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I am currently working on a paper for my college english class. I just wanted to get some feed bad from you guys to see if I sould change anything and get some comments you have. Please let me know if you see anything at all that could imporve the paper.
Why not to vote for Bush
Jacob Fieth
Written and Oral Communications
September 29, 2004
As an American citizen, everyone should vote. If you choose not to vote, that is your prerogative. Americans, who do not vote, have no right to complain about how this country is run.
This will be my first time voting in an election, and deciding on a president is a really tough decision. Senator Kerry seems to have a better plan as to how to deal with the war in Iraq. He claims that he does not support a draft but presidents have lied to the American people in the past. He seems to say whatever he thinks people want to hear.
John Kerry may not be much better than George Bush; however, George Bush should not be reelected. He started a war in Iraq that has killed thousands of Iraqi civilians and American soldiers. On top of that, we went into Iraq without help from the U.N. There was only one purpose for this war and that is oil. Bush used Sadam as a cover so that he could control the oil industry for the companies in which he has a financial interest.
One of the major reasons Bush attacked Iraq was because the United States found evidence that Iraq were building nuclear weapons. A fact which was later proven false. Why not attack China; we know for a fact that they have nuclear weapons. The reason we did not attack them, no oil. If China provided a great amount of the United States oil, I am sure that Bush would have no problem attacking China, also.
Why is it that other countries around the world are prevented from having nuclear weapons? It is so no other countries can oppose us, the Untied States, the country that has the most nuclear weapons in the entire world.
Senator John Kerry says that if President George Bush is reelected he will start the draft. President Bush denies this accusation, but has nothing to back it up. There is no reason to start a draft, we have thousands of people who just came back from Iraq and who have volunteered to fight, why not send them instead of drafting people? I, for one, will not fight a war that I believe we are fighting for the wrong reasons. There has not been a draft since the Vietnam War, a war where hundreds of thousands of people were killed. There has not been near as many deaths in this war, so why do we need a draft?
President Bush has proposed to open A.N.W.R (Alaska Natural Wildlife Refuge), so oil companies can drill for oil in a national park. President Bush has no respect for nature. He has never lived in Alaska nor has he ever been there. If you have never seen the beauty of such a place, how can you determine what is good for that state. Opening A.NW.R. would destroy the natural habitat for many species of animals as well as the land that is supposed to be protected.
Nature is not the only thing President bush has a problem killing. During his five years as Governor of Texas the state executed one hundred and thirty one prisoners, the most of any state in the country. If he has so little problem with killing the things that his god supposedly created then why would he care what happened to this country, let alone the rest of the world.
Not only is Bush wasting the American taxpayers money, he has also killed thousands of people that should not have been killed. He only thinks of oil when he does anything, and makes up lies to cover for his true intentions. I will not be voting for George Bush when it comes to election time.
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I am sure I am going to get crap for this, but I am voting for Bush. As much as you distrust Bush, I distrust Kerry. I think it is really easy for Kerry to walk up and talk tough about all this stuff when his 20 year record as a senator backs up NONE of his campaign ideas and promises. I think it is total bull crap that Bush will start up a draft. I mean think about it, reinstating the draft would be political SUICIDE for Bush. There is NO WAY any president wants to be the one who starts up a draft. All this talk Kerry is talking about the draft is nothing more than a scare tactic. He is playing on the fears of young voters by making them think that if Bush wins, they will have to go to war. Total garbage. The president knows that an army of well trained and willing volunteers is a billion times better than an army of quickly trained scrubs who don't want to be there. You say Bush has nothing to back up his claim, but does Kerry have proof that they will start a draft? Did you know that the bill introduced this year in Congress that was for reinstating the draft was sponsored by Charley Rangel who is a Democrat? Of course he did it as more of a political statement, but when they voted on it it was resoundly defeated and only 2 people voted for it. 2 Democrats. Senator Rangel was upset because he didn't think the vote would be called up so fast and he was upset they actually voted on his 'political statement bill'. It is all a scare tactic from some of the Democratic party and apparently from your feelings it is working...
