Here's a link to one of the most poorly written rants I've ever read, plus some awful porly written "responses" to this rant.
I thought I'd share this with you.
I'm glad it was worth being linked here
I don't think it was a compliment that the link was posted here

Ok your rant was beyond bad. First of all, spelling helps a lot. It's Pikachu not Pechachoo. ^0^ Second when you make a reference to Hokuto No Ken, please remember things about the show. Don't go rambling on and on. I presume you were writing about Captain Tsubasa. Please remember the persons name because it helps the validity of your argument. When you say something like anime sucks and back it up with nothing, you are plain out stupid. I'd love to see what you watch so I can judge it. I can nitpick better than you can, but I'm not that industrious. What about anime being the only thing on TV?!? Where do you live?!? I'd love to move there, and you can watch the Rugrats from my place.
You mention serialized shows that were mostly targeted for younger viewers. So obviously they will be repitious. Also you were young when viewing these shows, any hidden meaning would go over your head. It probably does now, and that's not my problem. Also I'm not a crazed fan, I don't draw or write fanfics. If some do great. You couldn't tell from my appearance if I was an otaku or not. Write a rant in which you actually have some real issues, otherwise sit down and do whatever the hell makes you happy. No one forced you to watch it.
Here's what I wrote. Goat, who taught you how to debate. Any junior high debate team would eat you alive!!!!
More often than not, the people saying people who watch anime are nerds are nerdier than 90% of the people I know that like anime. Anyone who makes generalizations about anime or anything for that matter off a few examples is a moron. If I met 2 black people who were rude to me, would I be justified in condemning the entire race as rude?
Saying anime sucks is just silly, it may not be for you, but that's your personal preference and that's all it is.
When Debating get your facts in order and then use spell checker... if you still can't get your point across either A. Your view is wrong or B. You suck and should shut up and get schooled before making an ass out of your self..., but hey if you like having a fott in your mouth and one up your ass keep on Ranting "goat"
Would that be a "foot", Morg?
The Hokuto no Ken part bothered me, as the japanese do not have the word "Fuck".
I feel sorry for people like Goat.

They must find it hard to dress themselves in the morning.

this guys name is "goat" for gods sake. i deem his opinion invalid for quite simpily being a twat
Ka-Talliya said
Quote:Would that be a "foot", Morg?
You try saying the word "foot" while your foot is in your mouth... I'm not quite sure but I bet it would sound like "fott"...
I know I should proof read my post before posting them... Thanks for pointing out that I put my own "fott" in my mouth...

Quote:Originally posted by sanosuke
this guys name is "goat" for gods sake. i deem his opinion invalid for quite simpily being a twat
You called him a "twat"! You are my new god.
I was debating whether or not to fan the flames, but I thought, what could be the harm? Here's this post. If many of you have seen it already, ok, for the rest who haven't I don't implore you to reply (I already have, and really have no fear of my reputation). Just take a gander and see what you think.
Apparently some people don't understand. It sounds like this "Cashan", cares nothing for anime, he's worried about money. While JJ simply stated that he had dropped prices, Animaniacs goes off on a tyraid like a 3 year old denied candy.
"LOOK, LOOK WHAT HE DID!! THAT'S NOT FAIR!! I DROPPED MY PRICES FIRST!!! NO FAIR, YOU COPY CAT!!" and then immidiatly shoves his thumb in his mouth.
He's not just insulting JJ, he's insulting those who help JJ with the site and he's insulting the customers and members.
Kakomu , your arguments were sound and a cool intellect will always prevail. You did us all proud!
Sounds like the he's in good need of an old fashion "Wuppin' "
hmmmm... very interesting... however I have become friendly with both sides and I choose to remain nutral. no comment...