Cartoon Network Anime Updates
I for one enjoy watching Conan. It's not a 'must-see' for me, but if it's on, I'll watch it. Wolf's Rain did not hold my interest when I was watching it on CN, but when I got my DVD's and watched it, it seemed much better.
Wolfs rain is so so so so good.
i looked forward to it every saturday, i was pissed when they pusshed it back to 1:30a.m. im collecting the vol.'s on dvd noe and i cant wait to get the whole series.

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


i agree admittedly i havent seen very many episodes of wolfs rain but what i have seen has impressed me a lot. as for conan its good as something to waste time on till other anime comes on i guess.
What is wolf Rain about when ever i turn it on there always talking and i have no clue what there talking about
Alek Wrote:What is wolf Rain about when ever i turn it on there always talking and i have no clue what there talking about

I must agree, it must be a series you have to see from the start. Though that is the way i try to go anyhow, of course. That, or the series is just a lot of pointless talking.
Who's the more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?
gohan32 Wrote:I must agree, it must be a series you have to see from the start. Though that is the way i try to go anyhow, of course. That, or the series is just a lot of pointless talking.

The series is pretty good, but you can't watch it the way you would Case Closed or DBZ. You really do need to watch all of it in succession and pay attention.
most of the time i cant even stay up to see wolf rain i need to get some sleep or im like a zombie the next day
what you do is go to bed at 9 and wake up 30mins before the show starts and then go to bed, thats what i was doing. but i think the series is almost over or is. maybe one more episode to air on CN.

i want the whole series its an awesome and diffrent title.

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


New Update :

FUNimation representative FUNFlack on the Adult Swim message boards has stated that Detective Conan is not being cancelled on Adult Swim. In September, it was reported on several major animation news sites, including ANN, that Cartoon Network intended to cancel Conan. ANN apologies for the error.

This is sad news for me they should of droped this i want to see diffrent anime and not stuck on the same boring crappy series like this. it will be on forever. i want to see newer anime and better anime ! they should stick this show on the Anime Network. lol

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


Does Cartoon Network have some sort of working contract with Funimation? It just seems that their seems to be alot of titles that Funimation had its claws into that Cartoon Network has aired.
I am "Pedro" I am an afro warrior-----
Excel saga
yeah and im sick of alot of funimation titles its like thats all that airs on CN i want to see new titles from other companies and new as in brand new and not old and also Good titles. i just cant wait for more channels to air anime and not kiddy stuff more adult less pokemon is what im trying to say , collecting and trading shows i cant stand. and 300+ episodes.

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


Last Exile Wrote:yeah and im sick of alot of funimation titles its like thats all that airs on CN i want to see new titles from other companies and new as in brand new and not old and also Good titles. i just cant wait for more channels to air anime and not kiddy stuff more adult less pokemon is what im trying to say , collecting and trading shows i cant stand. and 300+ episodes.


I agree but oh well, however I'm not going to be able to watch CN much as I'm at college

and i dont have a tv her only my Laptop so the only animes ill gett to see are the ones I

own or whatever the club decides to show. By the time I watch CN again it'll either be

thanksgiving or Xmas. However, I do agree with you especially since POkemon and

anime of that genre is getting waaaay out of hand.

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