What is the worst anime ever
Almost every one talks about the best anime out there I thought id bring up the subject of the worst. Just to see what every one thinks
As for me

Reign the conqueror is the worst pice of crap ever
Last time we had this kind off thread it turned into a flame war cause there are alot of series out there that are either love it or hate it, no middle ground.

Apocalyse Zero was one big piece of shit.
I thought Silent Mobious was extreamly boring and stupid. I also really dont like DBZ, I know many people like it, but I think its crap.
As another thread was the subject of...( I think I said that right) Samurai Shodown, Sin, Tekkaman Blade 2, Midnight Panther, The first Vampire Hunter D. I think I'll leave it with those.
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
?The louder he proclaimed his honor, the faster we counted the spoons.? - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Dude after wasching Samurai Showdown the movie Kimera seems like a good movie. Thats all I have to say about that.
It's all about the love Wink
Samurai Showdown - poor but probably not quite the worst
Boogie Pop Phantom.. ¬_¬
Lain - 2 eps was enough torture
Utena - 14eps i managed but it kept making me fall asleep. The movie and the racing car ending was the last straw...
Bio Hunter... they had the cheek to leave the ending open for a sequel
Sailormoon - ok fair enough it is not my type of anime but the eng dub voice of the main chara makes me nauseous.
Pokemon voices were so damn annoying
Digimon every creature ended with mon
Silent Mobius thought it was boring
I didnt really like blood that much just becasue i couldnt figure the plot
Alright here is my small list:

Debutante Club: I can't beleive I paid $29.95 for this piece of trash on vhs when it first came out.
Gasaraki: I think that CNN is so much more interesting.
Tale of Genji: I would rather watch two flies fuck then watch this piece of animated garbage again.
Brain Powered: uhh I didn't get it and when I almost started to care about the characters it was over.
Wings of Honneamise: I really did try to watch this 3 times and kept falling asleep, I don't get what the big hype was over this anime anyway.
Psychic Force: I wish someone would have pulled the trigger on me for wasting my time with this movie.
Tekken: There is 50 minutes of my life I will never get back.
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Noooooooooooooooooooooooo not Trigun crap, I liked that show. Did not want to see that anime on this thread (sigh) oh well I'll live. Ok I?ll through out an other question for you does any one like Reign the conqueror??? I can?t find a reason and would be interested if any one ever did, find a reason to like it?
Lets see reign the conquerer? Well if your one of the guys who would like to see what men cloths would be like if men were the beautiful ones in society. um, like historicaly inaccurate serieses. Or maybe, your one of the few who thought was originality in animation. Thats all i have for now, I'll right more after I have actually watched the entire series.
It's all about the love Wink
Quote:Originally posted by evilomar
Alright here is my small list:

Debutante Club: I can't beleive I paid $29.95 for this piece of trash on vhs when it first came out.

I was right there with you.Sad
?The louder he proclaimed his honor, the faster we counted the spoons.? - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Quote:Originally posted by allanb64
Ok I?ll through out an other question for you does any one like Reign the conqueror??? I can?t find a reason and would be interested if any one ever did, find a reason to like it?

Maybe someone who enjoyed Aeon Flux would like it, being that it was the same Korean guy who did the character designs for Reign.
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Cyborg 009... it was alright until it got into a slew of pointless episode plots... I knew I saw enough when 3 of the cyborgs randomly were in safari outfits hunting a raptor who ends up shooting lasers from its tail... *shudder* it's a good thing I was watching on TV.. that way I am not plauged with the horror of owning it *shudder*.

allanb64... I thought Trigun was great Big Grin!

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