Poll: How was your first anime translated?
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My first time was Dubbed
41 89.13%
My first time was Subbed
4 8.70%
My first time wasn't translated
0 0%
Who can remember that far into the past?
1 2.17%
Total 46 vote(s) 100%
* You voted for this item. [Show Results]

The first anime you remember watching.
Quote:Originally posted by Jiro Komyoji
Because he wants attention.

Oh... right... forgot that we already established that he's an attention-whore. Silly me.
[Image: bluetmp2.jpg] <-- Look, a broken link!

My Shiny Region 1 Anime Collection
It's only natural that I share my opinion, after you've shared yours. It's not my fault you didn't like it.

I've never been called an attention whore before, which is why I'm finding this all so amusing. I don't say things to get noticed, I say it because it needs to be said. I can't let you english dub lackeys have free reign.
Quote:Originally posted by Robojack
It's only natural that I share my opinion, after you've shared yours. It's not my fault you didn't like it.

I've never been called an attention whore before, which is why I'm finding this all so amusing. I don't say things to get noticed, I say it because it needs to be said. I can't let you english dub lackeys have free reign.

It is natural that you share your opinion, but it is not natural that you flame like that.
If you think all of us prefer dubs just because that's the first thing that we saw then you are very wrong. I saw dubs first but personally can't stand a lot of english dubs. I'm the same as you, but I didn't state my opinion in the way you did. That is why everyone is getting so upset at you.
Quote:Originally posted by Robojack
Honestly, once you've had chocolate, it's really hard switching to shit. This is the case here with the sub vs. dub debate.

Wow... look what happens when I go away for a day. I actually sat here and read this whole thread so I can understand what's going on.

Starting with the above quote where Robojack essentially called all people who like dubs shit eaters, this has turned into a nasty flame war.

To everybody else, I apologize on behalf of the province of Ontario for producing someone with the limited mental capacity of Robojack and allowing him access to the internet. He's not the only loser online who enjoys posting flame bait then egging people on but I am ashamed to live within an hours drive of him.

In addition to providing a place for a flame war to happen, this thread actually accomplished what I had hoped for when I started it. I didn't want to say whether or not subs are better than dubs, I just wanted to show that dubs do have a place in this hobby of ours. I wish I could do a private poll of the people who voted for this one to find out viewing preferences today.

I can't do that and it would just start another dub vs. sub thread which has been proven time and again to be pointless and just gives idiots like Robojack a place to prove their ignorance.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
Oh, so I'm an idiot for speaking my mind? Excuse me if I touched a raw nerve, you people are poor sports. I say a couple things, and you blow at me. You guys are such easy targets - I had no idea at the time of posting that it would explode into something like this.

Just because I say that subs are chocolate and dubs are shit doesn't mean you have to agree. Nod when you read it and move on. You guys must have gotten these comments a lot, since you seem overly sensitive regarding this issue. Talk about an inferiority complex, if I knew you'd all react this poorly, I would never said what I said.
Quote:Originally posted by Robojack
Oh, so I'm an idiot for speaking my mind? Excuse me if I touched a raw nerve, you people are poor sports. I say a couple things, and you blow at me. You guys are such easy targets - I had no idea at the time of posting that it would explode into something like this.

Just because I say that subs are chocolate and dubs are shit doesn't mean you have to agree. Nod when you read it and move on. You guys must have gotten these comments a lot, since you seem overly sensitive regarding this issue. Talk about an inferiority complex, if I knew you'd all react this poorly, I would never said what I said.

Robojack, the problem isn't that you believe these things. It's the way you put it. By saying dubs are shit as a blanket statement, you are also making the statement that anyone who enjoys dubs are people who enjoy shit. Using a blanket statement like you have paints everybody with the same brush.

If you had just said "I believe dubs are shit and subs are chocolate" it would have been a little different because you wouldn't have been making an absolute statement like "dubs are shite and subs are chocolate". Language can be a subtle thing and the ommision or inclusion of one or two words can seriously change the impact of a statement made.

You say that you reread your posts before posting and that you stand behind the words you've used. That tells me that you intended to offend people in this forum and that you stand behind your offense. In my book, anyone who enjoys offending large numbers of people with statements such as yours is an idiot. Thus I call you an idiot. Not only do you say something phrased in a manner to attract flames but you go so far as to back up your words.

