Great Trade with Japschin. She's an excellent trader. too bad the portuguese customs tried to ruin our trade.
Despite some shipping problems on both ends, good trade with FFXNo1
Another good trade with war
Made a successful purchase from Vicious for Rahxephon and Captain Tylor OVA's. Good trader.
Successful trades with:
Great trade with maskedperson202.
Good Trade with Last Exile
Great trade with bumperboy!
Excellent trade with p_mathew25. He sent first and I got excellent dvds from him. Although he hasn't traded much I recommend him 100%. Hope to trade again soon.
Great trade with SideSwipe!
another great trade with Junkie Joe Thanks ^___^
Great trade with atmos, thanks a bunch!
Good trade with p_matthew. The package he sent took awhile to get here (post office's fault). He's an honest guy and was willing to send me replacement sets. He was very concerned and kind about everything. I hope to work with him in the future.
Another 1 or 3 successful trades with JunkieJoe... I've lost track completely now.

first trade with bumperboy very good trade