Where are all the females??
I have had some guy recommend me Sin last year at bestbuy. I was like, "ok dude, yeah, thanks, i'll think about it." Hm, i really seriously do not see that many cute anime loving chicks but maybe i should go attend a con or something......
Teabagging girls' chins since 1983.
I get pumped when watching porno.
In real life, I've only known a few people who liked anime. 1 was the person who got me into it, 1 was semi-fanatical, but was into nothing more than Ranma and DBZ, another was a dimwit who would go on and on about metaphysical blah blah blah about the Akira movie (because we all know that movie was so deep). The rest were people who saw nothing more than what was on Cartoon Network.

I have by no means lived in small towns. I find it really odd that I haven't met anyone who liked anime as much as I have who wasn't a dimwit (and really, I'm not a fanatic or anything of that sort).
word, kak. And seriously, i used to go to an anime club with my friend and they had some fat ass otaku nerds there. I mean, i try to dress sharp and be nerdy at the same time but these fat asses were all about having food on their shirts and having really greasy or stringy hair. The girls weren't very attractive either.
Teabagging girls' chins since 1983.
I get pumped when watching porno.
Quote:Originally posted by Atomic Orgasm
The girls weren't very attractive either.

Haha! Story of my life...or at least school...
I'm acctually one of the few girls in my school that likes anime. But your right though, most of the guys that like it kinda freak me out....No offence BatzRolleyes
The monkey with the most
Don't worry Monkey, that was compliment, (i'm still trying to get you to stright out admit I freak you out).

I guess I could fit under the hard-core nerd type you people explain. My hair is a mess, normaly my clothes are three-four days old (besides my underwear), unless I go out side. If I step one foot outside, IT A MIRICLE! and then I go get a bath, & change clothes.
I'm a pervert, that's a given, but I don't try to make moves on people, although I'm very friendly, unless I'm really trying to learn to understand what makes a person tick, enI kinda stand back watch them.
I've also been known to kind of "stalk" people. I call it research, other may disagree.

And I'll have to agree with the person who said something about most people around where they live only knowing about CN stuff. I know of atleast one person taht only watches DBZ, & many others who are picky about what they watch.

As for the girls around here that watch anime, I've only met 1 & 1/2 that I couldn't get a long with. The first being Maggie, or whatever her name is, technically I don't have any use for Jane either, she's nice, but within one conversation I think she missunderstood some junk I said when listening in on her & John's conversation, basicly she labeled me as a pervert.
And the 1/2 being a b!tch that will go un-named,& yes she kws who she is, & would probably decided to finally come give me a swift kick tothe balls, but she's to scared that I'll like it Tongue
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.

If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.

As-1D R077's temp homepage: http://www.freewebs.com/as1dr077/index.html
Hey now, I watch more than I used to. And I can't find you to kick you, so that answers that question.
The monkey with the most
Hey, you've been invited to hang out with my family twice, & to hang out with me at anytime you wish. As for the family thing, I know you were busy, but still. I told you my door is always open to you, you only have to ask.

And soon I should send off for Kenshin, & if it gets here beofre you leaving you'l have areson to come hang out & watch some. I wanted to be the first friend you hung out with to watch anime, but but from my knowledge that was taken up by someone else WHO STILL HAS MY DAMN DVD! (and he wouldn't give it to Lonely Monkey, I guess he doesn't want her to have areason to be around me. Which if he heard any rumors (not to say they were true or not, but anyways) I wouldn't blame him.
And Batz don't touch taken wemon. And as for the other post talking about it, that's just another reason we would be less likely to ever go out, in the entire time I've really known her only 2 days, that is with all hours combined has she ever been single.
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.

If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.

As-1D R077's temp homepage: http://www.freewebs.com/as1dr077/index.html
This didn't work the first time so I'm pasting it & trying again.
And who ever said that girls probably don't like anime because there's a plot. I almost had a meaningful conversation with a girl at school about any she didn't watch anime. But, she was an airhead, & a stuck up bitch (at school & really after I refused to talk to her when she stated that Al told her that me & boy were jacking off to Bible Black screenshots, when personaly I had never seen the screenshots, & it was Al that was doing that. But, for some weird reason she didn't mind & thought it was funny, now you must also understand that her, & her bestfriend, who everyone thought were lesbions (not everyone, it was just wishful thinking of a few of the guys.) look a LOT like the blonde & brown head on one of the covers. Yes for those of you who know her, I'm talking about Amanda, or as she's better know in this house as Rufo (her last name). Anyways as I said after I kept ginoring her little talks asking about my masterbation habbits, she stopped wanting to talk, but before that happened I got into a conversation, (seeing as how for a long time we had to sit next to each other) about anime with her. Her says they're just cartoons, I said, no they're not they have aplot & an ending. Then her firend (the blonde) got in on the conversation & was like, well cartoons shouldn't have a plot, & so Rufo agreed.
They, or rather I suggested, & then they start to use as argueement that cartoons are for mindless fun only, if you want something you can think about it should be a real movie. Another thing you must considering is the fact that they just about hate my ex-friends, because well my ex-friends are the ones taht go out of their way to annoy people, & had been known to hit on these two girls, most of which being everytime they pass them together they say 'Black Bible' (yeah, I know it's backwards, but that's the way they learned the title, & they're not bright enough to remember the real name), so I don't blame them for hating my friends, now I do not like that they hated me & all my "geeky" things, & anime being one of them.
I think it's unfair to judge anime by me, considering I in no way am a good example of what an Otaku is, not to say that I don't go through withdraws whenever I leave a room when anime is on, or some how get myself to change the channel.

