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vegeta76 Wrote:plus, how the hell do u deal with living in a fucked up home? i cant really blame my friend for what he does, cause compared to the rest of his family, hes a pretty amazing guy.
anywho... thats just what i think :confused:
btw: how do u know all that stuff about the brain????
You deal, somehow you deal. My parents got divorced when I was still a baby, on account of that I didn't see my father very often and when I was 7 he moved to Angola where he has lived ever since. So basically it's like I don't have a father. It really isn't as bad as it sounds because I believe you can't miss what you've never had so...
I lived with my mother until I was 9 but because she brutally spanked me and treated me like a slave I was taken away from her by a court order and went to live with my grandmother.
So you see, I understand perfectly what you mean when you ask "how the hell do u deal with living in a fucked up home" but the truth is you deal. Some people turn to drugs others don't, I still think taking the easy way out is a sign of weakness.
By the way, I know all of that about the brain because I watch a lot of documentaries on tv, I also read a lot and do research about stuff like that, it's something that's always interested me.
rav96 Wrote:but ultimately its what makes you stronger but then maybe even cold... its hard reopening yourself up to vunerability then being stabbed many a times..."TRUE FRIENDS STAB YOU IN THE FRONT" remember that people. its hard to have your self esteem up even if you show it as a front..where most peole think yeah this kids got it good and is self confident..little do they know its mainly a front and they cant open up to people nowwaday as the guard has become so high..when you finally do... its gonna be hard and a mentally unstable ride...thats when you wake up one morning and realise youve turned iinto a freaken EMO kid :p
What you mentioned about the guard becoming very high is indeed true. It's like you built these high walls around you and hardly anybody can get in anymore. Despite that I can definitely say I'm not a freaken EMO, and I'm very stable at the moment. It's not like I was ever unstable, I'm a bit of a control freak so I don't usually let my emotions run high. I do have somewhat of a bad temper but who doesn't?
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Well everyone here has good points and mostly I agree with everyone that yes kids do
need to be spanked. Even I was raised this way, though the only ways i got spanked were
with bare hands or a belt. I also agree that there does need to be a balance as just hitting
and abusing kids is wrong. A child does not need to be spanked all the time however as I
believe there has to be degrees of punishment. A grounding or a time out may sometime
work although doing that all the time won't do it. Also you can't do it and not tell the kid
what they did wrong because otherwise they won't know. I also agree that sometimes
psychological stuff works and it does. I believe that in many ways I was like rav96 except
for getting straight A's. Its true I got A's but I got alt least one B in the mix. So A's and
B's were my usual in grade school. I guess what I'm trying to say is sometimes a slap on
the wrist is good enough, sometimes a spanking is needed. Sometimes maybe even a
medium like grounding. Just like there are strong willed and weak willed people there are
different ways to discipline. It all depends on the child and other factors as you can
sometimes do too much or too little to even none at all.
Ryo of Inferno...Taooo Jiiiinnn
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Andromeda18_: well everyone has their own opinion, and i respect that.
and as for the part about the temper lol. i totally agree. anyone can get anyone pissed off. they just have to push the right buttons. ... unfortunatley my buttons get pressed REALY easily. but maybe that just has to do with all the stuff u mentioned about the brain lol.  jk
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vegeta76 Wrote:Andromeda18_: well everyone has their own opinion, and i respect that.
and as for the part about the temper lol. i totally agree. anyone can get anyone pissed off. they just have to push the right buttons. ... unfortunatley my buttons get pressed REALY easily. but maybe that just has to do with all the stuff u mentioned about the brain lol. jk
Knew I forgot to adress something important. Ah well and I agree with the temper as well.
Knew I made the other one too short. Oh well.
Ryo of Inferno...Taooo Jiiiinnn
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meh. im shure ull survive :p
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I tried reading all of this thread, I really did. But I still ended up zoning out for part of it.
