What are people watching? (The 2nd)
Ok now that I got my crap settled again I finally got around to watching:
Patlabor movie 3
Irresponsible Captain Tylor for the second time last time I saw it was a fansub 9 years ago.
More Inu Yasha
Black Heaven
http://www.aboutheroes.com Best comic book podcast!!! Come and join in!
Watching a fan subbed series called Miracle Girls. Lots of fun. The great shoujo series that Shibo would approve of. Unfortunately it's only on VHS. It's definitely lots of fun. I'm glad that I finally got around to watching it, it has been a year since I bought them. Smile
Steve_the_Talking_Pie: Hampsters Bumpin' and Grindin' Since '99.

Region 1: DVD Collection
OH MAN! I finished watching Princess Nine #3 a minute ago! DOHZZZZZ it stopped at the part which is getting SOOOO FREAKING GOOD!! Now I have to wait till Tuesday before I get anymore series!!!! OH MAN!!!!!!!! Dang...I hate it when this happens...I was praying "Let there be one more, let there be one more!!!"
Even though I've seen it a trillion times, I bought and am watching Shin Getter Robo OVA again. Definetly the best most recent Super Robot show. Also bought Mazinkaiser, which I thought was lacking. To much nudity and comedy, not enough Mazinkaiser. =/
[Image: Cast7.txt]
Finished Z Gundam last night...that is the best Gundam series I have seen so far (I haven't seen too many). It seemed that every episode was excellent, and never strayed too far off from the story. The subs were kinda bad in a few episodes though...:S I'll try to get to Char's Counterattack later tonight...I have seen that before, but it has SO long.
Whew! I finally finished Kodomo No Omocha Disc 4 last night. I'm 2 episodes into Irresponsible Captain Tylor TV now. So far, so good. =)
Shibo -- Buying happiness...One anime at a time

Currently Watching:
Princess Nine, GTO

check out my anime DVD collection ^_^
Watched Labyrinth of Fire, Variable Geo and Nightwalker #1 today. You can skip Labyrinth, nothing special, in fact, spastic.
Variable Geo is well, kind of degrading to women. Pretty ok action scenes. Ehh ending in a way that there's no ending.
Nightwalker is pretty ok. Well, think it's ok coz I prefer watching 'newer' animation. Looks kind of dated to me. However, the stories are well, average.
Watched Tylor disc 1 and Kodomo No Omocha Disc 5 last night.. Now I'm in the middle of Tylor disc 2. =) Today should be a cool day, although there won't be a lot of anime watching going on.. We'll be leaving shortly for the Colorado Dragon Boat Festival. Lots of booths and food stands with an asian theme, not to mention the dragon boat races and the entertainment stage. =) Me, I'll be wandering around with Jennifer most of the day.. Gotta man the Taoist Tai Chi Society booth from noon to 1:30, but otherwise we'll be all over the place, hehe. I'm really looking forward to it. =)
Shibo -- Buying happiness...One anime at a time

Currently Watching:
Princess Nine, GTO

check out my anime DVD collection ^_^
Watched Kirby comes to Cappytown. Had always wondered what is Kirby about, finally watched it and man...it's really for little kids. Smile ahahah Didn't finished Darkside Blues. Watched 15 minutes of it but it didn't keep my attention.
Hey Shibo! Really envy you. I havn't had any REALLY GOOD rice dumplings for Dragon Boat Festival for years ever since I moved to California. The ones my grandma makes are the BEST! Havn't seen real life Dragon Boat rowing competition for years too!
Tonight I shall be watching the 1st volume of Macross SDF TV! I'm very excited about this.
Watched Kite it was ok my friend tell's me the director's cut is better i dont know if extra minute's can really improve the movie
Going a little old school this week with some Bubble Gum Crisis, Robotech Dana's Story, Otaku No Video, Kimba The white lion.
http://www.aboutheroes.com Best comic book podcast!!! Come and join in!
Whew. Finished Kodomo No Omocha box 1.. Subs get a bit crappy towards the end of disc 5 and al through disc 6, but they're still understandable. The subs are better again in the 2nd box.. I'm 6 eps into the first disc on that set now. Kodomo No Omocha is a great set, for all you folks looking to buy something fun by MAC. It's one of those series that can be insane, hilarious, and then really serious and sad without messing anything up. It's kinda hard to find shows like that. Hmm, what else did I watch...Jin-Roh on sunday.. That was eh. I dunno, I kinda expected it to be better. The artwork was excellent though. It's one of the only things I've seen that everyone actually looks japanese. Watched more Tylor too. I'm gonna start disc 4 this weekend. Tylor lived up to the hype. It's a great, funny series, and the MAC set is great, with a dub and great subs. Alas, I will be working way too much over these next few days but I hope to finish up Tylor TV this weekend and maybe start the OVA.
Shibo -- Buying happiness...One anime at a time

Currently Watching:
Princess Nine, GTO

check out my anime DVD collection ^_^
The saddest time of my life. Between massive work for school and football, I've watched maybe 4 episodes of Miracle Girls all week. This kinda blows. Sad

Not like I have any social life to fuck with me either. Rolleyes
Steve_the_Talking_Pie: Hampsters Bumpin' and Grindin' Since '99.

Region 1: DVD Collection
The new Mazinkaiser movie is awesome!! Totally a reverse from the humorous OVA. Violence level is higher then Shin Getter Robo's for sure, but not quite up to Go's gore fest that is Devilman.
[Image: Cast7.txt]

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