Anyways, I learned one thing out of all of that, depressed people talk to anyone, yeah long story, but when both of the girls talked about above where depressed they would talk back on MSN, & I'm sure I could have gotten them to watch anime, but naa. And now that I think about it, everytime Rufo had aquestion in Law Works about sexual laws, & date rape stuff it was normaly about wemon raping wemon, there may have really been something weird going on their, but it's none of my business, which then again I'm sure it was none of my business weather or not her friend stuffed her bra, but when asked if I think so by my ex-friends it was my mission to find out (without touching them, sorry that's about the time everyone thought I was gay, because I didn't know Lonely Monkey & hang around her almost every hour of the day.).

And you people really fill the need to ask me why I don't post in AD, which then again hopefully this isn't in AD I lost track of what I'm doing. Good Bye!
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.

If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.

As-1D R077's temp homepage: http://www.freewebs.com/as1dr077/index.html
What did any of that have to do with why there aren't many females on the forum?

If you are going to rant off the subject...do it in the RANTS Section!
for my second try at posting:
Better Question, why should I care what you think?

About my First Two "Off Subject" Post

Now, I hate to keep using this as an excuse or whatever, but I mean for God's sake read under General Babble, it clearly states "Where the plot sluts run wild", I don't know you, or how long you've been on this forum, & basicly I don't care, the other guys I like, they just ignore me & I can put up with that, sure there's a complaint every now & then or death threat sent through PM, but that's understandable, but you stright out tell me that this has nothing to do with the topic, would you like to know that this relates to the reason two other girls joined the forum, & probably the reason they left?????????????

Now, I know that if this becomes just a bunch of flaming I'm beat, because as I said I'm not to popular around, here, but I stand for what the post sluts are & used to be, it's a title I wear proudly on & off-line.

About my Last One:

Yeah I ramble a LOT so what learn to deal with it, if you like I can put the meaningful junk in bold print or something? I ramble on so that people can try & get a friendly feeling in what I'm saying I don't like people to always get stright the point, or else it would be harder to make friends with every body. So if you read through my big post of nothingness, you'll read something about: And to who ever said the problem between anime & girls is the plot, was right, now the fact at which I was giving background on the girls that said that is to say that I don't like the way they are, this is why, you see if it's a good enough example. And yes, some of the junk in there was added to be a little jokitive, I joke around A LOT, if I don't I get very depressed, & I'm not to great of a person when that happens, although that's something I'd prefer not to go into. But, anyone who knows me, knows what I'm talking about Smile.

Anywho, Peace Out!
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.

If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.

As-1D R077's temp homepage: http://www.freewebs.com/as1dr077/index.html
I realize this is Genaral Babble and threads get Hi-Jacked all the time. Whatever, Dude. I was just trying to figure out why there weren't many females on the forum or interested in Anime, period. ...now I know why. Sad
Ignore me, I'm a very insecure & defensive person...*sigh*
Incase you couldn't notice from most my other post I have problems, I just normally ignore them, & let them slowly escape through writing, or in this case posting, because I haven't been able to write in a long time. And if I don't then I get depressed, but luckly I stoped my small collections of scars because someone helped me to open up, but it's hard to stay opened up to the world, but I try!
Anywho, PEACE to the world!
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.

If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.

As-1D R077's temp homepage: http://www.freewebs.com/as1dr077/index.html
Geez, I'm having trouble reading what you say (from the incomplete paranthesis to the misspelling and words I've never heard of [ex "ginoring"], you sound like someone who made all the engrish subtitles on some of the worst HK sets).
I'm a bit dumb I'm willing to admit it, I have bad spelling, & the fact that my computer is really bogged down, & haft the junk I type doesn't show up, & after a while of going back & correcting I just hit Submit Reply.
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.

If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.

As-1D R077's temp homepage: http://www.freewebs.com/as1dr077/index.html

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