No you want to talk about taking something great and turning it into crap...
Take a look at X-men Evolution... They put some of the great as teenagers
I mean that got Scott Summers in High School. But Then Logan in old enough to be his dad.
I don't even know where to start at on why that show is making me sick...
The animation is nice though... Damn it I just complmented
Yeah, but I think that x-men evolution was just crap from the beggining, I mean they make all of the mutants either teachers or students to atract a larger audience. If someone was going to bring x-men back to life they could at least have kept to the old style...for shame

The Guyver was pretty bad. Especially the US Renditions dub. It left characters with moving mouths and it sounded like it was recorded in a bathroom. Bad!!!! It was never finished either which really hurt it. :mrgreen:
As far as Ranma goes, the show rocks. It's what gets people into anime other than Sailor Moon.
As far as Marmalade Boy goes. I didn't like it because it was girly. :wink: Just kidding!!!! :mrgreen:
adding Biohunter or Kimera to the list of worst anime.
Yeah I knew that's the one you were talking about. The guy morphs into another being and then it ends. Also Kimera sucked cock. The show was terrible and had a John Carpenter's Vampires rip-off ending. :mrgreen:
Wasn't Mark Hammil the Guyver once? That had to be sad!

Glad that I only spent $6 for the used dub tape. :mrgreen:
:evil: I have composed a list of several different anime's. It would be wise to stay FAR FAR FAR AWAY from these. If you see someone trying to purchase one of these, smack it out of their hands and burn it. They are...
M.D. Geist
Pokemon (Waste of time and money)
Mon Colle Knights (The characters are hyperactive)
Ghost in the Shell (Boring...)
Digimon (Even cheaper rip-off of pokemon if that's possible)
either of the Fatal Fury movies
edited YuYu Hakusho (Yusuke just wouldn't be Yusuke if he didn't swear)
...more soon to come!
Is the Yu Yu Hakusho on Funimation DVD edited?!?
HAMTARO is another Worst anime it is Satanic :twisted:
I like the Fatal Fury movies/OAVs...

I really like the Movie but the oavs are so boring to me. I did like it when Terry fought Kim at the docks in the oav. That was just classic!