Yay for poorly written Rants!
After a while I just gave up. It's like arguing with an idiot. Rather than answering questions he resorted to personal insults (the surest sign that someone is losing an argument).
i have only bought dvds from animeniacs once before and the only complaint is that the dvds took over a month to get to me, "but youre all the way over in ireland" you may say, alas i purchased dvds of IA late on a friday afternoon and they arrived on the next tuesday! yes! it only took 4 days, if even that, for the order to arrive. and btw i lived in ireland that time too. i was gonna post this on theyre website but i dont think theyre message board deserves me as a member after insulting JJ and all the fans here at IA. although i might order dvds from there in the future if it can be avoided then it certainly will be.

fight the good fight kakomu! btw how can you have "been a rabid anti-animeniacs for a long time.. and AN is littered with your anti-animeniacs posts", when your user only has 5 post?

JJ, this is a prime time for you to get in MI, FX, AV, etc dvds so that you can show this guy who is boss. im not saying that you start a big fight or anything, just end the fight he started.
I'm sure JJ never wanted some flame war over dropping his prices. The fact that the CEO posted that thread is a notch down on that company in my book, but let their actions speak louder and so forth.

I recommend not going over there and causing a lot of trouble, especially if it all degrades to name calling and personal attacks. I did a price comparison between CJV, AN, and IA the week before and noticed the price discrepancies in AN's favor. It was kind of a surprise considering the pricing for the rest of their site is slightly higher, but I chalked it up to business strategy. I applaud JJ for his response to stay competitive. When it comes down to it he has to run his business in the black every month and it doesn't matter how. Fortunately in this case the consumers get to win!
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