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"I guess if your main concern is if there will be a draft then you shouldn't worry. You could vote for Kerry or Bush and there would never be a draft. And if you like what Kerry stands for then you should vote for him. I am a more conservative person and Kerry and I disagree on a lot of things and that is why I am voting for Bush."
What does Kerry stand for other than raising taxes? lol. Kerry says Bush will bring back the draft because he knows people will believe him. Just like Kerry blames Bush for high gas prices even though he knows Bush has nothing to do with the gas prices. Kerry knows Bush will not bring back the draft, he intentionally lies to deceive stupid people. Unfortunately, i've found way too many people that believe Kerry in my discussions. =/
"Just to be fair let's talk about a scare tactic that the Republicans use. They always say that Kerry will raise taxes on the middle class and even though Kerry has promised that he won't, they still hammer away on that. What do I think?"
It's possible he will deliver what he promises, but I don't believe him. The man promises way more than he can deliver and judging from his past voting records I think this is just one more thing Kerry lies about. But, I could be wrong. (Anyone else think Kerry was a retard for his comment in the debates that only he, president Bush and whatever the other guys name was would be the only ones affected by an increase on the rich in the room? What an ass. Don't think he realizes he offended a very large crowd in that room. $200,000 a year really isn't that much when you consider it family income. I don't make that much, but a lot of people do.
"That's what disappointed me in the last election we had in my country. It was the first election in which I really kept track of the different ideas the various parties presented and I watched all the debates. They all promise so much but when they are actually elected all promises go down the drain and its all about money."
Bush doesn't deliver on everything but he's quite realistic with what he promises, unlike Kerry who promises everything from higher minimum wage to better world opinion. I wish Bush could comment on other countries like France and point out exactly why we couldn't get them on our side for the Iraq war, but he can't because he's working to get France and other countries back on our side. (for what reason I have no idea, I saw screw the greedy bastards)
"As for the election. I think Bush has proven to be a bad leader by making the world hate the US and this will spawn more terrorist attacks instead of preventing them. Kerry might not be perfect but atleast he still has a chance to make things better with the rest of the world. He can't screw up more than Bush IMO with regards to foreign politics."
People hated us before Bush was in office. The only reason there are more terrorist attacks is because we are threatening their very existance. If you back a wolf into a corner he will bite back with everything he has.
Spike, even though I don't like what your paper says much, if you are writing a paper for Kerry take out any lines that are negative about him. For example, you state that you don't like Kerry either very much. If you are writing a persuasive paper then your teacher won't like that very much, you should be convincing in your arguements, even if they are weak arguements.
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Well, we cancelled each other out (Though it won't matter since we don't elect our Presidents), but i voted for Kerry last week. Absentee Ballot.
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gohan32 Wrote:Well, we cancelled each other out (Though it won't matter since we don't elect our Presidents), but i voted for Kerry last week. Absentee Ballot. I just got mine in the mail yesterday, I still need to fill it out.
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Quote:Bush doesn't deliver on everything but he's quite realistic with what he promises, unlike Kerry who promises everything from higher minimum wage to better world opinion. I wish Bush could comment on other countries like France and point out exactly why we couldn't get them on our side for the Iraq war, but he can't because he's working to get France and other countries back on our side. (for what reason I have no idea, I saw screw the greedy bastards)
France didn't join you because they didn't believe 1. Iraq had WMD 2. Iraq was a threat. Both of which I agree. You think its because France has financiel stakes in the region if I'm correct. You say that's the reason France didn't join the coalition, I say money is one of the reasons the US went there in the first place.
Have you ever been to France? If not then please don't call them greedy. They're lazy but not greedy  . And you don't understand why France needs to get good relations with the US again? Same reason as every country. I think the most important thing for the future is to set aside our differences and work together on as many levels as possible and Bush seems to want the opposite with his arogant, we are better than anyone attitude. Think about if Putin said "you are either with us or against us" and all those other comments Bush made making it seem like he's king of the world. I bet you wouldn't like Russia much then. I really don't understand how you can wave the hate against the US Bush created so easily when there was so much sympathy after 911. I see it as a clear example of bad leadership. I would be so ashamed for my president. I would have expected US citizens to set things right but it seems a very real posibility now that we'll get 4 more years of the same.
