Great trade with p_mathew25, ZODDGUTS and NightRayne. Quick transaction.
Had a great trade with p_mathew25. Fast and reliable, I highly recommend him.
Another successful transaction with Nightrayne
First Successful Trade with mytotoro ! Took a bit longer for me to get his stuff, but nonetheless, it was a good trade!! Thanks so Much!!
great trade with mytotoro
Great trade with Amethyst. Thanks!

Great trade with
odin0425 . Thanks!

Great trade with bumperboy. Even though the package was lost, he sent me a payment for the dvds. The best. Highly recommended.
great trade with balthier and bumperboy

Superb trade with p_mathew25. products in perfect condition. tks
Very Impress trade with Gemini
Got stuff fast and it was it great condition
thanks much
good trades with p_mathew25 and gubi-gubi
yet another most excellent trader Puppet Master
Excellent trade with NightRayne. items are in perfect condition and shipping was really fast. tks for everything