Poll: Do who like anime from Manga or manga from anima
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anime series without manga comic before or after series
0 0%
anime series spawned from manga comic
6 26.09%
manga comic spawned from anime series
1 4.35%
doesent matter eather way to you
16 69.57%
Total 23 vote(s) 100%
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Manga / Anime
I have noticed their is a large number of titles that eather came from Manga or spawn manga titles themselves and I wanted to see if Manga before a anime series or manga spawned from a anime series gives you a different view on a series or if it is no big thing to you
I am "Pedro" I am an afro warrior-----
Excel saga
I'd say that I prefere the ones that were Manga originally because the characters are usually better fleshed out and more interesting, plus you know there is a big story behind it that has been thought about for a long time.
"The best way to a girls bed is trough her parents, have sex with them and your in for sure!" -- Zap Branigan
what is the point to manga after the anime. You know everything already, pointless!!! Manga is always better, you get to see exactly what the creator originally came up with. then they chose what goes in the anime. although what does it matter they are both great.
geo85... based on your reply I'd have to guess that you haven't read any of the Cowboy Bebop comics. They came out after the series was over and had all new story lines that really weren't worth reading. That is the first title that comes to mind where the anime was much better than the manga. Lately, I've been both reading and watching Naruto simultaneously. So far, I think I prefer the animation to the manga because they have identical story lines and the animation in Naruto is top notch.

It's really hard to come up with a rule of thumb that ALWAYS applies as you stated above. For the most part I do agree that manga is typically richer in its story telling than actual animation.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
Nice of you to point out the Cowboy Bebop manga, Zag. Most people are always under the impression that the manga is always better then the anime. Here are some other ones that the anime was better than the manga (well at least in my opinion) Genocyber, Black Magic 66, Escaflowne, Gatekeepers,Goldenboy(the manga got a little too X-rated to be funny anymore),Nadesico, and Evangelion. I know that's just a small chunk compared to all the manga that is better than the anime, but it goes to show that sometimes you are better off by watching the anime.
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Well this topic is not anime vs manga. Its if you like anime that is based on manga more than original projects. Oh and Evangelion was made a Manga after the anime as far as I know.
"The best way to a girls bed is trough her parents, have sex with them and your in for sure!" -- Zap Branigan
i like to watch the anime and read the manga it's based from. i've found that alot of times the animated series leaves way to much out from the books. examples: Akira, Hellsing, Blood:the last vampire, etc. but i have to admit i havn't read alot of manga, i've just started to get into it. especially after i read the battle angel alita series, the series got me into reading manga
Yeah... Battle Angel Alita was a great manga title. I'm surprised that more of it didn't make it to animation.

If anyone gets the chance to read Nausicaa I highly recommend it. Miyazaki actually wrote it after he did the movie and he uses the manga to expand upon ideas that he only touched on in the movie.

Akira is another must read manga. The movie was ground breaking for its own reasons but the story and scope of the manga blows it away.

I've been really happy to have been introduced to http://www.dollarmanga.com so I can get my manga fix at bargain basement prices.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
There is one particular anime that I felt was so amazing I felt like I wanted to read the Manga. When I read the manga I found a story that was quite different from the anime. Berserk Is the best anime stroy made period. The directors view was astounding.
The Manga was a totally differnt feeling and so many more story prieces that should of been in the anime. Anyway, After reading the Manga I felt short changed and questioned why I even read the manga because it put the anime to shame but seeing how berserk is one of the best animes ever, many contradictory feeling were left unanwserd. Also the point when the anime ends is at such a crucial point in the story. I could never figure out why it was discontinued. I guess after seeing the manga the animation people felt it was impossible to stick to the manga without changing the story. As it comes down to it, I wish I
never read the Berserk Manga because it marred the anime which think is still one of the best out there.
It's all about the love Wink
Debate aside in the case such as Trigun were the Manga from what I hear is things that went on during the accual series. But in some cases such as Chobits and Full Metal Alchemist. The Manga to me were like advertising to get me looking forward to when the series would come out. That doesent nesisarily mean I liked the series afterwards. But in my personal opinion when a manga comes out after the series is made. The makes are just tring to cash in alittle extra on the popularity a series had.
I am "Pedro" I am an afro warrior-----
Excel saga
manga usually precedes their anime counterpart and also the anime is usually shorter. Manga for me
its kind of hard to say cause alot of anime titles dont folow the manga. they leave alot of the stuff that was in the manga and then it pisses off fans. so i myself dont read the manga unless i realy like the series, like with Naruto, and it follows the series very well. which i have heard before i started both followed the manga very well more then most titles.

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


I Usually don't care what was first but sometimes it's really annoying if the Manga was first cause then the anime hardly explains anythng or the ending is too open so that people go buy the manga.
Kaze no hana yo Saa Hiraku no yo
Watashi no kokoro ni Haru wo yonde
Kaze no hana yo Saa Hiraku no yo
Sayonara Yuki-tachi yo
Sorry woulnt know as I'm a bit new to the manga idea. I'm used to watching anime by

itself I bever considered until i joined this site that there would be mangas that go along

with the animes. I am looking for ideas for what to get for my first manga. Any

suggestions? So far ive heard Angel Sanctuary is good. Any others in the Dark, Mecha,

or Classic categories?

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