Do you guys think selling my xbox collection was a good Idea? I plan on selling my playstation 1 collection and my dreamcast collection. please give me your thoughts ohhhh great thinkers of the world.
You're free of video games, up some cash and old enough to go on a bar crawl or clubbing. I think you're in mighty good shape. I would have already sold all my stuff if it wasn't for the fact that I'm a packrat and like to keep stuff. However, I don't play video games frequently, and I typically hang out with people, so that's just me.
Depends on your situation. No job and desperate for cash or just clearing out stuff you don't play anymore? Saying that I suppose there's no good idea/bad idea about what you've done or are going to do. Only you can say whether you'll miss your collection or not.
I have money and a job, its just I wanted to clear out my closet, I love video games but I feel its time to move onto bigger things like my career etc. If only I could get a career playing video happily everafter. One of my many dreams.
Bad Idea!!!
whats the point if your not strap for cash i've learnt to hold on to my gaming relics of times gone by and present, you might regret it later!
Good idea! X-box sucks.
List your PSX and DC collection for people here (like myself) to pick over.
Quote:Originally posted by gohan32
Good idea! X-box sucks.
I aggree. I've always felt that Microsoft has no business being in on the console wars :mad:. They should stick to what there good at like computers! They're the monopoly in that area, it seems greedy of them to stretch out further because they can.
i agree in the sense that Micro$oft suck!
and XBox is evil (i only have 2games for mine and it wasn't like i bought one tis was a gift)
but he should atleast keep the DC
Quote:Originally posted by gohan32
Good idea! X-box sucks.
List your PSX and DC collection for people here (like myself) to pick over.
Xbox don't suck if you use it for what it can do.. Right now i have a x-box running Gentoo Linux distribution.. its going to be my development server for I-A holding my cvs and such.. can't beat a $135 computer..
god dammit, you anti-MS people sound so freaking stupid, especially when you say "M$". Give it a rest already.
i see some peole want to "hug" Bill Gates

Schultz you cought that too the BX here minot is selling the X-box for 135 bucks, what's up with that? I am not complaining though more business for me.
Anyways M$ is short Microsoft and given your mood on M$ I will leave it at that.
BAck to the talking point, I just recived my stuff from Japan and after unpacking I noticed I had 2 Satruns (thanks Schultz) 1 DC, 2 Gamecubes, a PS2, and a X-box. I Don't think I can give any of them up except for one of me Saturn after it get's modded or a great emulator is made. And giving up video games and moving what kind of talk is that. Hell we are the prime target age for gaming we are who the market the stuff too 18 to 30. Like Wrestling. We are losing are arcades all over the world because gaming at home has caught up and the best games are being made for the home systems. Just because we are old enough to go to the bars doesn't mean you give up gaming. Hell playing Eternal Darkness or Silent Hill drunk with some buddys and your girls is the funniest and Scary things I every done. But to each his own. But let's not make gaming sound like something you go thru and then leave the 1st grade that just dumb.
just as soon as someone says that they dislike the Xbox because they hate microsoft it's just about the stupidest reasoning possible. It's like saying I hate the gamecube, because I prefer Nvidia video cards to ATI cards.
On top of that, look at sony. Every bit as large and evil as Microsoft (if at least more so). just as many unscrupulous acts.
Lastly, anyone who uses "M$" or "Micro$oft" looks like fucking idiot. I may have been drunk when I wrote my first post, that doesn't make it any less valid.
For the record... I don't hate Microsoft. And I possibly would buy an XBox if it could hook up to a computer screen, but I personally wouldn't use it for gaming otherwise.
I don't usually turn on my word, but if there are any adapters that I could use an XBox on a computer screen (instead of buying a TV), then I will take back agree-ing that XBox sucks.