One Piece!
Ive been collecting the one piece dvd collection from animation video for some time. I bought parts 1-4(which is Ep 1-128). Is that the newest episode available at the moment and when will the new ones come out??? Another thing that bothers me is in the latter part of the set, certain episodes are dvd rips while others are really bad TV rips. I can understand if they went all TV rips if dvd rips in those episodes werent available but the fact that they keep alternating quality means they just dont want to put the best kind out there. If anyone knows any info about this please tell me. Thx!!!
I am pretty sure up to 128 is all that is out currently... at least i couldn't find anything above that on any site. I try my hardest to get R1 rips or domestic DVDs if i am going to buy them so i don't know about one piece, but i have been watching it fansubbed and it really is a great show. (but the manga blows it away)
If you mean if ep. 128 is the one played last week in Japan, then no. It's on episode 181 and doesn't show any signs of stopping!
i was talking hk dvd released
Yea its currently up to around episode 185 and showing no signs of slowing down. I think the story is still really good for such a long series compared to some other ones such as Inu Yasha or Dragonball.
ive been really tempted to pick one piece up for about a year but the reviews of the sets on this site put me off. how bad really are the subs? and what sets would you recommend? i want to be convinced to buy it!
see you space cowboy...
Quote:Originally posted by sanosuke
how bad really are the subs?

Don't know if you watched a lot of other HK sets before. I would judge the subs as average HK originals. That means, that names are wrong, but most are still somewhat close phonetically (like Sanji = Sunkist, Ruffy = Roof etc.). The grammar is wrong with wrong tenses or verb forms, mixing up gender, I/you, plural singular etc. And some word choices are strange. But all in all you can follow the story, and in the case of One Piece, understanding the subs is easy, as the dialogue isn't very complicated in this series.
The Beard is out there...

Click here to view BeardFan's HK DVD list
sounds like i could live with them. i dont understand why these people are so bad with their fan subs cause it seems that any random bastard on the net can do a better job, if only i had broadband Sad
see you space cowboy...
I think that the people that do fansubs do such a better job is because they actually understand english, which i am convinced that the people that sub the HK do not.
Quote:Originally posted by sanosuke
ive been really tempted to pick one piece up for about a year but the reviews of the sets on this site put me off. how bad really are the subs? and what sets would you recommend? i want to be convinced to buy it!

THe first season is great! The only episode that's messed up is the one with Luffy's past, but it you read the first manga like I did, you'll know what's going on! Everyone's name is as good as it's gonna get for an HK release:

Luffy: Rufy
Zoro: Zoro
Nami: Namy
Usopp: Usopu
Korby: Koby

AS for the second season...well, the episode after the Sanji arc, the subs PLUNGE, but are still understandable. Out of the 20 or so episodes there were only about 5 or less lines that I couldn't make out what the hell they meant. This season started the horrible name changes.

Luffy: Roof
Zoro: Knight man
Usopp: Crook Bu(wtf?)
Nami: Namy

For the third seasons and beyond, it's about the quality of the first season, but a little bit worse than that. Out of the 60+ episodes after the second season, I only remember 1 line where I couldn't understand what's going on.

This is a little Off Topic but what's everyone's fave OP Opening Song and ending songs?

My fave is: Believe in Wonderland for the opening

And my fave ending is: Watashi ga iruyo aka "I Am Here". It sucks that this ending was only used for 5 episodes. Then they played that crap ass secret agent song for A WHOLE SEASON. GOD I HATED THAT SONG!!!, and now my second or third fave opening is now playing...I forget the name but it has the crew racing in the beginning and has the crew playing with animals, then has Namy standing on that cliff near the end.
Quote:THe first season is great! The only episode that's messed up is the one with Luffy's past, but it you read the first manga like I did, you'll know what's going on! Everyone's name is as good as it's gonna get for an HK release:

Luffy: Rufy
Zoro: Zoro
Nami: Namy
Usopp: Usopu
Korby: Koby

What set did you watch? On the set I have seen (FX Vol.1, episodes 1-52), the strange names existed from the very first episode:

Luffy: Roof
Zoro: Suron, Surun
Nami: Nami, Namay
Usopp: Liar Bu, Crook Boo
Koby: Kirby


Buggy: Bachi
Kaya: Koya
Klahadore: Clarbarter
Kuro: Rock
Zeff: Chep
Col. Morgan: Monca
Gaimon: Monca

I'm very sure there are others, but I'm nowhere done with watching this series.
Quote:Originally posted by rugrats1
What set did you watch? On the set I have seen (FX Vol.1, episodes 1-52), the strange names existed from the very first episode:

Luffy: Roof
Zoro: Suron, Surun
Nami: Nami, Namay
Usopp: Liar Bu, Crook Boo
Koby: Kirby


Buggy: Bachi
Kaya: Koya
Klahadore: Clarbarter
Kuro: Rock
Zeff: Chep
Col. Morgan: Monca
Gaimon: Monca

I'm very sure there are others, but I'm nowhere done with watching this series.

I watched MI's set. That's the best set IMO.
My favourite OP song would have to be the 3rd opening "Hikari E". I played this song on drumania so its cool to hear it on One Piece.

Ending song would be 5th or 6th ED?? called Glory.

I own all the AV sets in gatefolds other than volume 15 and 16 because they need to wait for volume 17 to com out before they can package them all together. The subs are very understandable and didn't ruin any of my enjoyment to this awsome adventure series.

I just finished watching episode 128 and I want more!!!!!
Anyone know when the next volume will come out?? Like what is the period of time they take between releases?? I want to watch more and fansubs are still over 40eps behind the HK DVDs.
Favorite Opening: Believe
Favorite Ending: Either Free Will or A-to-Z

Glory is the 7th ending

PArt 8 ( 127-158?) is out.
Is it out??? where can I find it?? Do you have a website and why is it not listed at importanime??

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