I just sold my xbox
pal is lame its 50hz an NTSC is 60hz and most deveolpers dont bother changing game speed and hence you get 20%slower gameplay and dam Borders coz the Pal system has more vertices!

Mand you it doesnt affect me much coz i usually get american Ps2 games anyway coz i cant be asked to wait (or shloud i say backups, not to mention how easy it is nowa days to backup gamesWink )

ooo er its a pirate me hartys
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

graphics have gotten to such a point (and especially with the new generation systems coming out) that they will cease to be an issue. what makes games is gameplay and most games out and coming out are just clones and composites of other games. many games are tring to become more and more realistic, but realism can only take gaming so far, many other games try to build upon ideas that made other games great but you can only build so high. people play games because games are fun and original, playing a fun game 10 times gets boring and playing 10 fun games that are almost identical gets boring too. bottom line is too many games are boring or jaded and most games just suck, go into a game store and look at which ever wall is stacked with games for the console of your choice, compare how many games you though were good with the ones that sucked or that you knew better than to even try...yeah like a 1:20 ratio. its about doing something new well or something old in a way that it has never been done before and its gotta keep the fun factor. with graphic power getting the way it is its not even a question of hardware but of software, console giants arent gonna save the game industry its gonna be small software teams devloping new games with new ideas and good gameplay and (with the possible exception of sports titles) excellent storys that make us care about the game(because just like any art form, its good if it entertains you and great if it moves you) and games unlike what we play today. graphics may plateau but art will keep games alive.
How about that game Fable does? It's a culmination of the both, graphics, and hopefully a great story. When you get both you get gold.
It's all about the love Wink

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