Does anybody know any other great titles that are as great as Neon Genesis Evangelion?
Eva wasn't that great of an anime, so a majority of animes out there are as good. My Reccomendation is Dragonball Z!
RahXephon gets compared to Evangelion alot.
Might wanna try GUNDAM out. Not the "alternate universe" stories like Gundam Wing and G Gundam. Its tough because alot of the HK DVDs are pretty bad. My favorites of the series are- 0083 "Stardust Memory",
0080, 08th MS Team. Just do a little research before purchasing anything.
thats a tough question to answer , is it because you like mecha stuff, or the action ? Raxhephon ( think i miss spelled it ) is fantastic- good story. Cowboy Bebop is up in my top 5 , as well as Lain , Haibane Remsei . just got Hellsing- -- seems very good-- the only problem with Hellsing is that uses to many F words etc- not a good choice to share with the family- if you know what I meanBig Grin Puzzleguy
Are these "F" words in the Subs?? Or the Dub???
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
I know their is swearing in the dub, not sure about the sub. Also there was a scene involving fellatio, nothing really shown though.
Its in both beleive it or not subbed and dubbed, and I recommend Now and Then, Here and There, and Key the Metal Idol. Best comic book podcast!!! Come and join in!
I hate it when they use the F word. ESPECIALLY when the original didn't have it...nor do the Japanese have an F word. Dubs seem to use "for more effect" but it's really cuz the company is too ignorant to use the real dialog or because they're not able to keep up with the lip sinc. And if it's in a subtitle it's cuz they're retards anyway.
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
Well its true that they don't have an F word, but I think American's just have to rewrite the script to appeal to the American audience more, now in some cases its bad like Angel Cop, but some work like in Akira it worked. Best comic book podcast!!! Come and join in!
Quote:Originally posted by evilomar
but some work like in Akira it worked.

Too bad Akira sucked Regardless...
I liked Akira ... but 70% of the movie takes place in the 1st manga. I have 3 volumes of the manga and it's right up there with Berserk in greatness. Yeah if you thought Akira could've been better I SERIOUSLY suggest reading the Manga. It is GODLY!!!!
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
Yeah watching Akira without reading the manga, is like watching Dune without reading the books, you don't appreciate it as much. I don't think it sucked though, actually this is the first place I've been to where people think Akira sucks, man that's pushing it, but ohh well I don't get what all the fuss was over Sailor Moon or Lain, but they still didn't suck. Best comic book podcast!!! Come and join in!
Well while there isn't a exact translation for the F word in Japanese believe me there are more than a few slurs in Japanese vocab that can fill the bill and Hellsing has a few...
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!
It all depends- wether you enjoy the use of the f word- In my opinion its a low way to get a cheap laugh or to show a multitude of emotions that are better shown other ways. I though Hellsing must be a halfway decent Anime show after watching the first few episodes- but after seeing the entire series I cannot reccommend it unless your into excessive profanity and swearing and you like that sort of thing- the animation is fantastastic and the storys are good but it can easily bother most people. I really think it would of been better dubbed if they used other non profane words , at least most of the time. I honestly love most vampire movies, in fact I have a nice collection of them- this may have a small place in it- but not one i care to watch for quite some time.Sad Puzzleguy

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