favorite video game?
I could never get into the whole FPS thing. I toyed around with Doom when it first came out and have tried a few other games as they came out but for some reason the whole FPS thing just turns me off.

Give me a group of friends, a case of beer, and any BOMBERMAN game and I'm a happy happy monkey.

ook ook.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
Yeah dude i still play the Snes Version 4 olayer using Snestation emulator on the PS2

My Snes sadly works no moreSad
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

my favorite way to play golden eye was with proxcimity mines, remote mines, and gernades. so much fun.
Saturn bomberman with a multitap thingy is soo awesome.. so many people, so much fun.

Anyways... I really can't pick one game.... some that come to mind...
super metriod
metriod fusion
jet set radio furture
nights into dreams
sonic 3
Sonic CD
Mario 3
Mario world
castlevania SOTN
Mortal Kombat 2 (just in the arcade to show off... heh)
Virtua Fighter 2
Project Justice (rival Schools 2)
Contra 3
Contra on ps2 (shattered soldier)
Final Fantasy 7
Panzer Dragoon Saga
Mr. Driller
Jet Set Radio Future, is such a cool game. I didnt origanally have it, i leant one of my friends a game, he smapped it in half so in exchange he gave me that, and its such a cool game. But there is this one song on it which really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really gets on my nearves. sounds sumink like "child progagy no one no one with me child progogy" there probably not the lyrics but thats what it sounds like to me. That song allways makes me wana kill my self. Part from that is such a good game.
Quote:Originally posted by fahad17
Jet Set Radio Future, is such a cool game. I didnt origanally have it, i leant one of my friends a game, he smapped it in half so in exchange he gave me that, and its such a cool game. But there is this one song on it which really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really gets on my nearves. sounds sumink like "child progagy no one no one with me child progogy" there probably not the lyrics but thats what it sounds like to me. That song allways makes me wana kill my self. Part from that is such a good game.

Heh... yeah and alot of the annoying songs in this one are just remixes of the orginals the were used in jet grind radio... the sound track does get annoying after a while... of course I've got 70 hours into this one.. and like 50 into the dreamcast game...
I need to try the GBA game 2.. it looked cool... it looked more like the DC version where you have 2 do the stick paterns to spray.. rather than just having the cans.... which makes it more challenging and frustrating... damn police
*%#$ tha police! ^_^
Anything clasic Atari is # 1 on my list the simplicity of some of the games made them adictive. I am a RPG fan also and love the Skies of Arcadia Legend on the GameCube
dose anyone think the new goldeneye game can be anything compared to the origanal.
Quote:Originally posted by fahad17
dose anyone think the new goldeneye game can be anything compared to the origanal.

I read they filled it with a bunch of cheasy puzzles, and added several things that kill you instantly to the point of annoyance.... but it may be fixed by release... we'll just have to wait and see...

I wasn't that big a fan of the first anyways... fun party game.... but beyond that it wasn't much more than a decent console fps with a well used movie licence
i thought both the movie and the game were both class loved em both. Never had a n64 tho so me and my m8 compleated it in like one day. twas class, i loved that sub machine gun that looked like a pencil.
Dude you gotta buy an N64 only like £20 in Gamestation then Goldn Eye for £5

*mmmmmm Entertainment*
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

Just remembered on the original playstation there was a game called N2O the game was low tec by todays standards but with the soundtrack the game has songs remixed of the Crystal Method helped make the game quite playable
mario 64, never before has one game been so revolutionary...
see you space cowboy...
Suikoden 2 and Legend of Legaia. NO GAME WILL EVER BE BETTER! These are seriously the best games of all time. Memorable characters, storyline, everything. Unfortunately, Suikoden 2 is now super rare, and getting a copy requires an ebay account and at least $90.

Goldeneye is my favorite FPS of all time. All other bond games suck. Perfect Dark was supposed to be better, but Goldeneye is just really good for some reason. Also, people make too big a deal of Halo. It genereated too much hype, that it does not deserve. It is just another FPS out there, there are about 50 other games like it for gamecube and ps2, so XBOX fanatics should stop making a big deal out of it ^^.

That was my two cents.
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