What Cars Do You All Drive?
I thought I would put this out there as another option. I use to own a 1990 Pontiac Grand Am GT some years back on the block it said it was a 3.5. But every info source I read said even with the optional larger motor it could get 3.1 was the most you could get. So I had the car checked and found out it was a 2.8 motor. Years later I found out the GMC had at times made mistakes and put the wrong identification on the motor that made alot of people feel they had more then they really did
I am "Pedro" I am an afro warrior-----
Excel saga
Quote:Originally posted by r00ster
Are you kids going to start fighting over whose dad can beat up the other kid's dad next?

.... 'cause if you are, just know that my dad could kick all your dads' sorry asses! HA-CHA!

oh yah?!?! I declare a DAD FIGHT!!!:p :p

and then they can each get into Kak's and Robojack's cars and race, and then fight again, then have a cookoff, and then fight again.
Quote:Originally posted by kakomu
it's 125 HP. If you actually read and weren't such a fucktard, you'd have picked up on that. But what should I expect from a shit stain? But who are you to say that a car can't have exactly 124 HP? I mean, do you think that all cars round off their HP?

Second, Consumer guide said that the New Yorker and LHS had the 3.5L engine. Not the Concorde. The concorde didn't get the option till 96, and didn't have it standard until 97.

Lastly, since you're such a moron, and didn't even read the thread, you'd see it's a 1995 Honda Civic EX. Also, with a little reasearch, I found that my Civic beats the 97 Concorde in the 0-60 and 1/4 mile under stock conditions. Put that in your pipe and smoke it you chode.

Then I guess my eyes are lying to me, since in addition to what it says on my engine block, my acceleration times are way closer to those of the 3.5L V6, than the 3.3L V6. Gee, and I suppose my ears are lying to me too, since my 3.5 sounds quite different from the 3.3 my friend has in his 94 Concorde. And heck, my common sense is failing me too! Because it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck, and EVEN walks like a duck, then it must be a CHICKEN!? The world's coming to an end!

LOL, Kakomu, you crack me up, you really do. Big Grin

And Mantis, thanks for your opinion, but in this case, I don't think it applies. The 3.5L V6 in my car is quite big, and takes up all the space available in the front of my car. I once dropped a screw when changing headlight lamps, and it took me a good hour to find, since it didn't fall through to the garage floor. Also, my old high-school friend's 3.3L V6 is small in comparison, and I can actually see clear through to the road through all the empty space from the top of the engine layout.
Quote:Originally posted by rarnom
oh yah?!?! I declare a DAD FIGHT!!!:p :p

and then they can each get into Kak's and Robojack's cars and race, and then fight again, then have a cookoff, and then fight again.
I don't need my dad to fight for me, and even if I did, I wouldn't ask him to fly several thousand miles from Taipei just to settle things with someone who claims that we're all blind, deaf, and completely lacking in common sense and logic.
Yeah but you forget unlike the older cars all the newer ones no mater what the motor size is take up alot of space under the hood
I am "Pedro" I am an afro warrior-----
Excel saga
Quote:Originally posted by rarnom
oh yah?!?! I declare a DAD FIGHT!!!:p :p

and then they can each get into Kak's and Robojack's cars and race, and then fight again, then have a cookoff, and then fight again.

You're ON!!! Although, I thought Robojack said it was actually his parents' car that he was defending so enthusiastically. Doesn't that kind of soil the whole Dad fight you've proposed?

Maybe instead, our Dad's could run a marathon wearing moon-shoes, have a pie eating contest, and then thumb-wrestle for the title of supreme most kick-assingest Dad. In the event of a tie, the winner will be decided upon based on whose Dad has a "cooler" job. In the event of a second tie, the winner will be decided upon based on the Dads' net incomes... an exaggeration factor of 300% will be allowed by the judges.

PS - Seriously.. are you really fighting about how great your -parents'- car is, Robojack?
[Image: bluetmp2.jpg] <-- Look, a broken link!

My Shiny Region 1 Anime Collection
now matter what any of us drive isn't it really just important to have wheels that will get you from A to B, has decent to good gas mileage and wont break down in the winter and will start every day also
I am "Pedro" I am an afro warrior-----
Excel saga
r00ster, it really has to do less with my parents' car, than it does with the fact that Kakomu refuses to admit he's wrong, even when I'm able to provide overwhelming evidence to prove it.

