Your Anime Drawings
JingRoyale Wrote:Hey. I need something new to draw, send me some ideas of anime characters to draw. Just tell me someone to draw or send me a cool pic.

Vicious from Bebop. Wink
gizmo Wrote:I thought I'd share these.....

Please don't yell at me that they look similar to the actual images I used for them. I like to look at things and draw. My favorite has to be Rei from Eva. I really like coloring in colored pencil, it just takes such a long time.

What medium did you use to color those? That's absolutely beautiful. It looks like colored pencils, but you blended the colors so wonderfully. It looks so professional!
~Lady Ice~
"I drove for miles and miles and wound up at your door. I've had you so many times, but somehow I want more." ~Maroon5
[Image: WitchHunterRobinBanner1.jpg]
ladysilverice Wrote:What medium did you use to color those? That's absolutely beautiful. It looks like colored pencils, but you blended the colors so wonderfully. It looks so professional!

I used colored pencils for all the colored ones. I figure since they're cheaper than paint and I can almost make it look like a painting, why not do it that way?!

well i found of of the drawings i did earlier this year when i bought Haibane Renmei. it kind of looks like her but more like my sister. i tried not to do it just like her in the series. take a look.


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.jpg   Haibane.jpg (Size: 91.72 KB / Downloads: 29)
[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


Well done last exile. It looks good.
There can be tears of sadness, and there can be tears of joy, but they are far from the same.

King Of Bandits Jing

My DVD trade list:

here is another pic i drew of kiba from wolfs rain i did a split thing with his wolf form and human form. it turned out good i think.


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.jpg   kiba wolfs rain 3.0.jpg (Size: 157.46 KB / Downloads: 25)
[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


Nice drawings Last Exile, I really like your last one.
Here are some of my latest

one coloured, one "linearted" and a sketch

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.jpg   neiphisthyss.jpg (Size: 114.57 KB / Downloads: 22)
.gif   ariel_maldaria.gif (Size: 20.88 KB / Downloads: 17)
.gif   manga02.gif (Size: 34.49 KB / Downloads: 13)
You'll need it in due time

nice drawings yourself they are great i like the last one the best its great did you create that character your self?

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


Thank you Smile
The clothes were inspired by a drawing I've seen on the net, but as for the face, it is a drawing of a cute girl (well, I think she is cute, but that's my opinion) in my class. That character was created for a manga (I shouldn't call it a manga, since it's a word used for the japanese comic industry, but the style is quite alike) I'm currently working on... she'll be one of the 3 main characters... but her name is still unknown (because I don't know If ii will be based on this world or not, so the name should be appropriate of a certain country if it has to be).
You'll need it in due time
yeah i have created alot of diffrent manga style comics and also non manga. i use to draw nonstop and never really did anything else. but since i moved here in NM i cant seem to do any drawings, i get like one or 2 every month if im lucky.

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


Sketched this a few mins ago. its a first for me trying to draw Edward from Fullmetal Alchemist. the only thing i think looks weird are the eyes the pic i was using as a reference had them pictured weird.

tell me what you think. im going to post another when im done shading japanese style with color pencil they usual shade with diffrent colors to help show what needs shadow, im going to try this for the first time.


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.jpg   ED FMA unshaded.jpg (Size: 157.88 KB / Downloads: 16)
[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


Saw all the great stuff posted in this thread, and figured I'd post some of my random crap... sorry for the lousy quality, but my scanner is busticated and I had to take these with my digital camera. You get the idea, though... Tongue

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.jpg   bathead.JPG (Size: 52.67 KB / Downloads: 14)
.jpg   meeeee.JPG (Size: 41.86 KB / Downloads: 12)
.jpg   Mish.JPG (Size: 59.44 KB / Downloads: 6)
.jpg   sophie.JPG (Size: 48.34 KB / Downloads: 10)
[Image: bluetmp2.jpg] <-- Look, a broken link!

My Shiny Region 1 Anime Collection
Last Exile Wrote:Sketched this a few mins ago. its a first for me trying to draw Edward from Fullmetal Alchemist. the only thing i think looks weird are the eyes the pic i was using as a reference had them pictured weird.

tell me what you think. im going to post another when im done shading japanese style with color pencil they usual shade with diffrent colors to help show what needs shadow, im going to try this for the first time.


Very nice, but I can tell you what the problem is, if the position of his right eye is correct, then the left eye needs to be lowered considerably... it should be at an angle slanted downward from the right eye since the head is tilted down and the chin to the left so that left eye needs to be lower to be in line with the right one... could cut down on the space between the eyes and nose a bit or make them larger, or move the nose up a bit...

I don't know if I can describe the line placement for face drawings but I will try... you have a vertical (top to bottom) line in the middle of the face which is where the center of the nose is, then divide that space in half again on each side for the placement of each eye, so a face would have 3 vertical lines... then you do the same thing only horizontally (side to side) with the center line being where the nose is, (probably the bottom of the nose on the line) and then the top half line would be the eyes, and the bottom half line would be the mouth... now you must remember, if the face isn't directly dead on, then you have to adjust the lines accordingly... so if the face is tilted left or right, or up or down, then the lines would follow the tilt of the axis...

Let me go see if I can add a couple of attachments... which might help...

The first one was an art class exercise, you took a magazine picture of a face and cut it in half, then you drew the missing half... which best illustrates what I mean by lines... I didn't get it cut exactly in half and my half is a little off, it should be a tad bit higher I think, and the eye should be in a bit more.

The second one is fairly good, it is from the Vampirella comics from a long time ago, the mouth is a bit off, it needs to be a bit larger on the right side.

The third one is Count D, his left eye needs to be just a tad bit larger to match his right one, and his mouth is also a bit off, it needs to be a bit larger as well.

The fourth one is geishas, I included this one so you can see what I mean by following the axis of the head with the eyes and stuff, especially the one on the right, although there isn't much detail at all, it is the placement that gives it believability.

Don't know if this helps or not...shrug... but I thought I'd try... Man, shrinking those down to be able to upload them doesn't do them any favors for sure!! Sorry about that...

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.jpg   face.jpg (Size: 199.26 KB / Downloads: 14)
.jpg   vamp.jpg (Size: 192.9 KB / Downloads: 8)
.jpg   countd.jpg (Size: 198.59 KB / Downloads: 8)
.jpg   geishas.jpg (Size: 180.18 KB / Downloads: 7)
yeah i just need more practice on the face in general also drawing lightly so i dont leave dark lines i cant erase. im great at coping images from tv and magazines i can make small pictures larger when i draw. I DONT TRACE anything i just use the pics for reference i need to practice fluid movements im so set on being perfet at all the lines i draw i end up screwing up alot i need to learn to just let it flow.

you had some great drawings. also rooster.

thanks for the help.

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


Last Exile Wrote:yeah i just need more practice on the face in general also drawing lightly so i dont leave dark lines i cant erase. im great at coping images from tv and magazines i can make small pictures larger when i draw. I DONT TRACE anything i just use the pics for reference i need to practice fluid movements im so set on being perfet at all the lines i draw i end up screwing up alot i need to learn to just let it flow.

you had some great drawings. also rooster.

thanks for the help.


Thanks LE.. it'll be interesting to see how well we all progress in the future if we keep at it. I really like finding old artwork by some of my current favorite internet artists... see how far they've come. Helps build hope and motivation. Wink

BTW, Lady Ice, the new Inu Yasha pics are looking great... love heavily shadowed drawings like that.
[Image: bluetmp2.jpg] <-- Look, a broken link!

My Shiny Region 1 Anime Collection

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