If somebody tells me that I'm a shit eater, I'm going to take offense to it and defend myself in whatever manner is appropriate. I'll particularly defend myself if such a statement is made in a public forum such as this.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
*Waits for the next pointless flame by Robojack*
Quote:Originally posted by Robojack
Oh, so I'm an idiot for speaking my mind?

Nope, you're an idiot for calling people who enjoy watching dubs shit-eaters. So, go be a fudge packer/eater elsewhere.
Quote:Originally posted by Robojack

So what if I said that english dubs are shit, is that so wrong to say? Is there not a grain of truth in what I'm saying? If you people don't agree with me, that's fine. If you do, then great, you're amongst the majority of anime viewers in the world who appreciate japanese dubbing more than the lackluster english dubbing found in anime.

What the fuck?! Even the Japanese love the English dubs on Anime and video games. Bloodlust was only released in English, so I guess you didn't watch it since it was shit? Also if not for English dubs on Cartoon Network some series would not have been completed like BIG 0, there was more of a following here for Big 0 than in Japan that demanded more episodes. Oh yeah and I know I am little late for saying this but Transformers was not an anime, it was just drawn by a Japanese studio, however there was one episode in the third season that was done by TOY so that one is an anime. There was a huge following in Japan so it had many spin offs, but the episodes we saw here as kids were not anime. However, I'm so glad many of you mentioned it, Decepticons for fucking life!!!!
http://www.aboutheroes.com Best comic book podcast!!! Come and join in!
Quote:Originally posted by Zagatto

In addition to providing a place for a flame war to happen, this thread actually accomplished what I had hoped for when I started it. I didn't want to say whether or not subs are better than dubs, I just wanted to show that dubs do have a place in this hobby of ours.

I had a feeling that's what you were trying to do, especially after I saw the results of the poll. That's why I just happened to mention the results . . . and you saw what ensued.

I'm sorry Zagatto. I know you hate sub vs. dub debates and I really didn't want to contribute to it in your thread. But you know there was no way I was gonna let a comment like that slide. Sad
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
I'm sorry Zagatto. I know you hate sub vs. dub debates and I really didn't want to contribute to it in your thread. But you know there was no way I was gonna let a comment like that slide. Sad

Vicious, I don't hate debates. Unfortunately, that's not what is happening here. A debate is when someone makes a statement and backs it up with facts or points of reason and that in return is countered with a similar statement with conflicting facts or points of reason.

What we've had here is the equivalent of kids in a school yard pointing fingers at each other yelling "IS TOO!" "IS NOT!" "IS TOO!" "IS NOT!" "I'M TELLING ON YOU!" and so on and so forth.

As for calling someone a fudge packer as a form of insult, I find that offensive. I happen to know a fair number of "fudge packers" and they tend to be very eloquent and experienced in the art of debate.

I see four ways for this current flame war to end.
1) Everybody just walks away and stops posting. This doesn't solve anything but it does end the debate.
2) Robojack cedes the point that his initial comment was offensive and appologizes for making a sweeping and insulting statement.
3) Some convincing argument be put forth that the original statement was not offensive nor was it intended to be offensive and the rest of us are big enough to accept a reasonable argument.
4) One of the forum moderators shuts this thread down. I like this solution the least because it's like being treated like school kids pointing fingers at each other...
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
I dislike number 4 as well but I think that's the most likely one to happen...
Quote:Originally posted by Zagatto

As for calling someone a fudge packer as a form of insult, I find that offensive. I happen to know a fair number of "fudge packers" and they tend to be very eloquent and experienced in the art of debate.

True true. It was offensive. And it's an insult to them to associate him with them. But he made it so easy that I couldn't resist. Sorry. Sad
Quote:Originally posted by evilomar
Oh yeah and I know I am little late for saying this but Transformers was not an anime, it was just drawn by a Japanese studio

anime is the word the Japanese use for cartoon. Therefore, anime applies to any sort of animated show. With that being said, transformers may not have been a Japanese show, but it was an anime in the sense that the Japanese use it in. It seems only non-Japanese draw the distinction between anime and domestic cartoon.
My first anime was Sailor Moon on the wb. Then I got interested in Cardcaptor Sakura and Escaflowne when the came out on Tv.
*~ Tiffy~*

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