What are people watching? (The 2nd)
Watched DNA2 vol 3 today, really good show. I want to get the manga of it soon if I can find the bloody things.

Gonna start on the Sakura OVA collection now
Just finished Marmalade Boy. Man, what a great series. Best thing I've seen since Maison Ikkoku, I think. Which reminds me to dredge up one of thos old top 10 favorite anime series threads and revive it, heh. Maybe tomorrow. The Mboy movie at the end was really cool. Don't worry, I won't give any spoilers. It almost seems more like a really cool extra than a movie as it shows some very early events in the series from Yuu's point of view instead of Miki's. Really cool stuff. So now I'm starting Scryed. It's been a while since I watched something Shonen so this should be a nice change of pace. I'm gonna start ep 2 now, I think. bedtime will be soon, I think. I'm getting sleepy. :o (I know that's supposed to be an embarassed smiley but it looks like a yawn to me...)
Shibo -- Buying happiness...One anime at a time

Currently Watching:
Princess Nine, GTO

check out my anime DVD collection ^_^
I'm almost done with InuYasha, and then I guess I'll watch some more Lupin, and Kikaider. I'm gonna miss watching InuYasha though...
The monkey with the most
Watched Noir disc 4, Rahxephon Disc 3, Voices of a distant star, Animatrix, and Read or Die. Still watching some UY, YUA, and Tylor in between as well.
Havn't had a chance to post lately, but I have been watching quite a bit, I have been renting alot of movies, I watched Insomnia yesterday, wasn't as good as I was hoping nothing like the directors last movie, Memento but it was still ok. I am planning on watching A Clockwork Orange today and I have high hopes. I also finished my Yu Yu Hakusho R1 disc 1 - 7 boxset today. I am really getting into it, i am looking to buy more but the best I can find is 17.27 USD per disc which is almost twice as much as I payed for the average disc in the boxset. if anyone can help me out it would be much appreciated.
Live life the way you want to, but one day, you might not wake up, and we all know why......

[Image: optimisticox.jpg]
I didn't watch any anime at all last night, but I did finish up Scryed disc 1 on sunday.. I think I've watched the first 5 eps or so of Macross 7 now. It's kinda cheesy but it's enjoyable enough so far. =)
Shibo -- Buying happiness...One anime at a time

Currently Watching:
Princess Nine, GTO

check out my anime DVD collection ^_^
contemplating whether to get R2 Patlabor Movies or Throne of Blood an AKira Kurosawa film
Quote:Originally posted by yakumo
contemplating whether to get R2 Patlabor Movies or Throne of Blood an AKira Kurosawa film

Well, they're both good albeit completely different types of movies. If the R2 Patlabors are a straight rip of the R1s then they're not brilliant and there's a R1 Criterion version of Throne of Blood with a new transfer and two sets of subtitles - I'm interested in this one myself!
yeah the patlabor movies r straight rips from the R1s, plus added PAL conversion problems

Throne of Blood new version?? - sounds good to me, might pick that up myself. so what should l get with these MVC vouchers?
Quote:Originally posted by yakumo
so what should l get with these MVC vouchers?

Is it just me or is MVC really crappy now? You used to get a couple of pounds off stuff, but now you get around 20p discount. Sorry, at the moment I can't think of anything to spend your vouchers on.
Quote:Originally posted by Prophet Hero
Is it just me or is MVC really crappy now? You used to get a couple of pounds off stuff, but now you get around 20p discount. Sorry, at the moment I can't think of anything to spend your vouchers on.

yeah they used to be really good, but now they're like any other DVd store, pricey as hell
not much anime lately, there are really quite a few good live action movies. and I have been renting them one at a time(well actually 2 at a time but anyways...). I watched one hour photo today and I have "Brazil" waiting for me. after that ill either rent some more or watch some more of my KOR set by MI.
Live life the way you want to, but one day, you might not wake up, and we all know why......

[Image: optimisticox.jpg]
I watched one ep of macross 7 last night, then decided that it was time to dig into skyscraper #4. I pulled out Vampire Hunter D and watched that. The dub is definitely dated, and pretty bad, but other than that I thought it was a fun way to end my evening last night. =) I'll prolly watch some more Macross 7 tonight. Who knows, if I feel ambitious I may watch Bloodlust, hehe.
Shibo -- Buying happiness...One anime at a time

Currently Watching:
Princess Nine, GTO

check out my anime DVD collection ^_^
Just finished King of Bandit Jing last night and overall I liked it, although I still think it depends on what you're looking for. I didn't really care for Kir/the Kir Royale attack, but Jing was a good character: he didn't talk much and seemed to have a funny sense of humor. IMO the series was above average and parts of it were really quite good: a genuine mix of funny, bizarre, and creepy. There's also more action towards the end, and the music seemed a good fit, too. Now, hopefully I'll finish Rahxephone by this weekend.
Wathced X discs 4 and 5. Story is finally starting to pick up and get interesting.

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