What are people watching? (The 2nd)
More new released to watch today

Saiyuki Vol 5
Zaion ( I wish you were here ) Vol 1
Spirit of Wonders
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Catching on my renting dubs

X TV Vol 7
Animation Runner Kuromi
Darling (Hentai)
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Currently watching my Red Sox in the plyoffs. Wooooo! Wink I dunno if we'll get past the Yankees but it's gonna be fun finding out. =) Welp, my parents are in town so there hasn't been a lot of anime watching going on.. I've been slowly wading my way through disc 2 of Gear Fighter Dendoh.. This series really isn't my thing but I'm watchin it anyway, heh. I'm sure I'll watch more stuff once baseball ends.
Shibo -- Buying happiness...One anime at a time

Currently Watching:
Princess Nine, GTO

check out my anime DVD collection ^_^
Another to watch today

Rahxephon Vol 6

1 more to go
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I'm like on the last few episdoes of Kenshin, which is where I've been the last many weeks, I just don't want it to end Sad
or atleast not till I get Escaflowne back from one of my "friends" whose had it for about a year (ok a little over half a year).

I'm also half way through Gawl, but plan on starting it over before finishing it off.

I was also thinking of re-watching Kenshin, subed this time, but my second disc is loaned out & has been for about 3 & 1/2 weeks, & the kid says he hasn't watch it because he doesn't feel like watching Kenshin...God I should really kill him...
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.

If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.

As-1D R077's temp homepage: http://www.freewebs.com/as1dr077/index.html
Starting Metal Armor Dragonar. Finishing off Betterman Perfect collection.
Finally finished Cowboy Bebop...bleh, it's hard to watch anime during mid-terms...

Also, watched the first OVA of Devilman again.

Neo Ranga Vol 5
You're Under Arrest TV Vol 7 & 8


You're Under Arrest TV Vol 9
Trouble Chocolate Vol 4 & 5
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Been watching Berserk again, currently on vol.1 and rewatching FLCL with director's commentary.
Just finished LOGH DVD #6. Can't wait to get the 3rd set. Hopefully this week Smile

I'm about to start in on Dear Boys, but fansub versions, not HK.
Whew! Finally finished Disc 2 of Fruits Basket and Dendoh! These baseball playoffs are really cramping my style. Wink Hard to complain, though. I hope the sox make it to the series. It's never easy facing the Yankees... Ah well. Saber Marionette J on tap for as soon as I can manage to finish one of these series. =)
Shibo -- Buying happiness...One anime at a time

Currently Watching:
Princess Nine, GTO

check out my anime DVD collection ^_^
Argg...Been so busy with school lately. Only managed to watch Ghost Sweeper Mikami and the first 3 episodes of Witch Hunter Robin. Witch is pretty good.......gonna wait till the complete set of R1s come out then buy it.
oh l forgot watched Naruto 52, waiting for 53 damm uni and stupid firewall

Scrapped Princess 24- awesome series
my GTO will be here soon! im tempted to put my life on hold and watch all 43 episodes in a row without food, sleep or school and maybe a few smokes Big Grin
see you space cowboy...
I watched Kill Bill last friday. Very enjoyable movie.
?The louder he proclaimed his honor, the faster we counted the spoons.? - Ralph Waldo Emerson

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