Wow, there was almost a school shooting/stabbing today
Batz, who was it?? I should know them seeing as I just got out of that hell hole. I figured someone would snap one of these days. I wish he'd gotten away with it to for some reason. The people at that school are bunch of dick heads. (Not all, but most) They get what they deserve...
The monkey with the most
:eek: High School was fun...

:p Especially in the Bronx...

Big Grin Just respect everyone

Wink They'll reciprocate but...

The fat kids were another story!


Never ever back down ' ! [fortune cookie of the day]
Never is ever forever...

[Image: inuyasha.gif]
dont do it batz, i know you think its right but taking another humans life is never right! listen to me! noooooooooooooo!
see you space cowboy...
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
My school was probably worse than ngkld or batz and there was no need for me to carry a knife to school. Weapons are for pussies. Leave the weapon at home and go take your beating like a man. Also, someones pissing someone off to be getting picked on. In elementary and Jr. High, kids will pick on each other for no reason. By the time you get to high school, usually if you don't mess with anyone, noones gonna mess with you. Like the song says, "Don't start no shit, won't be no shit."

Amen. Weapons are the easy way out. Fist fighting is the only way.
?The louder he proclaimed his honor, the faster we counted the spoons.? - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Quote:Originally posted by kakomu
You're getting harder and harder to believe all the time...

You think so too huh?
Quote:Originally posted by Lonely_monkey21
The people at that school are bunch of dick heads. (Not all, but most) They get what they deserve...

It's just high school! Why fuck up your own life over some piece of shit who you won't even remember in 2 years, anyway???

I too long for the days of the good ol' man-to-man fist fight. Or girl-to-girl slap fight. Hee hee. Had a few of those myself. :p
Wow, this type of stuff barely happened in my school. Sure there was fights between classmates but not much bullying that persisted for a long time. We all banded together so we could kick the asses of the english school kids in which we shared the same building.
In middle school, there were a lot of "poser" gangsters but as long as you didn't start shit with them, they usually didn't start shit with you. I dunno, i just did my own thing and never got into a fight from middle school to high school.
Teabagging girls' chins since 1983.
I get pumped when watching porno.
It must be a product of the environment. The schools I went to never had a problem with violence like that. Geez, the only incedent that comes to mind was my younger brother getting suspended for a day because he had a knife in his backpack. I accidently left it in there when I borrowed his bag to go hiking. Opps!

We always had the posers that threatened, but when someone stood up to them, they backed down. I understand being scared of a bully, but geez, make big friends. If you keep to yourself and don't start shit, shit won't happen.
If it's really this serious you need to find some guys and explain the serious nature of the situation and convince them to stand up for the guy. Create a protective "gang" of your own to prefend any stabings/shootings. I mean you don't want this to turn into a second (or third, I don't know how many you have had of these in the states) Columbine. Go to the teachers, get him tranfered if possible. They probably got instructions on how to deal with this kind of situation after all the school shootings you guys have had in the states the past couple of years. Anything to prefend someone from getting killed.
You people don't understand how weird this sounds to me comming from Europe. I mean I have seen knives at schools but they are rarely used, let alone guns. Hell, I haven't seen a real gun (exept for police) for years, anywhere. The US really needs to get gun control, people don't even look up when you mention guns at schools, like its normal.
that kid is a fucking pussy. I swear, if any kid that would say shit like that at school, I would personaly whomp his ass for good measure. "They push me around so I'll murder them" he says. If he wants revenge so bad, he should stick up for himself and do it with his fists. As 311 so poignantly put it, Guns are for Pussies.
i am scerred shitless when it comes to school but i know if i would die it was cause of what god wanted
-The boy's screams excited me far more than yours. --Tomo, Fushigi Yugi

-look me up some time Cool
Quote:Originally posted by Ngckld
i am scerred shitless when it comes to school

What are you so scared of? If you get into a fight and you get beat up, you'll heal. Show some pride. You can be scared shitless, but whatever you do, do not run away. I swear, if I had a kid, I wouldn't mind it if he got into a fight at school and lost. But if he ran away adn was a pussy, I'd beat his ass myself.

Kakomu, how'd I become 311?
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
What are you so scared of? If you get into a fight and you get beat up, you'll heal. Show some pride. You can be scared shitless, but whatever you do, do not run away. I swear, if I had a kid, I wouldn't mind it if he got into a fight at school and lost. But if he ran away adn was a pussy, I'd beat his ass myself.

Kakomu, how'd I become 311?

ok i wont run away from a fight but i just dont like getin my ass kicked
-The boy's screams excited me far more than yours. --Tomo, Fushigi Yugi

-look me up some time Cool
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
Kakomu, how'd I become 311?

What are you talking about? I quoted a 311 lyric. It's a song called "Guns are for Pussies"

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