What are people watching? (The 2nd)
Been watching Space Pirate Mito which is great fun, as long as you don't mind it being too kiddy. Also finished Oh my Goddess which is great great, the movie was amazing!
Watched Colorful, the whole DVD was about a bunch of guys finding different ways yo look up girls skirts and then getting very excited. Entertaining nonetheless
Laputa (again). I just got the R2. Horribly expensive, but absolutely gorgeous version.

Also received my R3 The Cat Returns so will probably get round to watching that soon.
Quote:Originally posted by Prophet Hero
Laputa (again). I just got the R2. Horribly expensive, but absolutely gorgeous version.

Also received my R3 The Cat Returns so will probably get round to watching that soon.

u finally got it then, its excellent isnt 't, I'm holfing out for the limited edition boxset that l missed out on
Hey new to the message boards but I've been watching Anime for 20 years now, I'm currently watching:

Kimba the white lion, haven't seen it since I was a kid.
Inu yasha episodes 85 and 86 last night.
Ronin Warriors for the 8th time.
Steam Detectives.
ohh and I can't wait to buy the R1s Maison Ikkoku I've been waiting too damn long for that series.

But thats it for me
Welcome to our twisted little community, Evilomar. Big Grin Not much going on lately in Shiboland.. Just working too much, and of course fitting in the occasional anime episode when there's time. Watched another 2 eps from disc 1 of the first Lupin III MI box. I hope to finish up this disc tonight.
Shibo -- Buying happiness...One anime at a time

Currently Watching:
Princess Nine, GTO

check out my anime DVD collection ^_^
Thanks Shibo, I would be totally disappointed if your community wasn't twisted, it just goes along with anime I think, by the way Lupin is an awesome tv series, I am quite fond of the episodes Miyazaki directed in the later part of the seasons.Cool
Ugh, I haven't watched any anime in about a month now (damn video games :p ), until last night...I watched the first 7 episodes of Angel Links. It seems to be a pretty good series so far. Big Grin
Still watching my DB VCDs, I'm sure I will be wathcing these for a while, 100+ eps still to go...
In Periculis Audax
Wootwoot! Anime goodness! =) I finally finished Lupin Disc 1 last night. I'm really enjoying it. =) Then it was on to the last disc of Macross 7. I think I may be at the last ep now.. The menu shows that ep 49 is the last numbered episode, then there's 3 other things in japanese after it, which might be special features or something.. Those are followed by 2 other things grouped seperately that I think are kinda like the Omake Theater stuff from Blue Seed.. At least that's what they've been on the last few discs. Guess I'll find out this evening. =)
Shibo -- Buying happiness...One anime at a time

Currently Watching:
Princess Nine, GTO

check out my anime DVD collection ^_^
Been watching Gunbusters, really good except the UK has cut it to shreds!!
Quote:Originally posted by Shibo
Wootwoot! Anime goodness! =) I finally finished Lupin Disc 1 last night. I'm really enjoying it. =) Then it was on to the last disc of Macross 7. =)

Hey Shibo,
how are the translations on the Macross 7 series, I bought the first 20 episodes in a really really cruddy raw japanese tape 7 years ago and would like to update it.
The translations are pretty good. The majority of the eps are perfect.. They stumble slightly on the more technical aspects of protoculture, etc, but since there's not much technical about the show, it's ok. Wink I'd give the subs a 4-4.5. No engrish to be found anywhere and the timing is perfect. I just wasn't sure how clear some of the subs were but honestly the show itself might have been vague on some of the plot even in Japanese so that might not have been the fault of whoever did these subs..

I actually finished off Macross 7 last night.. The ending was pretty predictable but it was decent, and the 3 bonus episodes were pretty funny. The last disc also included lots of trailers for Macross Plus, which I thought was cool. I still need to see that. So tonight.. Time for more Lupin. =) I have to work *9* hours tomorrow, so not much anime watching will be going on.. Bleh
Shibo -- Buying happiness...One anime at a time

Currently Watching:
Princess Nine, GTO

check out my anime DVD collection ^_^
Watched The Cat Returns.

A simple story and lacking in depth more so, I think, than any other Ghibli film. There are some lovely moments, however, such as the almost slapstick scene when the title comes up, the cat bodyguards and the entertainment scene.

I did find it visually appealing - it reminded me of an illustrated children's story/fairytale book. Soft colours and plenty of detail, but not of the almost photo-realistic type.
Watched 5 eps on the 2nd disc of Lupin last night. Man, what a great show. Lupin definitely has style. I can tell that he's the spiritual successor of so many anime heroes.. Definitely good stuff. I also started the newest Sakura Wars disc. The series is still a lot of character introductions through 6 eps, but it's shaping up to be pretty fun. The opening and end themes are also excellent.. Most of you probably already know the opening theme. They don't call it Japan's second national anthem for nothing. Wink I gotta leave for work soon.. Much sooner than I'd like. Ah well. After today I'll only need to work one saturday till september. Woo!
Shibo -- Buying happiness...One anime at a time

Currently Watching:
Princess Nine, GTO

check out my anime DVD collection ^_^

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