Quote:Originally posted by JunkieJoe
All girls are bi, thats one mystery of the universe I have solved already ^_~
no wonder when u watch porn with a girl how she likes the girl girl scenes more ;p
Well JJ, just because girls get aroused while watching lesbian porn doesn't mean they're bi. But yes, I'd say all women are bi only not in the way you wish we were. We can put women in 2 groups: those who are really bi and like having sex with other women and those who are bi in a platonic way. Let me give you an example: I could stare at Adriana Lima all day long, she's just sooo beautiful it takes my breath away. But am I sexually attracted to her? Do I want to have sex with her? No, not really (at least not at the moment but I'm only 21, who knows where the future will take me). In the same way I could stare at a Ferrari F360 all day long, or at the Taj-Mahal. It's all about beauty. I'm very sensitive to beauty and I love looking at beautiful things and that includes beautiful women (my boyfriend thinks I'm bi on account of that). Now, I could look at Tom Cruise all day long but I can tell you that if I could I'd definitely do a whole lot more than that!

I like women but it's all very platonic and I thinks that's what happens with most women.
Women get aroused with lesbian porn because they're confortable about their sexuality. Women that were born in a time when people were supposed to be ashamed of sex will not like it for sure. But nowadays there's a lot of sexual freedom, women are not forced to feel ashamed and so they're not, they embrace it. And if we get aroused it's because we're watching 2 people having sex, that counts more than the fact that it's girl on girl.
Hetero men don't like watching gay porn because society puts a lot of pressure on them. Men have to be viril, manly men! Boys grow up listening to that, feeling the pressure of society and by the time they're men it's deeply rooted in their subconscient and that's why most men can't even consider watching gay men having sex and many gay men feel ashamed of being gay (at least at first). There's no such pressure on women.
Oh, and by the way I like watching gay men having sex. Most gay porn actors look like models with big, sexy muscles, they actually have a very manly look. But I suppose one just has to be open minded about the subject. One of my best friends is gay and through him I've known a lot of gay men so maybe that's why I'm confortable with the whole situation.
About lesbian girls liking butch women I don't get it myself! And it seems it's quite common. That gay friend I mentioned before has told me that he knows a lot of beautiful lesbian women who date women that look like truck drivers (I don't know what truck drivers look like in the US but here they look really bad). I guess beauty really is in the eye of the beholder, it's got to be!
I'd just like to add that what I wrote above reflects only my opinion.