My Girlfriend
Nina182B Wrote:Batik, that's funny. Before I wonder if someone is really dead, I check to see if their chest rises up and down. My boyfriend sometimes sleeps with his eyes half open and it freaked me out the first time I saw it.

Hey Morgorath, when my roommates and I went to see Troy, someone kept snoring really loud. So my roommate took coins out of his pocket and threw it in the direction. The guy woke up and people applauded. But then 10 minutes later, the guy fell asleep again and kept snoring. We were out of coins Sad
Great story... hell all of the stories I have read today from you guys have made me laugh and say, "I have been in that situation..."

Just trying to relax right now though. My first day back in an offical school type place starts tomarrow. And I am nervous to a fault...
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!
Relax dude you'll be fine..but it will probabaly take a while before you feel fully comfortable but thats when you make the good friends

what skool type place you goin to???
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

well Akane here and I am going to reply to Rav96 for Morgy.... well he went back to school as in ALS standing for Airman Leadership school....... he has got his next stripe so he has to go to school to make sure he can be a proper NCO..... well he is so cute and loveable anyways........ I think he will be a great NCO.... but my opinion is byassed anyways. Well i hope to be a good NCO one day..if I make it that far.... anyways I will talk to all of you later.
I am miss smiley because I can be. Everyone should smile more and make the world a happier place.
I could never be in a fight club.. even a wussy kind where all you do is thumb wrestle. I'm the weakest person I know! First day at something new makes me nervous too.. but it's also pretty exciting being put in a new situation. Tell us some stories on your first day Smile

What does NCO stand for?
Nina182B Wrote:I could never be in a fight club.. even a wussy kind where all you do is thumb wrestle. I'm the weakest person I know! First day at something new makes me nervous too.. but it's also pretty exciting being put in a new situation. Tell us some stories on your first day Smile

What does NCO stand for?
NCO stands for Non-Commisioned Officer. Enlisted Management is all it is really. I'll hopefully be going thru the same stuff Morgy is, this time next year!!
Nina182B Wrote:I could never be in a fight club.. even a wussy kind where all you do is thumb wrestle. I'm the weakest person I know! First day at something new makes me nervous too.. but it's also pretty exciting being put in a new situation. Tell us some stories on your first day Smile

What does NCO stand for?

I wouldn't mind being in a fight club if it wasn't for all the bruises and stuff. I'm so much like Vega (aka Balrog Fabio La Cerda) nowadays. :p
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]
Fighting could be fun. You laugh and smile the whole time you fight to show that you enjoy it. You win fights time and time again. Then you go up against someone who lays it on thick and you crawl away smiling :p . Cool It's all good
Hot Damn, that was cool!

lol yeah...tis all about the bloody smiles Smile

and the pain actually feels good reminds you that your still alive...errr think that sounds weird but i hope you guys get what i mean

so put your dukes up...
i'll have you now...
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

rav96 Wrote:lol yeah...tis all about the bloody smiles Smile

and the pain actually feels good reminds you that your still alive...errr think that sounds weird but i hope you guys get what i mean

so put your dukes up...
i'll have you now...

Ha-Ha...You think that sounds weird? I guess I am just weird myself because it makes perfect sense to me. Pain is really nothing but a temporary feeling. Sometimes it's a good thing as bizzare as it is I don't care about pain because it's quite easy to use as a weapon...But it fits the reputation I have with the people who know me or have heard about me...They all see me as a psycho Big Grin But sometimes pain is the wake up call you need to see reality and realize what life truly is...The source of true intensity comes from pain of any sort and it can you the drive to continue for whatever reason you can find...

Yeah I know it sounds fucked up but it's the reality to me anyways....
[Image: IA.jpg]

'The depths of my soul are rooted in dark thoughts. But than we all have darkness and light in us. If we are all light on the outside we are nothing but darkness underneath. There comes a time when the darkness must come to light.'
- Shinobu Sensui -

It is only when you refuse to give in with all your heart that you begin to transcend your humanity. - Alucard

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I know all about fighting.
Once a week I strap on fourty pounds of armour and fight using big sticks. I try to avoid getting bruised but it still happens all the time (my wife loves poking at my bruises and watching me flinch).

Being able to walk into a contest against another person where both of you are smiling and trying hard to smack the heck out of each other is such and incredible rush. I got a light taste of that rush when I studied karate and a bit stronger taste when I played paintball. Feeling a length of rattan slamming into your opponent lets you know you've won a contest in a way that you cannot forget.

