Best Anime!!
:p Thanks!
Pika Pika Shining!!!! Ryuichi Sakuma is a GOD!!! NO DA?!
The best comedy anime is Excel Saga, by far. It requires a lot of other anime watching to catch all the jabs at other series, but they are so many and so funny.
For action, Cowboy Bebop and Kenshin are great, though Kneshin is a bit long.
Shop smart. Shop S-Mart.
Excel Saga is a Funny one but also is FLCL is Fun!!!!
Pika Pika Shining!!!! Ryuichi Sakuma is a GOD!!! NO DA?!
I'd like to add Robotech seiers 1, 2 and ,3
Dragon BallZ Cell Saga, Some of the minor Sagas, Most of the Movies.
Fist fo the north star Tv series (This one is amazing)
My girl friend likes Inuyahsa and Family guy.
Thats all I can think of now.
It's all about the love Wink
That's COOL!! My brother is in to Robotech!!! I've only seen one ep. of fist of the north star......... I need to see more!!
Pika Pika Shining!!!! Ryuichi Sakuma is a GOD!!! NO DA?!
top 5 best :

1.Cowboy Bebop
2.Love Hina
5.Last Exile

Those are my top 5 best anime titles.

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


Those are some of the better anime ser.
Pika Pika Shining!!!! Ryuichi Sakuma is a GOD!!! NO DA?!
What about the classics? I've only seen ONE person mention Yamato. I mean, where would we be without shows like "Gundam 0079" and "Space Battleship Yamato"? Those 2 in particular still stand out as my favorites above tons and tons of newer shows. A few other notable classics are "Rose of Versailles", "Ashita no Joe", "Future Boy Conan" , "Cagliostro Castle" and pretty much anything done by Tezuka.

And I dont' wanna hear any crap about "bad animation". I mean, these shows were made decades ago so they need to be evaluated in their context.

As far as newer shows....hmm, well, I tend to look for two things in anime: one thing is the typical story elements like, character designs, character development, direction, etc. and the second is if the show offered anything new to the history of anime. By "offered anything new", I mean, did this show introduce any new methods for expressing ideas through animation? Did this show exhibiti a high -level of creativity and not just pretentiously rip-off some other successful show?

When considering these 2 things, I have to say, "Berserk", "Evangelion", Kareshi kanojo no jiyou", "Angel's egg", Ghibli films, "Lain", and Satoshi Kon's stuff. I make films (direct and produce) myself, and I can honestly say that from a filmmaker's perspective, Hideaki Anno (eva) is quite talented.
I agree!!!!!!
Pika Pika Shining!!!! Ryuichi Sakuma is a GOD!!! NO DA?!
Watched the complete Juuni Kokki (1-45) and I love it! Highly recommend this series to anyone who likes fantasy/adventure/myth.
I will buy the Juuni Kokki novel soon.
I've only have seen the first ep. of Juuni Kokki!! Has far as I've seen it's niiiiice!! ^.^
Pika Pika Shining!!!! Ryuichi Sakuma is a GOD!!! NO DA?!
Has everyone completely forgotten about Evangelion and FLCL? I thought FLCL was pretty damn I the only one? ;_____;
Hot Damn, that was cool!

I think that we have talked about FLCL in the beginning!! We really didn't talk about Eva. That's scarry!!:eek: OH MY CRAP!!
Pika Pika Shining!!!! Ryuichi Sakuma is a GOD!!! NO DA?!
hahahahaBig Grin
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

And here I thought that I was going crazy. It is nice to know people do like Eva ;________;.
Hot Damn, that was cool!


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