Good trade with Atomic Orgasm. One dvd from the GTO boxset was scratched and didn't work. He didn't believe in me.
Perfect trade with kristym22. Very nice and fast shipping. I love my discs ^^ thanks!
Great trade with HarukaTenoh11! Thanks!
Great trade with Amethyst and SilverMuraki.Great traders cds in great condition fast shipping very nice people.Thank you ever so so very much to you both..Kristym22
Great trade with kristym22! Thanks a bunch, great dvds ^^.
Successful trade with Amethyst!
sucessful trade with Pristine thanks ^,^
Perfect trade with HarukaTenoh11 and the drawing on the package was so cute ^-^
3rd Successful Trade with dvd_master Thanks again!! Anytime...
Perfect trade with bumperboy, discs are in perfect condition ! By the way, the Fatal Fury set you gave me is also english dubbed even if it's not written at the back of the box.
I hope we can trade again someday

Ack, I also had a kewl trade with dvd_master. Really nice person to trade with and I love the penguin manga because I'm weird like that ^-^;
Great trade with both Pristine and Amethyst, both of whom were great traders.
Thumbs up all the way.
Great Trade with Mr. Vicious. DVDs came in awesome condition. Actually it was actually a double trade lol. Hope we trade again!
Perfect trade with Ludotaku. I got Abenobashi Shopping District and I've watched it all ^___^. He sent first and from now on he's trustworthy. I recommend it.
Quote:Originally posted by Ryoku Slayer
Great Trade with Mr. Vicious. DVDs came in awesome condition. Actually it was actually a double trade lol. Hope we trade again!
Glad you got them already. Guess the USPS site isn't up to date on it's tracking info.
Another successful trade with Ryoku Slayer.