Most of the people I know believe the two following statements about pain:
1) pain is the best teacher
2) stupidity should be painful
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
rav96 Wrote:and the pain actually feels good reminds you that your still alive...errr think that sounds weird but i hope you guys get what i mean

I think that's why I enjoy playing football so much. Not organized football, but you just get a bunch of guys together, find a field, and go out and play with no pads. I want to get hit or hit someone. Makes no difference to me. I'm usually not into it until the first hit. There have been times where I've gotten jacked up by someone who weighs 100 lbs more than me. But you always have to pop back up like it didn't hurt. That pisses them off even more.

Zagatto Wrote:Being able to walk into a contest against another person where both of you are smiling and trying hard to smack the heck out of each other is such and incredible rush. I got a light taste of that rush when I studied karate and a bit stronger taste when I played paintball. Feeling a length of rattan slamming into your opponent lets you know you've won a contest in a way that you cannot forget.

You need to try playing football then. Truse me, you'll have many more bruises. Only drawback is that since you're playing without pads and helmets, there's greater risk of injury. The reason I hadn't played in so long was because I had to get 13 stitches under my eye last time I played. And since I don't have health insurance, that's $1500 that came out of my own pocket. I took a few years off after that, but had to go back again.
Vicious Wrote:You need to try playing football then. Truse me, you'll have many more bruises. Only drawback is that since you're playing without pads and helmets, there's greater risk of injury. The reason I hadn't played in so long was because I had to get 13 stitches under my eye last time I played. And since I don't have health insurance, that's $1500 that came out of my own pocket. I took a few years off after that, but had to go back again.

This is where I love to point out that I live in Canada and we pay for our health care with our taxes. Sure we pay high taxes up here but I personally feel that the money is worth it (for the most part).

A lot of my buddies and I who fight will also get together for a game of football on the weekend. We don't do it too often but I know what you're talking about. I'd rather fight with the armour on than play football. We don't get injured as often as football player... sure we get hurt but it's seldom worse than a bruise. On top of that, lining up to hit someone with a stick is much more of a rush... you really should try it some time.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
o_0. I have a friend in Canada who told me about that. She said the way the taxes were, it worked out alright for her.

Eek! I have to go. Today is weapons( every Saturday is) and I have to get my ass kicked. Lol. That is what I get for volunteering to teach a little and be demonstrated on. Those little kids are scary. Especially this younger kid who learned the whole sword form before I did, and were started at the same time. He even tried to use it on me but I was using open-hand techniques. I almost got stabbed. Evil children these days. :eek:
Hot Damn, that was cool!

Batik... Girl take care of your self. Yes there are some evil children out in this world today. As for the high taxes in Canada... Well thanks but no thanks. I will pay a small share for my health ins. and my share for welfare but to get taxed almost 57% of my gross income. NO wonder you have the population of New York in Land mass that is bigger than the US.

NCO status... It has dropped over the past few years. NO longer holds the looked up to values and honar(let alone scare tatics) it once had. But I earn more money and my word can make or brake someone's early career. There is some justice in this world. No chance it will go to my head I hope...
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!
Zagatto Wrote:I know all about fighting.
Once a week I strap on fourty pounds of armour and fight using big sticks. I try to avoid getting bruised but it still happens all the time (my wife loves poking at my bruises and watching me flinch).

Being able to walk into a contest against another person where both of you are smiling and trying hard to smack the heck out of each other is such and incredible rush. I got a light taste of that rush when I studied karate and a bit stronger taste when I played paintball. Feeling a length of rattan slamming into your opponent lets you know you've won a contest in a way that you cannot forget.

Most of the people I know believe the two following statements about pain:
1) pain is the best teacher
2) stupidity should be painful

I agree with both...Without pain you would never realize your weak points and you would never know what your body is going through... It is sad when someone cannot feel pain because they can be slowly dying with no idea which isnt really a good thing....The reason I say that is they have no way to know what is happening thus no way to truly stop it...

But that sucks about your wife doing that to you LOL...As if going through it wasnt bad enough she wants to agravate the injury LOL...
[Image: IA.jpg]

'The depths of my soul are rooted in dark thoughts. But than we all have darkness and light in us. If we are all light on the outside we are nothing but darkness underneath. There comes a time when the darkness must come to light.'
- Shinobu Sensui -

It is only when you refuse to give in with all your heart that you begin to transcend your humanity. - Alucard

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