CONTEST ~ Aproaching 100,000 visits mark
alright then how about this!!
you find a picture that you would like into a banner for your
amusement and I will make it for you and send it back!!
"Hitting rock bottom is not a weekend retreat."
"Something wicked this way comes."
Hum allright i will search around tomorrow for a picture if i don't sleep all day.. working 12 hours for this stupid typhoon .. if you didn't read the other thread. Also everyone should be able to see the images now.. I totally forgot about attachment permissions and why some people where probably not able to see attachments is because they where not logged into the board. but this should be fixed now..

Also i would like to request that i can use all the banners in the site for the duration of the contest. I am also going to be writing up a page where users will be able to rate the banners as what people like. And a user will only be able to rate once per banner.. But i wanna talk to JunkieJoe about making like rating of the banners during a week after the contest ends this way all banners get a chance to be rated the same amout of people instead of early submissions get a change to be rated more etc.. but i will run it by JunkieJoe.. and thanks people for all the great banners so far..
the only problem you get about rating banners.... is that people will have all their friends and everything come in to vote.... and random stuff like that......

even if they think others are better......

but that's just what i've noticed from anything that is 'poll' related......
I agree. I think JunkieJoe should pick who he thinks the winner should be soley by himself.
Quote:Originally posted by "desfunk"

the only problem you get about rating banners.... is that people will have all their friends and everything come in to vote.... and random stuff like that......

even if they think others are better......

but that's just what i've noticed from anything that is 'poll' related......

Yea that is possible and very reasonable.. But only registered users of the site where going to be allowed to vote.. And not sure if friends would have everyone sign up just to vote or not.. but if someone is willing to do it then they would register X amout of names and vote each.. but in the End its just what JunkieJoe wish's its his site i just do the coding for him.. Big Grin
I will have user poll for which banners they like etc... but please note it will be for informational use only... final say about who is the winners will be with me ;p (so please dont register multiple times etc... i can double check IPs...) just want to get general feel of what other users like compared ot my own taste Wink
Woot, good ideas for the poll,
and yes people will try to win by any means necessary!
I never asked how many Banners are we allowed to enter 1 for each category or 2 or as many as we like??
and to Shultz and anyone else with the interest in my exploitatious banners, make sure it is possible for thr pics to become a banner
e.x: not extremely small, good resolution, and more horizontal than vertical!!
I will do my best! Big Grin
"Hitting rock bottom is not a weekend retreat."
"Something wicked this way comes."
no limit on number of banners u can enter into each category... as many as you cook up ;p
I'm assuming that some of the gifs are supposed to be animated but I'm only seeing single pictures.
I can see my annoying little car driving back and forth all over the place so I know my browser is allowing animated gifs.

Does anyone have an idea what may be wrong on my end of things?
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
most of the banners posted are not animated (i think 1 of them is... not sure if its still there or if Sazuka took it down, too lazy to scroll back heh)
Ok i made a new one. Its not that great, but its the best i could do with a 75k restriction. The texts can be changed as well as the speed of any area of the animation.
cant see your banner, please use the FORUM's attach a file feature to post banners.
i did, but for some reason it didnt work..
hmm.. let me test it

Edit by Schultz: You love KOR don't yea? you always use this image to test things.. ;o) deleted attach cause not needed now things work and takes up space.. lol big few k.. hehe ;o)
OK, it worked now. I edited my original post and put in there.

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