People also complain about how Bush has cut funding for his education programs, but what people fail to realize is that Bush has funded education MORE than any other president in recent history. As an educator I see no ill effects from his programs, in fact we have money like crazy for us to put to use in our school, so go figure...
And talk about taxes? I made less than 30k last year and in addition to not having to pay much in taxes (child tax credit) I also got two of those $400 tax surplus checks that Bush promised AND delivered on. I like having my money and I don't trust a person with Kerry's record on taxes to let me keep my money the way Bush did.
But, all this shows is that Bush has convinced me he is the man for the job. Kerry hasn't. I don't trust Kerry will deliver on what he promises.
I guess if your main concern is if there will be a draft then you shouldn't worry. You could vote for Kerry or Bush and there would never be a draft. And if you like what Kerry stands for then you should vote for him. I am a more conservative person and Kerry and I disagree on a lot of things and that is why I am voting for Bush.
So, I don't know if that helped or not... :p Either way, I do hope you get a good grade. If I was YOUR teacher, I'd just want you to have as many facts as possible taken from non-partisian sources to back up your claims. take care.
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10-18-2004, 08:43 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-18-2004, 08:46 PM by -spike-.)
Rarnom, I do have sorces, I just havnt put them into my paper yet. I did say i wasnt done. This is also a persasive paper, we had a couple choices for a subject and I chose why not to vote for bush.
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-spike- Wrote:Rarnom, I do have sorces, I just havnt put them into my paper yet. I did say i wasnt done. This is also a persasive paper, we had a couple choices for a subject and I chose why not to vote for bush. I think the only thing I want to know is how Kerry knows Bush will bring back the draft.
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rarnom Wrote:I think the only thing I want to know is how Kerry knows Bush will bring back the draft.
He doesnt, thats just his claim against bush. I think bush would bring back the draft because all the other countires that could help us hate bush now. But Kerry might be able to get help from other countires because hes a diffrent guy. Kerry might be able to work out some deals and get some troops to help i Iraq.
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I understand your point of view and with me I agree that other countries hate us, but those countries have also said that even with a different president they don't plan on joining up with us.
Just to be fair let's talk about a scare tactic that the Republicans use. They always say that Kerry will raise taxes on the middle class and even though Kerry has promised that he won't, they still hammer away on that. What do I think? I acutally believe Kerry won't raise my taxes. I think that there are a lot of things that are said and used right before an election to scare people and it is most important to just rely on what you believe in your gut and what your values are. I really hope I haven't offended you because that wasn't my intention, politics can be so lame in the way it makes people mad and I just say stick with what you believe.
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rarnom Wrote:I understand your point of view and with me I agree that other countries hate us, but those countries have also said that even with a different president they don't plan on joining up with us.
Just to be fair let's talk about a scare tactic that the Republicans use. They always say that Kerry will raise taxes on the middle class and even though Kerry has promised that he won't, they still hammer away on that. What do I think? I acutally believe Kerry won't raise my taxes. I think that there are a lot of things that are said and used right before an election to scare people and it is most important to just rely on what you believe in your gut and what your values are. I really hope I haven't offended you because that wasn't my intention, politics can be so lame in the way it makes people mad and I just say stick with what you believe.
LOL, no you havnt offened me at all. I like to hear other opinions. Im not sure about the taxes. I dont really believe half the stuff peolpe running for president say because they just say it to get elected. I dont really like kerry, I just think hes the lesser of two evils.
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-spike- Wrote:LOL, no you havnt offened me at all. I like to hear other opinions. Im not sure about the taxes. I dont really believe half the stuff peolpe running for president say because they just say it to get elected. I dont really like kerry, I just think hes the lesser of two evils. Cool.  And I do really hope you get a good grade. take care.
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-spike- Wrote:LOL, no you havnt offened me at all. I like to hear other opinions. Im not sure about the taxes. I dont really believe half the stuff peolpe running for president say because they just say it to get elected. I dont really like kerry, I just think hes the lesser of two evils.
That's what disappointed me in the last election we had in my country. It was the first election in which I really kept track of the different ideas the various parties presented and I watched all the debates. They all promise so much but when they are actually elected all promises go down the drain and its all about money. All that's important is keeping the budget in check. There's no money for all the promises made so they wont be kept. That's something you will probably notice for the first time now Spike since this is your first election. You'll probably will be real disappointed with whoever gets elected because there are always alot of promises that can't be kept because of lack of funding.