Besides, I helped pick that car out. My parents were considering a Ford Taurus (they don't like Japanese cars, since they still have a grudge against the Japanese for the whole Nan-king massacre thing, that killed some of our relatives), but I convinced them to get a Concorde instead. It was my decision to get the 3.5L V6, since after riding in the 3.3L (I was under driving age at the time), my dad and I felt the car struggling on the highway and when accelerating. The 3.5L provided more than enough output to meet my expectations. This is why I'm very, VERY, sure when it comes to what engine my parents' car has.
Well if you payed attention to some of the other threads that started this way their is a few that I doubt even Hell freezing over would make the one side admitt they might be wrong. When I got to that point with anyone in the past I have the Let them beleive what they want its not going to effect me eather way if they belive me or not. I am not a pacifist but I do prefer to stay out of arguement alot of times
I am "Pedro" I am an afro warrior-----
Excel saga
Yeah, I don't expect Kakomu to apologize or anything, provided that he stop spreading lies about my car's engine. Considering that the car's 10th anniversary is coming up, I'm very impressed about how well it's aged with time.

But if Kakomu wants to continue thinking that I have a 3.3L engine, I suppose I'll leave him to his delusional, irrational thinking patterns.
Quote:Originally posted by Robojack
r00ster, it really has to do less with my parents' car, than it does with the fact that Kakomu refuses to admit he's wrong, even when I'm able to provide overwhelming evidence to prove it.

Besides, I helped pick that car out. My parents were considering a Ford Taurus (they don't like Japanese cars, since they still have a grudge against the Japanese for the whole Nan-king massacre thing, that killed some of our relatives), but I convinced them to get a Concorde instead. It was my decision to get the 3.5L V6, since after riding in the 3.3L (I was under driving age at the time), my dad and I felt the car struggling on the highway and when accelerating. The 3.5L provided more than enough output to meet my expectations. This is why I'm very, VERY, sure when it comes to what engine my parents' car has.

Yeah, but none of that really matters since my Dad could kick your dad's ass.
[Image: bluetmp2.jpg] <-- Look, a broken link!

My Shiny Region 1 Anime Collection
LOL Big Grin Hey, no my-dad-can-beat-your-dad fights here! Pick a fight with someone else, at least.
Robojack... I'm perfectly willing to believe that your Concorde is a big block engine with all the hp and torque you claim it has. I'm even willing to believe that in a straight 1/4 mile that you'd leave Kak's EX in the dust.

On any sort of course that requires braking and turning that EX would easily outperform you due to the weight differences.

And Kak, I'm not Robojack's biggest fan but watching you degenerate to name calling in the middle of an argument and claiming that the quoted sources are invalid without providing some sort of support is just childish.

For the record, FR and MR cars are better at accelerating than FF cars due to the weight transition during accelleration. As a car accellerates, the weight shifts to the back tires which takes some traction off the front tires and gives the rear tires more traction. This traction translates into how much torque can be applied before the tires start spinning freely. If you read a lot of the tuner magazines you'd know how excited the FF community got when FF cars finally started breaking 10s in the 1/4 mile a few years back.

Personally, I'd rather have the Civic than the Concorde because driving is about more than straight lines. This is why I love watching the ALMS racing above all other forms (I've got some great pictures if anyone is intersted in seeing them).

Oh yeah, the whole FR, MR lack of control in the rain and snow is a myth put forward by the auto industry. FF cars are just cheaper to build so the auto makers did what they could to convince the public that they were better.
Honda's top sports cars are both rear wheel drive as well... the S2000 and the NSX (which still wears the Acura badge) and I would love to drive either of them.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
RWD cars are more dangerous in snow and rain. It's been proven many times over by more than car companies.

Second, I researched it, and yes, the Civic has a better quarter mile and 0-60 time compared to the concorde. Why? First of all, it's not a big block. That's reserved for 450 monsters and above. Second, it's an American made V6, which means it's lacking power. Lastly, it's heavy as hell with a Luxury automatic tranny.
Quote:Originally posted by Ka-Talliya
I have a feeling not many of us buy cars, including mustang owners, just for Auto-Xing.

True. But probably even less of us are buying cars purely for straightaways, which is about the only thing Mustangs are designed for.

Quote:Originally posted by kakomu
RWD cars are more dangerous in snow and rain. It's been proven many times over by more than car companies.

I can tell you from my own experience that a RWD car doesn't handle nearly as well as a FWD car in snow and rain. It is so easy to spin out going around any sort of turn in a RWD.

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