My Girlfriend
And the kind warm welcome goes out to.....Akane! *crowd cheers* welcome and I hope to read some of your future posts. Peace Wink.
Hot Damn, that was cool!

pssh, no one welcomed me when I joined the boards.
Welcome Akane! Be good to our precious Morgy, he has a bazooka! If I were in the infantry I would want to be a Bazooka Joe Myself! Seriously!
Anyhoo, EVERY one was pissed off at me when I first joined, my first thread was called "How Bout Those Terrible Dubs"...and after all the napalm I waded through I'm still here! Huzzah! I hope you like it here, it's pretty cool. JJ rox and so does pretty much anyone whos been here over a year. Well enough rambling and back to drooling over World of Warcraft!
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
Quote:Originally posted by kakomu
pssh, no one welcomed me when I joined the boards.

Wah freakin wah.

I never got welcomed when I first showed up either. We're guys. A grunt and a nod is all we need. If we want to keep the fairer sex around then we have to learn to be a little more polite.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
Welcome Akane!
I know I haven't been on very much due to vacation and moving. I hope to be on more as soon as we get a house!!
Not sure that Schultz introduced himself...he's not much for that kind of thing. I am the other half of the Schultzs'. Big Grin
I've known Morg for some real life. You've got yourself a handful there, enjoy! Wink
Quote:I've known Morg for some real life. You've got yourself a handful there, enjoy!

Thanks Ka-Ta... what she meant is that I am a wreck and most women should stay clear, but that's what true friends are for... They know your faults, but still like you just the same.

Zagatto - The welcomeing thing you have that down to a tee. Men we just introduce are selfs and that is it. But for the fairer (Ka-Ta would say better) Half of are species needs that little bit of a friendly jester. And since this is the first time Akane has ever done anything like posting ofn the boards I wanted her to know there are cool people that value conversation.

Akane - have fun in the field.

Hey schultz if sent you a video would you host it so every one could see it... Its of a fire that ended blowing up one of the Iraq's MSA. (Muntion Storage Area)
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!
Welcome Akane!...Hope you like it here..Oh! hey and Ka-Talliya I have not heard from you in a while..Hope you get to move in your new House soon....Smile
If all flower's were roses, they wouldn't be as sweet.
Akane- Don't listen to him. He's a sweetheart...really. We all have our rough points, dealing with each others is what makes a relationship stronger.

Kristy- The move isn't going as well as we had hoped...the Schultz's are currently without a home. Thank goodness the baby is with my parents!

Morg- I would not say better...just differant in fairer ways...hehe. We's got Dial up at the moment, dear. Give Schultz some time.Smile
Welcome Akane! This world is made of love and peace! Big Grin
well I am back from the field and it was a fun day.... I got to eat real cheap was awesome!! I had someone kick me in the leg so it hurts a little but that is what happens when you work around close confined areas... It was ok..I learned a lot stuff in the field today..... Anyways I am now relaxing but I still have to go to work tommorrow...... Blah........ Everybody have good day
Morgorath- I love you and set up a day that we can talk on this site........
Hi Akane
I'm just wondering, since Morg has internet access, isn't it possible for him to get one of the various messengers so that it's easier for you 2 lovebirds to talk to each other. Or is it prohibited to do so in the army?
It's prohibited by the Air Force, but it is possible if you use a browser based chat...Yahoo and AIM have them. That's how Schultz and I did things while he was over there.
Akane, just be aware, any conversation you have with Morg, that isn't thru PM, will be able to be read by everyone.
Quote:Morg- I would not say better...just differant in fairer ways...hehe. We's got Dial up at the moment, dear. Give Schultz some time.

Well thanks for your kind words Ka-Ta... And I know schultz he would give up CoCo's if it meant having a faster internet connection. Hey could you send me a link to the place where you and Schultz used to talk through...

Akane - I will e-mail you and give you a link where we can chat. Although I don't think JJ would mind I have higher standers of myslef and Im then lowering it the level of a chat room. By the way your time in the missle field... man I feel for you, and I am here in the desert i would take this over that anyday.

Spike - I will make sure she knows those words and trigun and wolfwood like she knows walmart.

Japschin - I am looking up ways to get around the blocks the military has in place. But I have to do it the right way or else the results could be bad, because unlike other military I couldn't say oops I didn't know I couldn't do that. Because they know I know better.
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!
Good luck Morg! Long distance is a PITA, i know how it's like coz I had done that for 3 years before.
Heheh...any chance of you coming back or getting yourself transferred back home soon?:p Big Grin
well thank you Morgorath for the email I will wait for it and yes I know that everyone can see everything that I put up on this thing..... but you know still learning... learn everyday.....:p

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