased, and this is what I dislike about the games industry, the Nintendo breed of fanboy is especially bad, probably the worst around, and to be honest it pisses off non-biased people like myself who constantly have to defend things and try and make people see things as they are.
"The best way to a girls bed is trough her parents, have sex with them and your in for sure!" -- Zap Branigan
I like the games on the Gamecube the most and thats the system i perfer to have the most. What i hate about Microsoft is that they are one of the few companies that can steadliy make a major loss in something and stick with it. Considering they have admited that they would never make a profit off the Xbox but they can keep around and are making Xbox 2. Not alot of companies can do that. Also i don't care for Microsoft because just converted a pc into a small console and made it run Win2k kernel using DirectX . nothing Innovating like what Atari, Sega, Nintendo and Sony have done in the past. Thats just my view on it.

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