Wow, there was almost a school shooting/stabbing today
The school I'm at right now is really peaceful. All except that one time when some girl accused a football player of raping her, but it turned out that it ws consenual. No guns, no knives, everyone gets along pretty well over here. I do so feel bad for that guy. He's a sweet guy usually, and i hope he's okay.
The monkey with the most
Well an update. The kids that was going to kill of of them has been suspended for 10 days & might be expelled, but so have those who picked on him the most (from what I hear). He still comesa to school every morning, then leaves when it starts. Today the other kids got up a group of about 15 kids & started walking through the school & watching him. Then three of them ran rto the parking lot. The one thought they might bring back guns seeing as how they're a bunch of rednecks, so he walked off from where we were all sitting just incase. He & one of his friends walked over to him & were reasuring him that if they came back with guns we were going to help out. I can stand being a bullet shield for a higher cause, because if they don't kill the boy quickly he should be able to slice up quite a few of them. Heck, even if they were just going to use their knives or fist I would have steped in. 15 on 1 isn't to fair of a fight. What surprized me is even a kid that didn't like the one boy heard their might be a fight & when he saw the odds he took off his necklace & was ready to go. Anyways the school people talked to all the boys & those that weren't supposed to be at school "left" & the rest kinda dissbanded. I say "left" because they walked to the entrance of the school, stood there for a while, then left, but anyways.

Like I said at school, if they bring guns, we always have explosives (that's more or less a joke.), because both me & the kid I call my Master both know how to make them, but I doubt I would ever. I guess I wouldn't have to, Master trained in some Tiabeten Dragon style for about 6 years.

Also this was taken as a chance for other to make appearences. Michel or whatever his name is, Lonely Monkey's old buddy has been kicked out of school (I think it was him). He threatened to kill a teacher, & they found his hit list.

Jeez the school is just falling apart these days...
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.

If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.

As-1D R077's temp homepage:
blame it on jerry springer!

everything's his fault! :eek:
Never is ever forever...

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Quote:Originally posted by Batz Kage
Jeez the school is just falling apart these days...

I correct that, this town...
One of my best friends just got word his g/f has been cheating on him & has stds, & she planing to break up with him. He said suicide passed his mind again, which means he probably held his shotgun to his head a bit. On top that he's still not feeling well, so that probably means the gun will be there a bit more till when he tries to go to sleep.

Never mind, he said he might take her back, which means when he goes to see her next month chances are if she breaks up with him, he'll kill her, then come home & blow his own brains out.

I guess this town just has problems, maybe it's in the water. Everyone is either a pothead, wanting to kill themsevles or seem to be on some sort of happy happy joy joy drug.

**warning* I'm half asleep right now, so anything past this warning should probably be ignored.*

I was thinking, do you think if I beg the president enough he'll nuke my town? (with or without me here?)

Also, I'm not sure how I can blame it on Jerry, not that that option isn't to appealing.

Hopefuly by tomarrow I won't be down another friend, espeacialy since this one know everything about my life.
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.

If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.

As-1D R077's temp homepage:
I'm sorry but I don't know your age, your in school so I assume your in your teens. You talk about guns so easily. Friend putting his gun to his head or shooting his girlfriend, killing schoolmates etc.
Is this normal over there, teenagers having guns, growing up with guns?
I heard of guns at schools in your big city's but I didn't think it was all over the country. It just sounds so unreal to me comming from Europe. Could someone please enlighten me about Americans and guns. I saw Michael Moore's Columbine movie but I heard that that was a very one sided view. I really don't understand why you would want to handle guns for anything else than sports, especially when your a teenager.
yesterday i was sleepin in class and i was like talkin in my sleep and i said i was goin to kill my self wich i was thinkin at that time but i left school and i was like goin home and like i know my mom was worred but when i got homeshe was happy i was still alive so i gess i wont fornow on i will live my life to the fullest
-The boy's screams excited me far more than yours. --Tomo, Fushigi Yugi

-look me up some time Cool
Elcoholic: What these kids are saying on this Forum is complete and total Bullshit. Granted there are mean and asshole kids, but kids don't bring guns to school on a regular basis. YOu can tell that the shit that comes out of Ngckld is total crap, just because he exaggerates EVERYTHING (and badly might I add). I'm not so sure about Batz, but the again, I'm sure the kids he's talking about are just blowing smoke up each other's asses. But to let you know, no, guns at schools are not a regular thing.

Michael Moore is jerk-off. The guy will present a problem, try and get people riled up about it, but won't present any sort of solution, not will he try and help it in the least. He just likes to complain (don't we all), but when he complains as much as him and makes movies about him complaining, he accomplishes nothing except getting people riled up (which may never really be that good of an idea).
Quote:Originally posted by elcoholic
Could someone please enlighten me about Americans and guns.