I don't know about hitting a kid. There are other things you cna do to hurt them. Take away TV, take away internet, take away money. Hell, if I had a kid and he started disrespecting me, you think he's getting any food from me? They will learn respect.
I have a brother whose 13-14 years younger than me. He's 15 now, but he's very well behaved and has never ever spoken back to me. I taught him at a young age who was boss and as a kid, he'd actually listen to me more than he did to our parents. I never raised a hand to the kid or hurt him in anyway. But he knew that it's better to be on my good side than my bad side.
I agree with Andromeda that drugs/alcohol is the easy way out and is a sign of weakness. That means you weren't mentally tough enough to deal with problems on your own.
I also agree with Rav that you do end up putting up a wall and keep people out. Look at me. You think there's anyway anyone's hurting my feelings? There are very few people in this world who can make me sad or depressed by any of their actions. Hell, I've never even cried over the death of any family member. Although granted it was stuff like uncles and grandparents and not immediate family members.
Actually, I had a friend of mine who died when I was a sophomore in college because his car flipped going around this curve and one of car pillars caved his head in. Rather than being depressed about it, I went out a little while later on at night to see if I could make it around the same curve at the same speed he was doing.
Although, I should tell you that I am not capable of epmathy/sympathy for others. A friend of mine didn't believe me, so she made me take this test and sure enough, I passed with flying colors. I might feel sorry for little kids, but that's about it. Anything that happens to any grown up . . . you'll get no reaction from me.
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Vicious, I completely agree that there are other ways of punishing kids instead of
hitting,slapping or beating their children.Like takeing away privilages as in talking on the
plone,money,no hanging with their friends after school and telling them to go to there
room until they respectually and sincerally apoligise.I believe kids can grow up with
respect.Parent need to create an enviroment that allows them to grow up well.but I also
agree that now a days parents are busy at work and have no time for there kids too.I
think Adults need to wait to have kids untill they are ready and can teach them and raise
them right before they have kids. I am 18 and use no bad language what so ever.I have
never been grounded or hit or really punished by my parents ever.I have never
smoked,drunk,or have done any drugs eaither. I have noticed that almost all teens
these days are so out of line.I have know idea how they have gotten so bad.My mom runs
a home scool tutoring place.and I have come to believe that just about all teens are that
way no a days the horrible attitudes and unrespectfulness that they show.That makes me
quite sad accutally bacause there are very few that I can talk to and hang out with for all
the reasons above our personalities just don't mesh well.This is just a bit at how I look at
things. :o Thank you ever so very much for listening. ^_^ *giggles* :p
![[Image: Here.png]](
Illiusions are everywhere.............. :eek:
Mr.Morning has a grudge going.Mr.Day always seems to fly away.Mr.Night kisses goodnight.but Mr.Dream always makes you scream..but though that is the way of your day.Mr.Days is always guideing your ways.
Always guideing your Days always guideing your ways.I'll be with you my Mr.Day.
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Andromeda18_ Wrote:Despite that I can definitely say I'm not a freaken EMO, and I'm very stable at the moment. It's not like I was ever unstable, I'm a bit of a control freak so I don't usually let my emotions run high. I do have somewhat of a bad temper but who doesn't?
who said i was talking about you :p
im the fricken EMO kid... in a punk sense 
ive been pretty unstable latley but noone realises it in real life
coz i cover it well..years of bottle up practice and having a wit
but lately ive been able to vent alot coz the Net so ive let myself to feel
High Walls indeed..but breaking them down is where the Emo comes
Theres the...
Wrong way
Right way
then the...
Rav way!
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rav96 Wrote:who said i was talking about you :p
im the fricken EMO kid... in a punk sense 
ive been pretty unstable latley but noone realises it in real life
coz i cover it well..years of bottle up practice and having a wit
but lately ive been able to vent alot coz the Net so ive let myself to feel
High Walls indeed..but breaking them down is where the Emo comes
Wow kind of reminds me of a Jon Bon Jovi song called, Shot Through the Heart.
