Just a stupid question...
Rav you are definately NOT a post slut.
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
Quote:Originally posted by DARK OSAMU
Rav you are definately NOT a post slut.

I seriously think it's some other new guy messing with him just to piss him off.
What did the Anonymous pm say in it? I didn't get one. Where's mine?Sad :confused: Sad :confused:
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
To define post slut I use one simple example. One time we were all talking about something, I don't remember what, & out of no where Steve's post starts talking about turkey sandwiches...Now, from entertainers, a lot of us kinda just becamse a bother, posting any & everything we could to talk about any & everything...In other words we really didn't have a life, or atleast I didn't.
For an example of good post sluting check the old Adventures in Steve the talking Pie's head, if it's still around. For an example of the bad check the entire 15 page long thread of someone from my town coming on here at the command of their friend & attempting to flame me...or the Steve, what's the first thing to come to mind thread...which did have some humor, I busted out laugh when Steve said Aqua was the code name he used while banging my sister. Big Grin

So, Rav 96, I wouldn't say that you're a post slut, unless you want to be. By the way, has anyone seen WarArieS around? I have his ICQ number, but I'm never on.
In closing:
I'm glad to see that I have been forgiven for my sins. Thank You All, & A Good Day to You Too.
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.

If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.

As-1D R077's temp homepage: http://www.freewebs.com/as1dr077/index.html
I miss WarArieS as well.Sad
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
ive sent a coupla repies to the email and all i got back is Tosser and lots of dodgy pics sent back,

ahwell dont really bother me but whoever it is they are LOW SCUM! if you gotts prob with me just tell me out and out and not via your pussy tactics you pansy ass creatin!:mad:
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

Quote:Originally posted by rav96
ive sent a coupla repies to the email and all i got back is Tosser and lots of dodgy pics sent back,

ahwell dont really bother me but whoever it is they are LOW SCUM! if you gotts prob with me just tell me out and out and not via your pussy tactics you pansy ass creatin!:mad:

Hmmm . .. . There might be a way to find out who it is. I'm not sure, so you'll have to check with Schultz to figure this out. But if there's a way to see what IP address those emails are being sent from, figure that out first. And then if Schultz or any of the other mods want to help you out and tell you who on this forum makes posts using that IP address. Like I said, check with Schultz since he'd be the best person to ask.
yeah good idea but to be honest i find it funny how some stupid asshole went to so much trouble as to send me such crap!

i'm just gonna ignore it
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

I bump into WarAries from time to time at my local comic shop.
He's more interested in cars these days than anime.

That and he's living with a really hot girlfriend...
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
Quote:Originally posted by Zagatto
hot girlfriend...

New HOT Girlfriends...

explains alot of MIA peops in my experience on message boards
when will i ever get my turnSad
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
if there's a way to see what IP address those emails are being sent from, figure that out first.

Hmmm...... Is this even doable (for technical standpoint)? If the sender has any brain in his head, I am pretty sure that the anoymous sender probably used a free email account such as hotmail. If so, then I thought that IP address of sender would be that of hotmail, because the email would originate from one of their servers. What it means is that the afore-mentioned task is pretty much impossible, unless the identification is done by free mail service, and that's not gonna happen (unless you ask for subpoena from court like music industry did)
Well, I didn't know if that part was possible. That's why I told him to check wiht Schultz.
Awh I wish I would have gotten an email yelling at me......
I wish someone would post it for all to see. If the person is such a pussy they had to send E-Mail and not just post it then let's all see it so we can point and laugh!Cool
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
Quote:Originally posted by rav96
well i dont give a shit what you lot think and some people take threads and stuff too seriously, i mainly try to help people by spreading the anime wealth!

did you get the weird email aswell Animeinme?

Wasn't me, I actually tell that person that they're being a bitch.
Teabagging girls' chins since 1983.
I get pumped when watching porno.

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