I agree with elco, where in the world (aside from the US apparently) would teenage suicide and murder be so readily accepted as the norm? I'm from Australia and the only time I've seen or used a gun was at my mate's outback property shooting tin cans on a fence.

Bullying occurs everywhere, no matter which school you went to, you just need to deal with it. As stated earlier, either make some bigger friends, stay away from the bullies or let them know that you're not one to be messed with. I guess I was lucky throughout school and there were very few bullies around. But they only pick on you when they think you are weaker, so you need to stand up for yourself and show them you're not afraid.

I can't see how carrying a weapon can be a good thing. If you can't stand up for yourself without a weapon, what's the weapon going to do. It's likely that they'll end up taking the weapon off you and giving you what you wanted to dish out.

I reckon, single out the bully so it's one on one, and give him a good hiding. Even if you don't, he'll (or she'll) get the picture.
Quote:Originally posted by dattyy
I agree with elco, where in the world (aside from the US apparently) would teenage suicide and murder be so readily accepted as the norm?

DId you totally, NOT read my post? I already fielded it.
I think the suicide rate in Japan is ridiculously high as well, but they just don't take others with them....usually that's what terrorist do. Best comic book podcast!!! Come and join in!
Quote:Originally posted by kakomu
What are you talking about? I quoted a 311 lyric. It's a song called "Guns are for Pussies"

Oh. Hahaha. Can you tell what type of music I don't listen to since I didn't even know who 311 was. I was confused, because that's basically what I said earlier in this thread. So I was like how'd my name get changed to 311.

As for violence in schools. I don't believe alot of what is wrote in this thread either. Unless they're living in Compton or something, it's all exagerrated. If weapons were that big a problem, they'd have metal detectors at the schools. I think my old high school has them now. Not to mention that we always had cops hanging around in the parking lots. So I doubt their scools are any more violent than mine was. And we never had weapons all over the place. Occasionally someone would bring a gun or knife to school, but they'd usually get caught or confiscated. Rememeber, this is occasionally one out of 2500 people would bring a weapon to school. So violence is not that big a prolem as some of thse kids are making it out to be.
Violence struck again. The kid that was going to kill all the boys that picked on him got jumped. I feel kinda bad because I told him I always had his back, & and that time I was to busy trying to make sure Master wasn't going to blow his own brains out, to stick around long enough to see or help in the fight. I saw the kid ythat jumped later at the fair (or whatever it is, & yes, I left my house, but for most of the 4 hours I was in the parking lot), but he was with his parents. Luckly no one got caught, & I have to give praise to David B. he'sa card player, a video game expert, & we recently discovered he can fight too.

As for talking so lightly about all this. Well, I'm sure it's a big deal but first of all the kid that wanted to kill some others, well I almost support him. You don't play with fire & expect not to get burnt. About my friend wanting to commit suicide, well I stright out told him I'm not good with these things, but I'm there for emotional support. I mean wanting to commit suicide was not to uncommon at one part of my life. All that combined with the fact that I just don't care about life, & well, that's why I talk so lightly about it.

And as for Michal, I still think he was just tried of school, & didn't want to go. But if you just stop going your get arrested or something like that, so instead by doing what he did, he gets a full years vacation.

As for not believing me, this thing was one hair away from making the channel 6 news. Not that that's proof. They were here, but I guess they didn't think it was exciting enough.

Now I just want to know how the one kid did all this & didn't get in trouble at all, while the kids bullying him got sent home for a few days.
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.

If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.

As-1D R077's temp homepage:
Quote:Originally posted by kakomu
Elcoholic: What these kids are saying on this Forum is complete and total Bullshit. Granted there are mean and asshole kids, but kids don't bring guns to school on a regular basis.

I used to go to school with Batz, and you might want to know that he lives in a very highly redneck populated community. Teens bring guns to school everyday in the back of their trucks because they had gone hunting the very same moring before school. There are guns in the back of a lot of trucks, but I'm sure that now that there's been some trouble that the administration will FINALLY do something about it.
The monkey with the most
Quote:Originally posted by Lonely_monkey21
I used to go to school with Batz, and you might want to know that he lives in a very highly redneck populated community. Teens bring guns to school everyday in the back of their trucks because they had gone hunting the very same moring before school. There are guns in the back of a lot of trucks, but I'm sure that now that there's been some trouble that the administration will FINALLY do something about it.

Aren't there laws for this? I know guns are more or less legal in the US but not for teenagers. And how about parents, do they all think this is allright or are there some who protest. Why do people want to live in a community with so many guns?:confused:

BTW, what exactly are rednecks?
hahahaha rednecks are people who're... corn fed... armed with shotguns, dangerous and known to umm... [peers over shoulder] pssh they're basically crazy farmers who don't like you cause you know how to type and speak good english. howdy! Big Grin
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