CONTEST ~ Aproaching 100,000 visits mark
you can do as many banners for all categories as you wish, just the best 2 from each category will be winners, and Yes, same person can win multiple prices for each category, (not limited to 1 winning and thats it) so if u can cook up few version of good banners and our judges like them u might win it all =D hehe
I will do another one and try to post it later then. How long has it been since this site was created?
"Man is born crying. When he has cried enough, he dies. " -Kyoami
its been 4-5 months since we been public Wink
100,000 already! Sheesh...its not that surprising since it is the only place to check out good reviews on HK dvds. Also has the best board too..everyone knows what they are talking about.
"Man is born crying. When he has cried enough, he dies. " -Kyoami
Thanks Sanzo Smile we are also constantly working on improving the site... soon we will be having small clips from the dvds etc Smile
here's mine.... Cry
This hand of mine glows with an awesome power. Its burning grip tells me to defeat you! Take this!! My love! My anger! And all of my sorrow!!!! Shining Fiiinggerrrrr....go! go! go!!!!!!
Allight attachments work again.. So go ahead and attach away with your banners.. Also cleaned up the thread a bit since this is about the contest.
Ok, here are two of four versions of the same banner. Hope you like them. I have to split the banners into two posts because all four together exceed the attachment limits for on post on this board.
Ok, here are the other two versions:
Nice work, people!!!! Big Grin
Steve_the_Talking_Pie: Hampsters Bumpin' and Grindin' Since '99.

Region 1: DVD Collection
Hi there... I have some submissions... ^_^

Each banner is a link to itself which will open in a new window... in case your browser doesn't much fancy displaying multiple animations on one page...

Suggested category: special promotion (1)
[Image: 01.gif]

Suggested category: general/informational (2)
[Image: 02.gif]
I assumed your store is based in the US, so I used the American spelling of "favorite"... if I was wrong, it can be easily changed :E

Suggested category: humour/witty (3)
[Image: 03.gif]

Suggested category: humour/witty (3)
[Image: 04.gif]

Suggested category: general/informational (2)
[Image: 05.gif]

Suggested category: general/informational (2)
[Image: 06.gif]
I figured, what the heck, why not toss in a non-animated one too Tongue

I wasn't quite sure which category to put some of these in, hence the "suggested"-ness. If you think it belongs someplace else, feel free to tell me :E

Also, if the timing seems too fast or too slow for your liking, it can also be easily changed...

See you guys around ^_^
~ Aero
Here is an animated one. (not as good as that guys there Tongue good work Aero!!!) Big Grin
"Man is born crying. When he has cried enough, he dies. " -Kyoami
lol some of those are pretty spiffy....

here's a quick one i made earlier....
I'm not seeing any animations.
I've even tried linking to the source files and all I get is the first page of the animated gifs... anyone with an idea what I need to do?

I'm running Windows XP with IE 6.02.....
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
I wait to let it load and it didnt load...I too have xp and ie 6.02
"Man is born crying. When he has cried enough, he dies. " -Kyoami

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