She has stood by me through some pretty tough times and is even holding on to me while I am here in Iraq. I wanted her to visit these boards so she could meet people like you, the Schultz's, Kakoi, Dark, and even Batz... because I consider you all friends. I want her to know all about me. Someone on these board told me a long time ago that I didn't share enough with them. So on that person's advise, I am trying to include my GF in every aspect of my life.
So to all on the boards this is my GF and she is new to the anime scene, but with her sister's help and yours she will be a junkie like us in no time.
Her Handle is Akane say hi she won't mind...
welcome to the board Akane, make yourself at home...
wait... give an inch take a mile... nm hehe lol, ignore that and enjoy your stay!
and you Morg, keep your head down as always, let the indiginious forces do the fighting ^_^
Well I am about ready to go to work and I jsut wanted to say hello before I went... thank you for replying to my messages here at import-anime and thank you for wanting to include me in everythingyou do... I wish I could do the same for you ....I try and tell you everything about me... I hope I am doing an OK Job on that part... well gotta go and I love you..... see you sooner than you think..........I hope
Welcome and enjoy your stay.
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
play nice
I was.
I wasn't being serious. I was just teasing them 2.
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
play nice
Awww, how cute. I read your other post before... I guess you can be nice sometimes... *ahem, with the help of moderators* Actually, I am a great Vicious fan and am currently trying to be a little bit more "tough" and "honest" in real life.
Akane, welcome!! I haven't been on this board that long but I've heard Morgo mention you from time to time in some of his comments. I hope you'll enjoy anime as much as we all do. Good thoughts and prayers go out to you and Morgo. Hope you see each other soon.
Akane, welcome to the club.
Your presence here marks an incredible occurance... Vicious being nice to a new person. This is a special day indeed.
Morgorath, your lady is in good hands here. May every step you take be a safe one.
Quote:Originally posted by Zagatto
Your presence here marks an incredible occurance... Vicious being nice to a new person.
Who said I was being nice? I was just 'pretending' so I could lure her into a false sense of trust and thus get some incriminating photos of Morg. Which then I would proceed to trade to Morg for his anime collection. It was all part of my master plan.
Did you hear? I got fans now? I don't even know how that works out, since I'm sure there's many people on here nicer than me. But if they're hot girls, and they want to join the fan club, be my guest.
Well, even though you can be quite vicious sometimes the truth is your replies are usually so amusing and witty I personally can't avoid liking you. I suppose that's also why other people, like Nina182B, have taken a liking to you.
Anyway, hi Akane! I'm quite new around here and I feel like I almost don't have a right to say this but welcome!
Quote:Who said I was being nice? I was just 'pretending' so I could lure her into a false sense of trust and thus get some incriminating photos of Morg. Which then I would proceed to trade to Morg for his anime collection. It was all part of my master plan.
From the Silver tougned devil himself...
Well I am feeling a bit Naughty today and will let you in on a secret. Akane has a bigger collection of Hentai then I do. And she even has them on R1 DVD. Oh and Since Vicious wants a pic of me so bad I will share this one with you all...
This little beauty was dropped off to us and EOD in exchange for some MRE's (Meals Ready to Eat) We (Military) payed a man 300 dollars for the same thing 2 weeks ago. Talk about strange...
Oh and thank you all for making Akane feel closet "Otaku...skeba"
Wow... that's some toy to play with.
Although the shot I saw originally looked more like the one I have attached here.
I'm curious what it feels like to shoot one of those things.
I hope you don't have to find out under pressure.
Welcome, future junkie, LOL.
Thank you all for being so sweet and welcoming me to the site I hope to talk to you all soon.. I am still cery new t othe site so I am still searching and finding new things and how to feel my way around the site......
Babe that was a really cute pic of you... Although you know I like big guns......... Anyways I am going to the field tomorrow so I won't be online until probably late..... Maybe we can meet up and talk to each other over the interent.... Miss Ya and Love ya.....
Welcome to the boards. I hope you enjoy your stay.