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Its good to see Case Closed will get the bump. With all the other shows on Adult Swim, it just didn't seem to fit in with the rest of the shows that air on Adult Swim. A.S. eather has crude humor ( Harvy Birdman, Mission Hill) or straight anime ( Cowboy Bebop, Wolfs Rain). Case Closed became the show I had time to pop a pizza in during while waiting for other shows to come on. I think it would of worked better in more an earlier time slot, maybe even toonami
I am "Pedro" I am an afro warrior-----
Excel saga
Last Exile Wrote:whats this vicious trying to start something ?
why would you say that ?


You really don't know do you? Try reading back over your posts sometimes and see how ignorant you come across in some of them.
what is a mlik chan
Alek Wrote:what is a mlik chan

chan, short for channel. It's a tv channel that talks about all sorts of milk.

Just joking.

It's an anime with the main character named Milk: a foul-mouth, selfish smarty pants superhero with no real superpowers
Japschin Wrote:chan, short for channel. It's a tv channel that talks about all sorts of milk.

Just joking.

It's an anime with the main character named Milk: a foul-mouth, selfish smarty pants superhero with no real superpowers

Awww man. Why'd you edit it? I liked the original response better. Just when I was about to comment on it and make the gag run even longer.

By the way, great first post there buddy.
I didn't know you were going to continue with the gag....ehheheheeh.......trying to be nice
want me edit and restart all over again? Wink Big Grin
Vicious Wrote:You really don't know do you? Try reading back over your posts sometimes and see how ignorant you come across in some of them.

Well Well,
i guess you dont get im asking you a *fucking* question. *EDIT* try reading and comprehending what i said, im saying your trying to start this again. i find it funny when i fight back everyone is on your side and when i dont you try to egg me on is there something i should know vicious do you like starting shit with me cause im not here to defend my self im trying to have a good time like everyone else !

But if you cant do this im not sure why you get a high from being a dick but go ahead im not here to run your life im here to speak my mind and have fun.

so grow up !

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


You still don't get it. This has nothing to do with that past. You said more dumb shit in this thread. Do you think because you're a stalker that I'm not gonna say anything everytime you say something dumb? That instead I'm gonna let it slide and be like 'I don't want him stalking me and dedicating songs to me anymore'? Stalk me all you want if that's your MO. You say something retarded like 'that's a fake anime because I don't like it' and I will comment on it. I do enjoy being a dick to stupid people like you. Glad I have your permission to continue to do so.
im sorry i cant speak my mind in your presence.
well im not stalking you i posted that song cause alot of the lines sound like the way you act to others and me ! just pointing it out . its a great song about a sick fuck. so well rag on me and ill do the same.

fake anime exsists and it comes out by a company we all know !

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


Last Exile Wrote:fake anime exsists and it comes out by a company we all know !

You must really love fake anime then since you're always tryng to buy HK's of their stuff.

well ill start adding updates to this thread on them main page so read the first post when the topic name changes well the date that is ! so it has just been updated with new news.

New News-

The Super Milk-chan Show premieres on November 7 at 12:30AM. Adult Swim will not be airing the Americanized version, but rather the straight dub of the
Japanese version.

Metropolis will kick-start a new year of Saturdays on January 1 at midnight.

When Fullmetal Alchemist premieres on November 6 at midnight, the new episodes of Inuyasha will take a break for a while. They'll start playing new episodes again starting December 22.

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


Last Exile Wrote:The Super Milk-chan Show premieres on November 7 at 12:30AM. Adult Swim will not be airing the Americanized version, but rather the straight dub of the
Japanese version.

Yeah, like I said, there was no way they could play the Americanized version. She curses all over the place in it. I don't think it will do so well on CN, because every review I've read has said that the 'Authentic' version is boring as hell and none of the jokes make sense. Oh well.
Wow some of you actually dislike Conan? It IS one of the most popular anime in Japan for a reason. Some of you have got to learn to appreciate.

And if you want 'real', true to life anime, don't watch anime.... at ALL.
[QUOTE=inzomniak]Wow some of you actually dislike Conan? It IS one of the most popular anime in Japan for a reason. Some of you have got to learn to appreciate.

I don't think in my case it is dislike, Conan just does not hold alot of peoples interest the same way a show like Wolfs Rain or Blue Gender can. Yes Conan does have semi graphic images at times but for me the base story comes across alittle to bland at some points and kiddie at other. But as far as appreciate goes, most of us Adult Swim fans have come to appreciate anime more because of shows on Adult Swim. Conan would just fit in my opinion in a time slot closer to Rave Master and Gundam Seed
I am "Pedro" I am an afro warrior-----
Excel saga
LOL you think Wolf's Rain held people's interests? Big Grin That series was a huge flop in Japan. And yes, Conan does have a considerable fanbase in Japan, but mostly to younger viewers.
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