Hey JJ you are Russian?? I lived in Russia for 2 years in Petersburg and Kaliningrad. Do you still govoreet po Ruuskii? Tui sam otkuda? Tui dolgo zhil v Kanade? Nu ladno, naverno uzhe sluishkom mnogo voprosov. Wink

Pozdrovlayuu na svadbu!!Big Grin
Yes in fact, my husband is russian and so am i. We were both born in Estonia,but we are russians. I bolshoe spasibo za pozdravlenie ochen bilo prijatno chitat. Udachi.
JunkieJoe's Wife!

I learned that from watching Rocky 4. :o
Quote:Originally posted by AntiKiller
Yes in fact, my husband is russian and so am i. We were both born in Estonia,but we are russians. I bolshoe spasibo za pozdravlenie ochen bilo prijatno chitat. Udachi.

that's awesome.Cool
hey, I prozhil pol svoei zizni v kanade, eto ravnaetsa k 12 let.

I learned that from Vicious. Wink
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

Quote:Originally posted by JunkieJoe
hey, I prozhil pol svoei zizni v kanade, eto ravnaetsa k 12 let.

ponyatno, eto khorosho shto tvaya zhena tozhe govoreet po-ruuski. Mne slozhno inogda s ruuskim yazikom iz-za tovo shto mne ne-skem po-govoreet. Vsyo takii eto klassno shto <import-anime> rukovodeno (?) ruuskiim chelovekom.
Ok now we have turned into the Russian boards. But it is great. English, Japanese, and Russian. Congrats once again JJ and AntiKiller. I can say this but I hope I spell it right...

Kak Da Lai ? It looks like this in Russian...

PS ( i am asking "How are you?")
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!
Quote:Originally posted by morgorath
Kak Da Lai ? It looks like this in Russian...

PS ( i am asking "How are you?")

not bad...Wink it is more like 'kak dela' with the stress on the 'la'.
Ogenki Desuka? Watashiwa Baka Yaru!Wink
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
Thats cool, my family is hosting a kid from belarus(dont know how to spell it), which is close to russia. He comes for 6 weeks every summer. Hes a cool kid.
where have i been, congrats on tieing the knot. yet i did read on a different thread jj mentioning he just recently got married.
Nu vot vidish, teper tebe budet s kem poboltat po russki.
A ti voobshche tut davno na etom saite uzhe or you have just recently joined us here?
JunkieJoe's Wife!

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