As for the election. I think Bush has proven to be a bad leader by making the world hate the US and this will spawn more terrorist attacks instead of preventing them. Kerry might not be perfect but atleast he still has a chance to make things better with the rest of the world. He can't screw up more than Bush IMO with regards to foreign politics.
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10-19-2004, 04:50 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-19-2004, 04:52 AM by Puppet Master.)
Nice job...I can't stand Bush either personally...This will also be my first year of voting[Elections on my Birthday]...It is true that the world hates us and ever since Bush got in we have had a lot of problems in this country which has lead me to ask a lot of questions since they happened...You did do a good job once again on that paper...
The reason for spite of Bush is as you stated that hes wasted a lot more money than i want to know to get and feed his own ego because his old man didnt get Sadaam...The needless sacrifice of human life needs to stop and your paper has shown all of that for what it is IMO...
But for me it's the fact that he intends to close down the railroads because it will have negative effects on some people financially INCLUDING my family because my old man works at Union Station as a Police Officer...
BTW if you write more for your paper post it I would like to read it and keep up the good work. Also Rarnom it is good to see opinions on both sides to me as well...
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For me when it really comes down to it, I don't want to see another 4 years of Bush. How he misleads the US public with the grin his face, turned tradional allies against us, and as far as the draft he has commented saying "we have to consider all options in the battle against terrorism in the next four years" in a recent speach. On the flip side Kerry really hasent done really all that much to make me embrace him as a candidate. I really do not like the idea of Bush another four years but I think it is going to be a long four years no matter which one we elect
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Im not an American so i'm probably less informed but how can anyone vote for Bush again? Rarnom you mention taxes but I'd sooner pay more taxes then have more people pointlessly killed around the world. Bush is seriously disturbed and is the last person that should be running a country (although with him its more like running the world)... America was hated before the war so what does he do? Makes more people hate him.
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Thanks for the comments guys. I have to turn the paper in on friday so ill post it again when its completely done.
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gubi-gubi Wrote:Im not an American so i'm probably less informed but how can anyone vote for Bush again? Rarnom you mention taxes but I'd sooner pay more taxes then have more people pointlessly killed around the world. Bush is seriously disturbed and is the last person that should be running a country (although with him its more like running the world)... America was hated before the war so what does he do? Makes more people hate him.
I understand your point, but also take into consideration this: Many Presidents have taken our country into military conflicts. Remember when Clinton tried to oust Slobodan Milosovich? He busted in there and bombed Christian Serbs on behalf of Muslim Albanian terrorists. He also promised that at the time of the conflict that he'd have the troops out within a year and he didn't deliver on that promise. What made that even more outrageous was that he did that during his impeachment hearings which further looked pretty bad. Still, he has not come under any where near the level of scrutiny that Bush has. I call that a double standard.
But, also I am not like a big avid supporter of the Iraq war. I feel that there is a lot about the war that is not understood and confused and blurred by both sides in their attempts to discredit the other. I haven't taken a firm stance either way becuase I am NO WAY going to trust a person like Mike Moore to tell me the 'truth' about anything. Same goes for any right wing bomb thrower. Both sides have their extreme talking heads and the both lie to get people scared or angry and they all lie a lot.
And in regards to taxes, when I was 20 and a student I also didn't care a whole lot about taxes. But now that I am older, have a house, a family, and a regular job, I care a lot more about how much I bring home at the end of the month. I think no matter who is in office that people will be pointlessly killed. I think that even with John Kerry in office that people will still get killed. Crap will still happen. If the difference then is more money in my pocket and lower interest rates on my mortgage(which have been the lowest in a LONG time, 5.3% as compared to at least 12% under Clinton) then that is who I vote for.
And I voted yesterday so there it is too late to change my mind... :p (We use a mail-in ballot in Oregon)
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rarnom Wrote:And I voted yesterday so there it is too late to change my mind... :p (We use a mail-in ballot in Oregon)
Didnt know that...
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