Worst anime ever? DBZ. Period.
I understand the attraction to that show about as much as I understand the attraction to scrotal smashing as a form of stimulation.
samurai showdown
I think that any of the T & A animes that are in the grey area between anime and Hentai usually are horible. They try to distract from usually bland to bad stories with alittle upskirt without showing anything. "Mouse" and "Agent Aiki" are two very good examples of this
r00ster Wrote:Worst anime ever? DBZ. Period.
I understand the attraction to that show about as much as I understand the attraction to scrotal smashing as a form of stimulation.
Hmm, very...interesting metaphor...
This one should get some reaction:
UTENA BLOWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The story is absolute shit as far as I'm concered and I don't care how much symbolism, metaphor, philosophy, or hidden bullshit is in there, the basic story is so goddam dumb I don't give a shit about the rest of it. The characters all make me sick. Half of them are hypocrites, Utena is a pathetic weakling denying her past, Anthy is a freak masochist, just kill the bitch already someone!
Let the flames begin!

balthier Wrote:This one should get some reaction:
UTENA BLOWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The story is absolute shit as far as I'm concered and I don't care how much symbolism, metaphor, philosophy, or hidden bullshit is in there, the basic story is so goddam dumb I don't give a shit about the rest of it. The characters all make me sick. Half of them are hypocrites, Utena is a pathetic weakling denying her past, Anthy is a freak masochist, just kill the bitch already someone!
Let the flames begin! 
Sounds as bad as Last Exile in my eyes anyways. I don't see why anyone likes that show the entire thing nearly put me to sleep when they aired it on G4TTV that and Abenobashi Magic Shopping Street didnt hold my attention for too long either. BLAH theres good animes and than theres shit ones depending on who you ask...
Ok the worst anime ever was without a doubt Psychic Wars...oh or Panzer Dragoon, equally as bad. I'm probably the only one to ever see them lol. Oh and that piece of over hyped shit Metropolis. I also didn't like Ghost In The Shell.
And who the hell was the guy at the start that said Giant Robo was bad, screw you! Giant Robo was fantastic, I won't stand for it being badmouthed. He is the same guy that said Ranma sucked. Oh and don't mess with the Guyver, that was cool. Granted the western voice acting is really bad, but don't let that detract you from a kickass show and the best ever designed humanoid "armoured" guy ever. (With Dangaioh holding title for best ever mech design). As for the 2 movies of the Guyver (You read right, TWO MOVIES!!). In the 1st one Mark Hamill was some side character, he was NOT the Guyver. And it was a shit B-movie all the way. However Guyver: Dark Hero (The sequel) Is the best ever Anime to film conversion ever. FACT!. Starred David Hayter as the Guyver (Famous for doing the voice of Solid Snake, oh and he wrote the Screenplay for X-men 1 & 2.
As for the Guyver anime series, it follows pretty close to the comics only changing a little bit here and there. It was broken up into 2, 6 part OVA series. The 1st 6 were fantastic, but the second 6 were very poorly animated due to a lack of budget, but it still has a great story.
wow i didnt know that about David Hayter...cool
plus i'd like to add I"s anime OVA sucked ass
esp for fans of the manga...completely dodgy indeed
are you serious
metropolis is awesome and if for nothing else the animation
and ghost in the shell was revolutionary
Well lets see - judge , Trouble Chocolate , Harmegedon ( thou some think of this as a classic - I think its boring as hell ) Thou theres more thats all i can think of at this time

Ryujin Wrote:And who the hell was the guy at the start that said Giant Robo was bad, screw you! Giant Robo was fantastic, I won't stand for it being badmouthed.
You're right about that! Giant Robo is great!
Cyrus Wrote:are you serious
metropolis is awesome and if for nothing else the animation
and ghost in the shell was revolutionary
Dude I have only ever fallen asleep while watching (A) Metropolis and (B) Spice Girls (don't ask). So I think it's fair to say that Metropolis is as good as the Spice Girls movie.
I think I would have to say Angel Sanctuary. I thought it was going to be good but it
wasn't. Oh well Thems the breaks.
Ryo of Inferno Wrote:I think I would have to say Angel Sanctuary. I thought it was going to be good but it
wasn't. Oh well Thems the breaks.
Well, let me put it to you like this, the manga is 20 volumes long, the anime is comprised of only 3 episodes. It's virtually impossible for the anime to be good while the manga is absolutely fantastic (I highly recommend it).
I'd have to say i didnt like Gundam, i hated every series besides 8th MS Team, i also didnt like Cowboy Bebop and trigun. I dont really know why i dont like these two but i never did.