What's your Hometown???
probably coz none of them live to be sheep and get butchered when lambs
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

Quote:Originally posted by matthewmalay
Watch out! The old man is getting gumpy. JK

Yeah, Gen X people were born around the early 70s. I think my generation was Gen nothing

Hey, I was born in 1955. Got you all beat. BTW, I was born in Montreal but moved around alot (army brat). I presently reside near Oxford Mills, Ontario, just a few klicks south of Ottawa.


If a man speaks in the forest, and there is no woman to hear him, is he still wrong?
I'm at student at Univ. of Notre Dame, Indiana. No social things to do here except for drinking and go cow tipping. Really sad. Grew up in the Philippines til I was 7 and then lived in Jersey City, NJ. Really ghetto (scarey) place to be. Wish I had been born Japanese just for the pure sake of being able to buy anime without waiting for subtitles Smile Or that I had take Japanese classes while here in college *smacks forehead* Haven't really done a lot of posting in this site but it's really nice to hear where everyone's from since I read a lot of the forums.
A LOT of my relatives are from Jersey.
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"

Sorry, couldn't resist!

Newayz, I've moved around a few times durin my life, then ended up here, in Iowa! Yehaw... and no, for those who ask 'is it really all corn fields?' (yes, indeed, i have been asked that before :eekSmile I actually live in a city... with a mall n everything! Itz so amazing...

Rolleyes Back to wut i was sayin, itz pretty cool here... movie theaters to hang out at, TCBY which is by far the best ice cream place ever (ice cream capital of world: LeMars!) Itz not bad w/crime rate, though i gotta admit itz not a perfect world...

:p N thatz how the cookie crumbles... (great movie, eh?)
Quote:Originally posted by Nina182B
I'm at student at Univ. of Notre Dame, Indiana.

You lucky bastard!!! I'm a ND football fan. Too bad they've been crappy for awhile now. But Ty Willingham will turn that around soon enough. I've always wanted to see the campus there and go watch a ND football game. Maybe I'll get a chance to one day.
Yeah it really is a shame how bad of a season we recently had. I'm graduating this May and I really wanted it to be great. The football stadium isn't as big as how it looks on tv but being in the crowd during a game is awesome! And the campus is really amazing too. You should write to me if you ever plan on visiting or want to go to a game. I'm not much of a sports fan and we're always offered tickets for the games, which I usually turn down anyway.
Quote:Originally posted by Nina182B
You should write to me if you ever plan on visiting or want to go to a game. I'm not much of a sports fan and we're always offered tickets for the games, which I usually turn down anyway.

Really? That'd be awesome. I might take you up on your offer this fall if I can save a little bit of money up to fly out there. But if you're graduating in May, will you still be able to get football tickets?

I went to George Mason University and we don't have a football team. We have a basketball team that occasionally makes it into the tourney but gets eliminated in the 1st round. But I'm a huge football fan, so it sucked that I had no tema to root for at my school.

But ever since I was little and saw all the ND football stuff on TV and the legend and history that it has, I became a fan. I still remember how they got robbed in like 90-91 when Rocket returned that kick return and they called clipping. It was a bad call and cost ND the last national championship that they actually had a shot at.
I'd say it's pretty easy to get tickets to the football game if you're an alum. They do a raffle that lets a good amout of the alums get a shot to buy season tickets. And even if I don't get that chance, I know a lot of kids who are still in the school. Last fall, students paid $24 a game for 6 home games and if you can't make it, you can exchange a max of 2 student tickets for a general admission ticket. And you have to pay them an extra 24 bucks. So last semester, I sold 2 of my tickets for around 50 bucks. Most kids sell their tickets to their friends who have people coming over for a game so I don't really think it'll be a problem. So if you're looking for a home game ticket, I don't think it'll be so hard so get them for one or two people.
I live in Aurora Colorado and an not particulary proud of it. What to say about Aurora? Not very much, I'm afraid. Think I'll move back to Charleston, South Carolina.
I love anime-but I still have a life-but not by choice......?
I was born in Canada. Now I live in Berrien Springs, MI...Not much to do around here. I guess I am to young to be sad about being single.Because I am only 17.Sorry for being so late in the posts.kristym22Smile
Quote:Originally posted by kristym22
I was born in Canada. Now I live in Berrien Springs, MI...Not much to do around here. I guess I am to young to be sad about being single.Because I am only 17.Sorry for being so late in the posts.kristym22Smile

Pretty funny Kristy... I was born in Canada and moved to Michigan when I was 4. lol... I now live in Canton/Plymouth area.
i live in towson, md. close to baltimore, and its pretty cool. i like the chesapeake bay. the seafood is killer.

Look, maybe you just saw a one headed monkey carrying two watermelons.
Thats funny/cool finally someone from where I was/and am from..... So what part of Canada.Me I am from Manitoba.Smile
If all flower's were roses, they wouldn't be as sweet.
A little town called Midland... Ontario.

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