Quote:People hated us before Bush was in office. The only reason there are more terrorist attacks is because we are threatening their very existance. If you back a wolf into a corner he will bite back with everything he has.
I agree you were hated by some before Bush. What I'm amazed about is what happend after 911 compared to now. After 911 the whole world was on the side of the US. I think sympathy for the US was never bigger. If Iraq hadn't happened the US would still have the support it had after 911. All those countries would be much more prepared to fight the war on terror. This is the single biggest flaw in the Bush administration, making the world hate you more. This way you'll never ever defeat extremist muslims since its not a country or group of people you can attack and kill (as your candidates,both, repeat over and over) but its an idea, an state of mind, which was fueled by your president.
Cidien: Don't you agree that the war in Iraq was not good for the war on terror? That it probably created terrorist instead of getting rid of them and America isn't safer now? (BTW, thanks for showing your an inteligent voter by showing that you don't agree with everything Bush in that other thread).
One last thing is the voting record that keeps being used in the Bush campain. I'm not sure about this but the way I understand it is when Bush says he voted against (insert subject) 250 times, those are 250 times out of 500. Bush never mentiones those 250 times he voted for. Its very easy to say he voted for taxes xx times when you don't have time to explain which taxes and why the vote was made. I hope people can see through this scare tactic by Bush.
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gohan32 Wrote:Well, we cancelled each other out (Though it won't matter since we don't elect our Presidents), but i voted for Kerry last week. Absentee Ballot.
Yeah darn the electoral college system! :mad:
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I will miss the Bushisms. Not matter how bad a day i am having, knowing that someone can say such retarded things makes me feel a smidgeon better about myself. ^0^
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I don?t like Bush but it?s not for the reasons that most people criticize him for (though the major one is he is a chimpanzee). He has, with help from 911, steered our economy towards the wood chipper. He definitely favors big business, and the middle class is shrinking from that. I and now I know there will be no social security for me when I?m old (even though it?s not all his fault). One of the best things he did was go into Iraq. NOT because they had WMD but because while most-everyone else in the United Nations wussed out when he wouldn?t let inspectors in he decided to go find out for himself. I can?t trust Kerry so I?ll probably waste my vote on a third party, just because I can not stand either Bush or Kerry and I can?t gripe if I don?t vote.
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I don't like Bush or Kerry to be honest. I don't really think much will change if we go with bush or kerry. The race is so close there is no way to say one is going to win yet.
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The one thing I think alot of people keep forgeting is the people don't elect the president, the delagates do. So no matter how many votes one or the other gets if the delagates don't vote for the person our vote is worthless. Last I checked Bush went out of his way the last 4 years to make sure Republican delagates were voted in in as many places as posible and he has also hand placed alot of judges. This election won't be like 2000. My early prediction is Kerry will take 55-65% of the vote from the people, but will lose the election by a landslide in the electoral vote which does pick the president not us
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Mantis421 Wrote:The one thing I think alot of people keep forgeting is the people don't elect the president, the delagates do.
Now there's something I don't get! Why doesn't the people elect the president? America keeps shoving it's democracy up everybody else's ass and yet there's nothing more democratic than the people electing it's own president which is something that doesn't happen in America! That's how we end up with situations in which a certain candidate gets most of the votes but it's the other one that wins. That's not in accordance to what the people chooses and as far as I'm concerned it's not democratic.
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"France didn't join you because they didn't believe 1. Iraq had WMD 2. Iraq was a threat. Both of which I agree. You think its because France has financiel stakes in the region if I'm correct. You say that's the reason France didn't join the coalition, I say money is one of the reasons the US went there in the first place."
France, Russia and Germany all had oil to lose by the U.S. invading Iraq. Funny that they were the three countries most against the war... As for the U.S. being greedy, we could be greedy but we havn't touched one extra drop of oil from that country. But yes, I think we should protect our interests there as well.
