Great sale/trade with r00ster! thanks a ton my friend!
Great trades/sales/purchases with:
Thanks all!
MaskedPerson202 - Great buyer. Payed w/ paypal. Thanks dude! Shipped it today.
Excellent Trade with Cidien
Good trades with:
Nice quick deal with r00ster. Thanks.
I just checked the confirmation number on my ticket from the trade to p_mathew25 and it arrived on time ^_^ GREAT FIRST TRADE WITH P_MATHEW25!!!!!!!!!!!

Excellent trades with Atmos and BeZt|A. if it wasn't for the customs it would have been a perfect trade. tks guys
JENGA~ Good trade, reliable, and quick- Good to go gents! :eek: SEPT 25 2004
Phenomenally smooth purchase from Ixtli277! Thanks buddy!
Great trade with Cidien !
Cidien took my money and i got some great sets.
Excellent trade with r00ster. got some excellent things. hope he will receive my stuff soon
Another Good Trade With Amethyst and a 1st 1 with Spellbinder
Awesome seller:
r00ster (2 packages)
Awesome trader:
Thanks a lot guys! ^_^
5th Successful trade with HarukaTenoh11 Thanks so much!!