Ryo of Inferno...Taooo Jiiiinnn
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Vicious Wrote:I don't know about hitting a kid. There are other things you cna do to hurt them. Take away TV, take away internet, take away money. Hell, if I had a kid and he started disrespecting me, you think he's getting any food from me? They will learn respect.
My thoughts exactly. Kids are nothing but spoiled nowadays.
Vicious Wrote:Actually, I had a friend of mine who died when I was a sophomore in college because his car flipped going around this curve and one of car pillars caved his head in. Rather than being depressed about it, I went out a little while later on at night to see if I could make it around the same curve at the same speed he was doing.
You're crazy, did you know that?
Vicious Wrote:Although, I should tell you that I am not capable of epmathy/sympathy for others. A friend of mine didn't believe me, so she made me take this test and sure enough, I passed with flying colors. I might feel sorry for little kids, but that's about it. Anything that happens to any grown up . . . you'll get no reaction from me.
You know what they say, 'evil is the absolute lack of empathy'. But, I don't think you're evil, not that I know you well but from what I've seen so far you're definitely not evil. Besides, I can relate to that, although I'm a bit more complicated/weird. I can turn my emotions on and off anytime I please. I can put myself in other people's shoes and feel their pain just as easily as I can totally not care, it really depends if I'm in the right mood or not.
rav96 Wrote:who said i was talking about you :p
I didn't. :p
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Ryo of Inferno Wrote:Wow kind of reminds me of a Jon Bon Jovi song called, Shot Through the Heart.
w0ot TRIO!!!
Theres the...
Wrong way
Right way
then the...
Rav way!
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Ka-Talliya Wrote:You know, I noticed this when I was back in High School...and it's only gotten worse since. What's with kids these days?? Too much TV and caffine and not enough ass whooping...
They are totally rude and inconsiderate...not to mention slightly ignorant. I remember adults talking that way about my generation...and I suppose these kids are my generation...but WTF!!
If my daughter ever, EVER said half the shit I hear these Teens saying, I'd send her packing for COLD, ISOLATED New Hampshire to live with her grandfather, the "field marshell".
This isn't to say they are all like that, but about 90% seem to be affected. Even our brand new Troops coming into the AF are rude and stupid.
I think perhaps it is because they have learned there is no reprocussion for this behavior. Growing up, we got whooped if we stepped out of, they give you paperwork...whoop-dee do. Maybe it's something deeper, maybe these kids are intimidated or have no confidence in they make it seem like they are bad MOFOs to cover up all that shit. I know that's the way it is with a lot of people, they act all arrogant, so that you wouldn't even think they were insecure.
I'm just sick of 13-19 year olds tell me that I had better respect them. I'm sick of the 12 year old girls wearing super mini skirts and thinking they look cool, when they just look like a 12 year old hooker.
BRING BACK SPANKING!!!!! Holy goodness, that's what's wrong with kids these days!!! They need to be whooped. Just because some doctor said that spanking is bad and it's wrong, we all seem to feel the need to agree and not discipline the kiddies.
Look, if you have a problem child, send him to the Marines...cause I'm dealing with enough of them in the AF!!!
Thank you and goodnight
I've been a bad baddd boyyyy. Maybe you need to give me a spanking
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rav96 Wrote:ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
w0ot TRIO!!!
Really? How So?
Ryo of Inferno...Taooo Jiiiinnn
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hmmm.... interesting how this thread is quickly turning into something about rav96's music. oh and vicious: interesting how ur friend died and u tried to do the same thing that got him killed... there seem to be some pretty interesting people on these forums....
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vegeta76 Wrote:oh and vicious: interesting how ur friend died and u tried to do the same thing that got him killed....
Well, I saw it as a challenge. There is no way that his car should have flipped there. Supposedly his tires hit some rocks and he lost control. What's even weirder is that he was racing his gf when this happened. There were 4 guys in his mustang, and he was the only one wearing a seatbelt and the only one who got killed.