Best Anime!!
Of Corse!! :p
Pika Pika Shining!!!! Ryuichi Sakuma is a GOD!!! NO DA?!
Quote:Originally posted by Batik
Has everyone completely forgotten about Evangelion and FLCL? I thought FLCL was pretty damn I the only one? ;_____;
I love FLCL! One of my favorites... so you're no the only one Big Grin!

As for Evangelion.. I just started, (as mentioned in "I'm Ranting" thread). I am only eight episodes in and I am greatly enjoying it.

Besides Evangelion and FLCL another anime I like by Gainax is... Mahoromatic! I really like it Big Grin.
I am so glad to hear it. I love FLCL. I watch it over and over and over again. It is kind of strange how my favorite episodes are the first episode and the last episode. Lol. It is so silly. My friend asked me how I could even like the show and I flicked him on the shoulder and lectured him. He hasn't asked me that question for a few months. I have a habbit of lecturing is just one of those things that I need to work on. Well, good - bye! (doesn't everyone get annoyed with all of my good-byes? Lol) ^___________^.
Hot Damn, that was cool!

FLCL is one of the Greats!! Lecturing is FunBig Grin I do it to most of my friends^.^
Pika Pika Shining!!!! Ryuichi Sakuma is a GOD!!! NO DA?!
Quote:Originally posted by Batik
It is kind of strange how my favorite episodes are the first episode and the last episode.
My favorite is the 3rd.. Marquis de Carabas. And I don't know why, perhaps it's because it's the first episode I saw of it. I was hooked after that.
I lOVE to lecture. I can lecure about nothing. I think (in regaurds to what SirChico said) that that may be the very reason that I like the first episode. I mean the part about getting hooked from the first episode. And besides, it is not everyday, you get to see a kid spinning around the tire of a vespa ^_______^.
Hot Damn, that was cool!

It's best to lecture about ANIME!! :p
Pika Pika Shining!!!! Ryuichi Sakuma is a GOD!!! NO DA?!
I would have to agree. There is nothing more fun. The weird thing (that gets on my nerves) is when people laugh at my lectures. They say they are funny or something. Does anyone find my rants or lectures funny? I sure as hell don't think they are. ;________;. It is one of life's unanswered questions (one of my most common sayings...well not sayings, things I say over and over again). And so, I will search for an answer I swear it! Well, enough of that. ^________^. Do I seem like I have a split personality to anyone? My friend won't stop telling me that but then again, she is the person that said I look like an anime character. She also keeps telling me that I remind her of many people. I had to admit that I did seem like a lot of different people, but this is just odd. She said it had something to do with the meaning of my name (a little ditty to think about). Alright then, good-bye!
Hot Damn, that was cool!

Quote:Originally posted by Batik
I would have to agree. There is nothing more fun. The weird thing (that gets on my nerves) is when people laugh at my lectures. They say they are funny or something. Does anyone find my rants or lectures funny? I sure as hell don't think they are. ;________;. It is one of life's unanswered questions (one of my most common sayings...well not sayings, things I say over and over again). And so, I will search for an answer I swear it! Well, enough of that. ^________^. Do I seem like I have a split personality to anyone? My friend won't stop telling me that but then again, she is the person that said I look like an anime character. She also keeps telling me that I remind her of many people. I had to admit that I did seem like a lot of different people, but this is just odd. She said it had something to do with the meaning of my name (a little ditty to think about). Alright then, good-bye!

I'm starting to like him more & more as the days ago by.

Come on, does the complete lack of focus not remind anyone of my golden days, back when rammbling was accepted?
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.

If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.

As-1D R077's temp homepage:
You really like me? Whoa...that's a first. Nice to know though ^_____^. And here I thought that everyone hated me completely! How nice to know. I might just blush! Just kidding, just kidding. Well, anyway that is great! And now I should stop rambling and obsessing about it. Gee...if you like an idiot like me now...I can't wait to see what people think about me in a month or so....if they have not murdered me by then. I am not sure about my life line. I have been picking fights with the wrong people lately, especially my friends. They want me to tell someone off but little old me just doesn't have the heart. And I hate to run away from people that are sensitive, but I am left with no choice. Well, gotta run! Wink Good-bye!
Hot Damn, that was cool!

Quote:Originally posted by Batik
You really like me? Whoa...that's a first. Nice to know though ^_____^. And here I thought that everyone hated me completely! How nice to know.

I can't wait to see what people think about me in a month or so....if they have not murdered me by then. I

well it looks like we all still like youBig Grin it being a month or so since you joined

stay COOL!
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

Will do dude, will do Wink.
Hot Damn, that was cool!

Everyone loves ya!! OK, I think I've figured it out.......The fav anime overall was/is Ghibli!!!!!!! I think it's right. I did some math....... I hate math.......but I tink that's the winner!!
Pika Pika Shining!!!! Ryuichi Sakuma is a GOD!!! NO DA?!
Really? I read somewhere in Newtype that they were going down in their business or whatever. Maybe I read it incorrectly. Well anyway, interesting to find out. Lol. ^_____^. Three cheers for Ghibli.
Hot Damn, that was cool!

Indeed, Indeed.
Pika Pika Shining!!!! Ryuichi Sakuma is a GOD!!! NO DA?!

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