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  Having problems with 2 of my sets
Posted by: mrfreeze - 06-14-2006, 06:56 PM - Forum: Anime Discussion - Replies (7)


Recently I ordered the Wolfs Rain perfect set, and the Ghost in the Shell SAC: 1st gig set among other things. But I am having a problem and am not sure if it is the disks or my dvd player.

With Wolf's Rain, the problem was on the second disk, and with GITS it is on the first, but it is basically the same problem. The episodes begin to lag and skip horribly, and if I want to watch the episode I have to rewind to right after the bugging occurs from the next scene. At least until it skips again.

I had the same problem with the FX .hack set I ordered elsewhere a while back (on the last episode nontheless which pissed the hell out of me) which makes me think it could be my dvd player. Except that when I try to play it on my PS2 it won't read those episodes at all.

Should I just send them back and ask for another copy? Or do I need to go and buy a new dvd player?

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  World Cup 2006
Posted by: Elcoholic - 06-13-2006, 03:57 AM - Forum: General Babble - Replies (56)

Anyone folowing the world cup football besides me and Andromeda?

For me and most men in europe this is the biggest sports event on earth, bigger than the olympics. Well, atleast its more important but there's only 1 prize. I took a 2 and a half week holiday to watch the matches and the weather noticed since its over 30 degrees celcius here which is HOT for me.

So far the tournament has been awesome with a few upsetes like Australia winning 3-1 from Japan. The US lost their first match from Tsjech Republic but that's no shame since they have a very good team. My country won their first match 1-0 from Serbia Montenegro and Portugal won their first match from Angola which was quite a loaded match because of their history as a colony of Portugal.

Its really insane over here with alot of people wearing orange and every street has some orange decorated parts.
So far no hooligans on the news so that's also good. These guys can destroy a good mood for entire Germany if they decide to start rioting. Lets hope England/Germany/Italy stay in the tournament for a while since they have the worst hooligans.

So, who else is watching it? Is their anything going on in the US with the sport? Last world cup they came pretty far I think.

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  My most Up to date trade list.. :)
Posted by: jarjar111 - 06-11-2006, 07:29 AM - Forum: DVD Trading - Replies (2)


All of this for $99, I dropped $31 from this auction enjoy! :p

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  Maybe a dumb question about a Macross set.
Posted by: Mot_Soldats - 06-09-2006, 10:28 PM - Forum: Anime Discussion - Replies (7)

I've seen Macross SDF1 Perfect Collection (36 episodes) around but I thought that the main Macross series was not dubbed in english but a few places it is listed as having English audio. So waht is this set exactly?

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  R V B
Posted by: geo85 - 06-09-2006, 06:57 PM - Forum: General Babble - Replies (9)

I am thinking of geeting the red vs blue sets but I wanted to know if anyone had seen any of them. Supposed to be really funny.

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Posted by: Homeless Joe - 06-09-2006, 12:06 PM - Forum: General Babble - Replies (7)

so i just finished gantz and wtf is up with the ending? it seems like there was so much being thrown around i just ended up being lost :confused: have you guys seen it? what's your take on this anime?

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  How is this fullmetal alchemist set?
Posted by: jarjar111 - 06-08-2006, 12:55 PM - Forum: Anime Discussion - Replies (1)


I think its MI but I really dont know..Anybody read the review or seen screen shots for it? If so please let me know, thanks guys..

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  Happy Birthday Zagatto
Posted by: Puppet Master - 06-07-2006, 12:35 AM - Forum: General Babble - Replies (13)

Have a good one

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  Re-E3 /
Posted by: geo85 - 06-05-2006, 06:02 PM - Forum: Video Gaming - Replies (13)

I don't watch G4 anymore because it's completly gone MTV and is flat out lame, nor do I skim IGN or gamespot anymore so I usually catch VG info from mags like gameinformer.

But the other day I decided to watch the E3 bits off G4 on-demand, and I just want to revive the E3 disscusion. I thought there would have been much more of it considering all the buzz that came off E3. Such as the new smash bros with solid snake and a nintendog puppy and pit. Or the halo 3 trailer, or stuff on the ps3 like the 500 dollar unit being useless just like the cheaper 360, or the ps3 controller not having rumble and only having six degree limited motion function(meaning its lame).

There's a ton more but I can't remeber it all. Come on doesn't anyone have anything to say?

I'll start off and maybe piss off some people, the ps3 will launch and fall flat, the units wont sell very well and there will be rampant bugs and the controller will experience intermitant signal loss, and the online compnent will lag and cut out. Some will consider buying the cheaper unit but when they find out that it has a lot less components and features they wont buy one at all and sony will lose a lot more than projected. Just a forecast, I like sony but this is how I see it.

I could afford it but I wont even buy one, I'll get the wii and 360 when they straighten it out but over 700 for one system and a game, come on, if the wii is 250 thats like 330 for the system and one game including tax thats still less than half.

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  Points System
Posted by: cyborgninja828 - 06-04-2006, 11:49 AM - Forum: General Babble - Replies (1)

Yea I got pulled over yesterday by a cop because I didn't stop good enough for him. $106.50! But the thing is he didn't tell me whether or not there will be points on my license and I really need to know that. So, has anyone ever had this happen? I hope since he didn't say anything it means he won't give me points. Thanks for your help.

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