"Cidien: Don't you agree that the war in Iraq was not good for the war on terror? That it probably created terrorist instead of getting rid of them and America isn't safer now? (BTW, thanks for showing your an inteligent voter by showing that you don't agree with everything Bush in that other thread)."
I don't agree with everything Bush does, but until i'm proven wrong I agree with the war in Iraq. Until I talk to soldiers coming home that tell me the war is lost and Bush was wrong I will support the soldiers and what they are doing. How many people live in Iraq? I believe it's 50 million? 50 million iraqis are going to be able to vote in an upcoming election for whoever they choose. Whoever THEY choose. I think that's worth taking out Saddam. The only problem is the U.S. isn't powerful enough to help more countries at once. No, I don't think we are creating more terrorists. At least, I don't think we're creating more terrorists than we are killing. Like I said, we're seeing more terrorists come out now because we've backed them into a corner. I could be wrong, but we won't know that until years from now. However, i'm not one to support a president that sits on his ass and does nothing.
"Bush never mentiones those 250 times he voted for."
Please show me the voting records where Kerry has voted against raising taxes. I'd really like to see them, because i've looked up his records before and i've never seen this.
"I will miss the Bushisms. Not matter how bad a day i am having, knowing that someone can say such retarded things makes me feel a smidgeon better about myself."
Nice, lol. Ya know, if Bush was a charismatic as Reagan we wouldn't have half the problems we do now. Why does he have to look like an idiot damnit, lol.
"He has, with help from 911, steered our economy towards the wood chipper."
Really? Is that why our economy is on the rise?
"I and now I know there will be no social security for me when I?m old (even though it?s not all his fault)."
1) There will be.
2) Then why bring it up.
"NOT because they had WMD but because while most-everyone else in the United Nations wussed out when he wouldn?t let inspectors in he decided to go find out for himself."
Well said.
'I don't like Bush or Kerry to be honest. I don't really think much will change if we go with bush or kerry."
The entire focus of our country will change depending on who wins. This is an extremely important election.
"The one thing I think alot of people keep forgeting is the people don't elect the president, the delagates do. So no matter how many votes one or the other gets if the delagates don't vote for the person our vote is worthless. Last I checked Bush went out of his way the last 4 years to make sure Republican delagates were voted in in as many places as posible and he has also hand placed alot of judges. This election won't be like 2000. My early prediction is Kerry will take 55-65% of the vote from the people, but will lose the election by a landslide in the electoral vote which does pick the president not us"
Um... ok... whatever. Peoples votes do matter. Delagates almost always vote the way the people want. I'm not sure if delagates have ever voted against what the people want. If there has been exceptions i'd be interested to see some.
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Cidien Wrote:Um... ok... whatever. Peoples votes do matter. Delagates almost always vote the way the people want. I'm not sure if delagates have ever voted against what the people want. If there has been exceptions i'd be interested to see some.
It's true that delegates almost always vote the way people want but something has got to be wrong if 60% of the population votes for candidate A but it's candidade B that wins.
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Andromeda18_ Wrote:Now there's something I don't get! Why doesn't the people elect the president? America keeps shoving it's democracy up everybody else's ass and yet there's nothing more democratic than the people electing it's own president which is something that doesn't happen in America! That's how we end up with situations in which a certain candidate gets most of the votes but it's the other one that wins. That's not in accordance to what the people chooses and as far as I'm concerned it's not democratic.
when the USA was founded and the US constitution was wrote in 1776 the original leaders did not 100% trust the people could pick the right canditate so they created the electoral college which is comprised of people who the people vote for. But the US people don't get to vote for the president directly. I checked the US government archive. Their has been 5 US elections where the person the people picked did not become president because the delagates picked the other or the House or Congress picked because they didn't agree with who the people picked
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Which states and which presidents?
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Mantis421 Wrote:when the USA was founded and the US constitution was wrote in 1776 the original leaders did not 100% trust the people could pick the right canditate so they created the electoral college which is comprised of people who the people vote for. But the US people don't get to vote for the president directly. I checked the US government archive. Their has been 5 US elections where the person the people picked did not become president because the delagates picked the other or the House or Congress picked because they didn't agree with who the people picked
So there really is something wrong!