How can anyone hate Ranma?!? Grrrrrrrrrrr
That's like saying Earth was the Planet of the Apes. *pauses* wait a minute, it was Earth all along. Take it back you bastards, release me from this tainted orb. *bashes fist on the ground. cries like a school girl*
Ranma?? *gasp* I mean, granted, Maison Ikkoku blows it away, but still.. I'm in the middle of season 3 at the moment and I think it's quite fun. =)
OOH Don't forget Midnight Panther! It blew ass too! And M.D. Gueist! It's a load of crap as well! :roll:
A lot of people may not agree with me, but I'm gonna say it - Ghost in the Shell. I fell asleep EVERY TIME I watched it.
I definitely understand that! I had the tape once and was only interested in the art and animation because it is visiually marvelous but the story is so-so at best. No complaints with that opinion here! Hell I even mentioned Appleseed earlier and it's made by the same guy. All he can do in my eyes is draw. That's it plain and simple! He also created New Dominion Tank Police which I hear is absolut garbage aswell! :roll:
Now that's one band wango I'll gladly jump on...
Ghost in a Shell.... was way to deep for being so short...
If it had been 4 OVA's (an hour each) it might have made the story a lot better. As for Appleseed, yup it was crap. (side note the tank sceen in Ghost in a Shell is pretty sweet)
Kakoi... Twlight of the Dark Master.... It wasn't that bad I'd say it was 5 out of 10. But how can you say Ranma 1/2 drags. (except for the love hate relationship of Ranma & Akana) When you your self are one of the biggest fans of a series that lives on draging out a cut and dry story line.... come on Majin Buu dragged on way too long...
Biggest piece of crap by far is "FAKE" (Edit by Schultz) you didn't need to know the rest..
Haha, did you actually buy that Morgorath? :mrgreen:
no he didn't but someone else did.. needless to say its very far tucked away so no one can see it and it never been opened.. bad stuff.
If you fell asleep watching Ghoast in the Shell, then why did you watch it again :?
I was tired the first time

weatdrop: The second time I realized it was boring. Read the FAQ on the other forum - I'm always right :mrgreen:
Suzaku will rule your ass in the fact category. I however, just Rule ass in a general manner of speaking. I am The Lord Of Drakness and being so alots certain titles and respects. Then again a moderator could just delete my very existance!

Isn't that the truth Kakoi...
I don't know about so much anime anymore, I see some heavy american
Style of darging out stories in some of my Favs, But I can say this for a fact and I know Suzakuseikun has got my back. Every single episode in Slayers mattered to telling the whole story. Even episodes you thought were fillers told you more than some of the major plot scenes....