Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
Glad you got them already. Guess the USPS site isn't up to date on it's tracking info.
never is!! It might tell you after the package has been delivered... but by then, you already know that!!

Yet another great trade with Ryoku Slayer.I think that makes it 3 or 4 times with him.Not sure anyways thank you ever so very much for tradeing with me.Hope to trade again.Kristym22
SUGOI!!!!! Another awesome trade with this awesome girl. I think it has been 3 to 4 trades now. I hope we trade again and I hope you enjoy your new dvds.
I had my first successful trade with SilverMuraki, she is a very nice person and her items arrived in very perfect condition. ^_^ The second trade is pending ^_^

I want to apologize dearly to SilverMuraki for the quality of the items you received. I will make it up to you. Just tell me what you want. If we trade again I promise to do better. I am so sorry if the dvds made you mad. I am truly sorry.
another great trade with amethyst!
another great trade with Ryoku Slayer and Pristine
Quote:Originally posted by Amethyst
It [B]never is!! It might tell you after the package has been delivered... but by then, you already know that!!
delivery confirmations are merely good for
proof that the package has been sent out, nothing more.
Good trade with Gfanikf 
I just had two great trades with:
All your stuff arrived in great condition ^^. Thanks a whole lot!


Another great trade with SilverMuraki!
finished paying off Harukatenoh11 so great trade. Great first trade even though we already had our second trade already lol

Great Trade with Blaze!

Great trade with blaze.Thanks so much for tradeing with me.Kristym22
great trade with ryoku slayer