Reputation points
We've already established the gold star thing. But seriously, is there a way to check reputation points? I'm figuring I'm at like -150 at this point. Is there a way to sort by reputation points? Not that I really care about my actual points, I just like looking at stats and numbers.
I already see a bad thing with this reputation pts thing. Someone doesent care for you so they give you a bad rep mark on every post you make. I can realistly see people abusing this function for spiteful reasons, not because the post is god or bad
I am "Pedro" I am an afro warrior-----
Excel saga
But that'll only affect you if you care about the reputation points. Like I said, I wouldn't be surprised if I have the lowest reputation on here already. You know, with the 'Anti-Vicious' group and their campaigning against me.
Vicious Wrote:But that'll only affect you if you care about the reputation points. Like I said, I wouldn't be surprised if I have the lowest reputation on here already. You know, with the 'Anti-Vicious' group and their campaigning against me.

Well its new to this board and its only done since today.. thats why you have only seen it today.. Also i can turn off the whole system. I just wanted to turn it on and see how things go with it.. If people really start making a fuss over it i will just turn it off then.. ;o)
You are right it really doesen't matter most of us here already know what we think of the people we comunicate with here and a + or - next to their name isn't going to matter
I am "Pedro" I am an afro warrior-----
Excel saga
Schultz, you didn't tell us how to view what someone's reputation is.
I see a green square. I hover over it and it has different sayings. I have NO clue what is going on. Plus, this new format is VERy convoluted. I liked the old style more.
Well if you are a number cruncher who loves all and any stats thins will be a great new thing for you, but I doubt most of us will really take to much notice of it
I am "Pedro" I am an afro warrior-----
Excel saga
To view someone's reputation its the green pics under there Post count.. and it just has titles.. I haven't thought of any titles that deal with anime so they are just there default.. I also have been reading on how the reputation system works.. First i belive that when a person rates another person they have to rate 20 other people before they can rate that person again.. to prevent from just going down a person's post.. Also the higher the reputation you have the more heavy impact you cause when you rate a person weither good or bad.. So it doesn't look like it can be abused too much..

Also as an admin i can view how many points you have.. btw Vicios you have 18 ;o)
Actually i am going to look into a modification of the board giving you the option of using the old virtical split or the new horizontal split if you want.. (but it has to be after this weekend) then you could choose which style you would want..
Schultz Wrote:Also as an admin i can view how many points you have.. btw Vicios you have 18 ;o)

I'm on the positive side? Who in the hell was dumb enough to give me a good rating?
here is a link to how the reputation numbers are broken down

also if people can come up with some for anime related things then i wouldn't mind switching them.. hence the stupid ones for title's because i really suck at that type of things.. ;o)
I have 12 points!

I can now die a happy man.
i did you nice guy you !
i wanted to see how it worked i was going to give you a bad one then i decided not !
also i didnt get it and this post helped me ! also what star thing are you talking about ? also how do you see how many topics some one has started ?

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


Vicious Wrote:I'm on the positive side? Who in the hell was dumb enough to give me a good rating?

Don't forget.. some people might not get along well with you, but you are much loved by others Smile

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