The next four years
Well bush is now a two term president and it seems god has completly turned his back on us. So is it just me or who thinks we are in for a helluva 4 years, I know we won't be in the UN for much longer!
Screw the UN.

You're right. It's gonna be a helluva 4 years for you poor dems. America has spoken. YOU are in the minority. You can either join us in building an even greater country and sit and cry about it like the people at the democratic underground. (actually, many of them are threatening violence and blood...) That's another reason I don't like democrats, while there are many good hearted moral democrats that seem to really care (Zagatto) there are 10x more that are filth that this country would do better without.
[QUOTE=Cidien]Screw the UN.[QUOTE]
how can you say that? the world needs order. as responsible nations we need to come together and work out a global issue in a global council. we were such a huge part of the un until bush came along and decided to do whatever he wanted. doing that is acting like a tyrant and a hypocrite. if we chose to ignore the un we should have been punished like anyone else, like the countries we have punished.
uno...dos...tres...el shoompo
Cidien Wrote:Screw the UN.

how can you say that? the world needs order. as responsible nations we need to come together and work out a global issue in a global council. we were such a huge part of the un until bush came along and decided to do whatever he wanted. doing that is acting like a tyrant and a hypocrite. if we chose to ignore the un we should have been punished like anyone else, like the countries we have punished.
uno...dos...tres...el shoompo
HJ... don't feel bad.
Based on Cidien's posts I've come to the conclusion that he has a limited sense of social welfare and believes that might makes right more often than not.

With his concepts of giving the military the right to vote at a younger age than the general populace and not wanting to participate with other countries to solve world problems I have come to the conclusion that the only common ground Cidien and I have is anime and the belief that people should vote based on their beliefs and an understanding of what the political party they are voting for represents.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
Alright, here's what I mean when I say screw the UN.

Either those found to be full or corruption need to be punished severely or we need to leave the UN and start another organization and do our best to help people and keep it corruption free.

I'm not a cold hearted person. I feel stronger than most people that we should help people in other parts of the world. Funny thing is, many of you people that support the UN and helping people don't supports freeing the millions of people in Iraq from Saddam.
"until bush came along and decided to do whatever he wanted."

Actually, what Bush did was enforce the UN resolutions. Sure, maybe they didn't say "we will go to war if you choose to ignore this 50 millionth resolution we're giving you", but the UN sure as hell wasn't going to do ANYTHING. Again, my problems with UN corruption come into play here...
[QUOTE=Cidien](actually, many of them are threatening violence and blood...)

Blood and violence eh. Just were did you get this filth from, my guess would definatly be online but I will wait for your reply.

Ohh and by the way because of John kerrys loss i shall murder every conservative man and woman and line their body's across the streets of D.C. lmfao!
As long as I dont get drafted, Im good. I heard that if someone has a bad back that they cant get drafted, is that true??
-spike- Wrote:As long as I dont get drafted, Im good. I heard that if someone has a bad back that they cant get drafted, is that true??

I wouldn't count on not being drafted.
-spike- Wrote:As long as I dont get drafted, Im good. I heard that if someone has a bad back that they cant get drafted, is that true??

Yes, that's true. There are a lot of things that can get you outta the military draft. I could get out because of my migranes. However, if our military were in such desperate need of men they invoked the draft I would sign up immediately.

No, Bush will not invoke the draft. The ONLY two people in the senate to support the draft were two democrats....
babyeater0 Wrote:I wouldn't count on not being drafted.
Well, i found out a while back that im missing part of the musle in the lower part of my back, thats why I was asking about not being drafted if someone has back problems.
Well if you ever had any injury at all (in the past like say a broken arm) and know how to play the system then you could easily get out of the draft. I believe rush got out of it by claiming he had a large sist that would impose on his fighting skills or something of the sorts.
babyeater0 Wrote:[QUOTE=Cidien](actually, many of them are threatening violence and blood...)

Blood and violence eh. Just were did you get this filth from, my guess would definatly be online but I will wait for your reply.

Ohh and by the way because of John kerrys loss i shall murder every conservative man and woman and line their body's across the streets of D.C. lmfao!

You live in dc? That explains a lot....

Yes, that's from online. Now, lets see you show me a republican board with similar threats......
That muscle definatly qualifys

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