What's your Hometown???
Hello every one I'm from the island nothernmost in the Hawaiin chain. It's called Kauai the Garden Island. And, I can freely admit, after traveling the world doing music and other things cough!, Kauai is one of the most beautiful palces I've been. Right now I'm on the Island of oahu. It has 80% of hawaii's entire population. so you cna guess It's pretty crowed here. Some even call this place little Japan because there are so many tourists from Japan here. About my self, I grew next to a beach and that pretty much sums up me. laters
Quote:Originally posted by Schultz
I am sorry that you live in VA.. i just went through Norfolk on my way back to japan from Iraq and that place sucked.. Don't like some of the states laws there already just my little time going through there..

The state laws here do suck. VA is one of the strictest states when it comes to laws. We're one of the only states that bans radar detectors.

But the general atmosphere and culture and pretty much anything else is way different in Northern VA than it would be in other parts of VA. Simply because we're further north and alot more metropolitan than any other part of VA. Once, I went to visit some friends at Radford VA, which is in the SW part of VA and I swore it looked like an episode of Dukes of Hazzard.
i was born in England, west midlands region in the city of Coventry!
now i live in Oadby which is in the outskirts of Leicester in the East midlands and i go to Nottingham University!

short and sweet!
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

I'm from Floral City - - - Singapore

Born there and lived there till I moved here for studies almost 3 years ago. Beautiful place, clean with lots of greens. Now living in California.
im in belfast, ireland (yes ireland, not the uk!), last i heard it was a city, not a town.

coventry! pity you had to get relagated, i feel for you man. and its a shame you live in leicester now, full of football playing rapists i hear Big Grin
see you space cowboy...
I was born in Concord, New Hampshire, Pop 30,000+. Raised in Loudon, NH, Pop.3,000+. If anyone follows racing at all and has ever seen the New Hampshire International speedway, that's in my town. My town was settled by Scottish Sheep farmers and the name of the town is Gaelic for Hills. Which is no joke.

So, that's 3.5 years in Concord, NH, 14.5 years in Loudon, NH and now I'm in Okinawa. I've done a lot of traveling, and as of yet no place feels like home like the hills and mountains of New Hampshire.
My best friend from when I was a kid was from Concord NH. Smile
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
Quote:Originally posted by sanosuke
im in belfast, ireland (yes ireland, not the uk!), last i heard it was a city, not a town.

coventry! pity you had to get relagated, i feel for you man. and its a shame you live in leicester now, full of football playing rapists i hear Big Grin

Football/Soccer sucks ass!!!

i just like playing but i'm no club supporter!

tis all about Basketball
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

basketball is a pansy-ass no contact sport for girls! football (soccer) is the shit man!

pity man utd got put out of the champions league Sad
see you space cowboy...
bah to man utd.... Gunners all the way Tongue. I was born in Enfield (borough of London). Live in Potters Bar (people in the uk might know where it is because fo the train crash :S). At the moment im up in stafford (staffordshire) at the University.

I got quite a few family members in the Belfast area(very nice place ireland is). I think a few in southern Ireland (not sure).
I love all the culture in this room. It's nice to at least read some diversity, too bad I can't exactly see it too.Sad
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
BasketBall is Awesome, and i play streetball wher its full contact in our rule book (me and my mates)! Football is Good to play but cant see the whole devotion to a club thing

a lot of footy larger louts become unfit fat stupid asssholes who shouts out racist slurs to people like me, in my experince having only gone to 3 football matches in my life and getting slurs in all of them now that fuckin sucks!:mad: :mad: :mad:
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

First off American Football... is a way for americans to have a war every Sunday for 20 weeks a year and you choose sides and then bam it is all out. But at least are fans maintain are cool. Some of are brothers across the pond. You guys sometimes let the frenzy go from the field into the stands. That is the only thing I don't like about Eurpoen Football.

Oh and Schultz your Seattle Seahawks are looking good for next year. But my Colts are looking better see you on the field of battle.
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!
You forgot about Eagles fans. I've heard that's the worst palce to go in if you're a fan of a visiting team.

My 49ers aren't looking too promising at this point. Not sure how we're almost at a rebuilding stage again when we just did that like 5 years ago.
Sorry guys, but I will stick with my Patriots!

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