Best Anime!!
OK! I truly Don't know what is the best anime is! My fav depends on the moods I'm in. Some times GTO! Some Times Shonen-ai, other times just something of goodness! ^.^ My FAV now is Saiyuki and Gravitation!! I have weird things. Xp

Well, you are only 15, you've got lots more Anime to watch.
Kenshin is my favorite, because of the Characters. You watch them grow and develop and you become attached. Especially if you watched the Samurai X set. Smile
Kenshin is a Great Show! XP I'm young and need to see much more! But I try! Soooo Many Animes to see! Berserk is good, and so many, yes Power TO ALL ANIME!! Smile attachment is full of good! Big Grin Full of fun is also Gundam, Get Backers, Vampire Hunter D, Hellsing, And Many more too.

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As it stands my favorite anime series is probably Hellsing, followed by the Ghibli movies.
Yeah, I liked the Studio Ghibli Movies, particularly Nadesco: Valley of the Wind.
Gibli is full of fun!! Totoro is the best of Gibli's films!! Xp Akira rulesTOO!

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Pika Pika Shining!!!! Ryuichi Sakuma is a GOD!!! NO DA?!
I have to agree with the vote for the Ghibli movies.
Everyone should make sure they get The Cat Returns ASAP so they can enjoy it over and over again.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
Quote:Originally posted by Ka-Talliya
Yeah, I liked the Studio Ghibli Movies, particularly Nadesco: Valley of the Wind.

You mean Nausicaa of the valley of the wind... not Nadesco which is Martian Successor Nadesico by AC, wouldn't want to confuse a newbie.. Big Grin Defenders of the Forest was a little on the strange side... Totoro could have been considered strange, but it was a funny cute kind of strange... lol.. Laputa was good, Princess Mononoke was also good... and of course the newer Spirited Away.... Porco Rosso was different as well... Grave of the Fireflies was extremely sad... Still need to watch the Cat Returns... and I'd like to get Howl's Moving Castle...
bebop, evangelion, nuff said!
see you space cowboy...

Devilman - Berserk - Goldenboy
It's all EVIL!!
Tekkaman Blade
Lodoss War
Riding Bean
Cool Big Grin Smile
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
Trigun is great...Night Walker is funBig Grin GTO is nice to. Curse of the Undead yoma.
Pika Pika Shining!!!! Ryuichi Sakuma is a GOD!!! NO DA?!
Quote:Originally posted by Miso-Soup
Trigun is great...Night Walker is funBig Grin GTO is nice to. Curse of the Undead yoma.

Woo Hoo Vampires!! Vampire Hunter D Special & Bloodlust... Vampire Princess Miyu, Blood the Last Vampire, Master of Mosquiton (fun too!) Night Warriors, Dark Stalkers, Phantom Quest and Psychic Academy probably had a vampire or two in them, I think Devilman Lady might of had a vampire in it too, the new fan subs Moon Princess (shingetsutan tsukihime) haven't gotten to see this one yet but I have the others and they are all good in different respects, oh and Kimera, but you didn't hear that from me... *laugh* Am I missing any?

Oh I did miss one... Yami no Matseui... excellent series... great artwork... Anymore?

Ohhh bad me, I forgot to put Hellsing on that list of vampires! You guys aren't paying attention here!!
Bastard!! The anime Bastard!! has a vampire in it! Under Horrors.....Pet Shop of Horrors, Bio Hunter, Twlight of the Dark Masters,....Crap My Brain Has Stoped>.< Forgive Me! I know of a lot more!! Forgive!!3By3 Eyes is cool! Black Jack RULES ALL! I almost Forgot-Slayers,Lost Univers, Maze, and one other.... STUPID BRAIN! Not workingtoday Please Forgive again! Stupid Teka!! >.<
Pika Pika Shining!!!! Ryuichi Sakuma is a GOD!!! NO DA?!
Yep you're right, there was one in Bastard, took a bit to remember him... but I did... and yes, I think there probably was one in Pet Shop of Horrors... or close enough anyway, seems like all those pets were eating their humans in one way or another... laugh.. and yes, forgot about Twilight of the Dark Master... that was a short anime... I don't recall any in Maze, can you be more specific?

As for the others, I'm going to plead unknowledgeable since I haven't gotten a chance to see them all yet... I have 3 X 3 eyes, and slayers but haven't gotten to them yet... looks like I will have to look into Bio Hunter.. and I have already looked at Black Jack.. haven't picked it up yet... but it looks interesting...

Darkside Blues might of had a vampire in it, if not, it is a gothic horror type... and was good for a short anime... How about Saiyuki? I bet that had some kind of vampires in it, they were always fighting those demons... lol.. maybe even Sorcerous Stabber Orphen had a vampire in it... I know Sorcerer on the Rocks had a Werewolf in it.... woo hoo!! In the same respects Yu Yu Hakusho and probably Yu Gi Oh had some type of vampire in them... and even probably Inu Yasha, maybe even Hunter X Hunter, those were long series... and I've actually only gotten thru most of Inu Yasha, haven't started on any of the others... lol

Ohhh I know another one I forgot! JoJo's Bizarre Adventure!! Haven't seen it yet either but I know it has a vampire in it!!

On the horror note... some good ones were Mermaid Saga, (very short 2 episodes) Any of the ones mentioned above... lol.. BoogiePop Phantom was strange, I haven't gotten to Devilman yet, but I loved Devilman Lady! Soultaker was certainly a dark type of anime for sure... anyway... a few more posts and I'll get my own Icon... woo hoo...

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